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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 12
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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 12

Lewiston, Maine
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to Make Qf at Conventions 7 Ttoasandst offDdllarWorth TTieMht -Day 1 dwV ji' II 1 -Operation of tho WoUare Bo-J glo porooaa coat UU a weak Tho sMmaeO 1 IUhsJ Ie auM- mi weUllei 41gl A working on apian to I- i tram: maycr Is now Jtart A wp Wtchea -whaartho alnglo parsons will be fed daily at much less than now' -v-- f-'- The mayor- stated ho had a ptaoa fat view whera thls kitehea could be operated and that be would likely undertake It ad aoon aa-tbe commissary la working psrfaetly About 140 single persons at aew on tbo Benefit to the City -k i J- 9U' 'S -y 't i -j Depoitt tlia amoimt ohbwn In tha tahla Iwat nita'Trar iaeaiM ftai r'- I i 1 3'' And: By Request partment commissary Tuesday showed morel amoothnesaOrooer made'- deliveries early permitting tha store to open its doors oa tim One or two groosni'rwsn A llttls but Jn-peaoml the guppUss wan on band oa time Tickets redeemable 'Tuesday numbered 111 but at boob ever 14 bad yet to bo claimed Those coming for supplies -wen generally Prepends Cartv wheel borrows and MUr carriages were more numerous than oa Monday causing lass delay la starting off with rations hour after the doon opened tbo watting lino had boon served leaving tho relarks flee to tend those coming la casually Mayor Wuomaa' was again on hand thruout the forenoon to see that everything operated to the let-' ter One person returned risimtm-that his supplies did not have tha salt pork listed The mayor immediately checked to ass which gn-cer had put up the order aad a Blip of paper was given the man to promt at the atm la question asking that the mlsslng article bo given Thus -far every case noelvlng city aid or supported ton thru some ether cities I a under the commissary system except single par sous This group is now given meal tickets la boarding house This Item however proven mart expensive than if tha asms parties wan supported by -the commissary A family of two under tha commissary costa the' city tar groceries The meal tickets to ala-- '-Vif Buy $1000 I ikT: vmsm tBDsr company: lauSsbm-IlxttB'MechaidcIFxeqpeKt To Saturday tttft crowds Moras of Imjcrs and gnat osUraiUum baro Barked tha first 5 days of tUs Annul Event gdhed-nlodto cad tomorrow Bight 4 Because of ths continud 1 popalsr donuad for onr Banaatfaml Vsfau wo-dull tend ths Solo mtil lotnrdsj night April tho-lSth Expect Amy Stuart Will Remain In Jail At Auburn Until June Term Of Count tv Popular We Shall PROVOCATION- FOR ASSAULT SAYS JUDGE Joseph Goodmnn of 50 ud Costa on Hh gu Complaint FIGHTIN SHOP Goodman Tells Hut Horan Shooted Epithets nt ferred to German Trouble Pres Gray Condemns Sweatshop Manufacture be done there- to correct fire haa-sarfe Tm glad he did it" said the eity Manager Chief treats the city that way eltlxens will ha more ready to obey his ordsr relative to tholr own He added that the changes ordered by the chief had heap With Maine Coen Cat Albert Itemmlng of -the Nlu Monel Board of Underwriter who dlaouseod various pheeea of fixe fighting and building eonatructlon prefaced hie remarks by expressing hie pleasure at coming to Maine and then aald It waa his ambition to have a real Main coon eat Tve beard that before and string to have that ait" assured former Chief Fortin ef Lewiston president of tbs association who waa prodding Flemming declared that tha Job of tho fireman waa more than a Job It waa a profession It wag ona which a man must study all tha tms- That waa why conventions was a necessity Bankers doctors lawyers all professions had their associations conventions and literature They studied to keep up with th new drees It waa an flat that the fire chief do the same It ms naoaoaary to Instruct- the publlo la bow cooperate The publlo must be made familiar with ways la which 4t could help tho fireman Illustrating bow important it waa for tho publlo to know how to do things ho told of a banker In a New England city who discovered a fire in a building He eroaaed the street picked up a stone smashed -the glass in the bio thru the atone to the ground and went home not stopping to pull tho box A little later a policeman came along saw tha fire went to the box end found that the gloss had been broken Ho decided that tbo alarm had boon sent In so waited tbo arrival of tho department After a time he decided something had gone wrong aowaut to aa all night restaurant and telephoned to tho flro station As a result of this delay all unnecessary that city had a fire loos of 7S0OOO in that one blase Value of Keeping Abreast the Times It was absolutely necessary to keep up with the times' he but It waa of far more importance to amkeaaefif tho knowledge gained Responding fo ah alarm In one-of-the largo cities tho battalion chief found tbo Mas la a large structure Ho bad never inspected it but Us man had Almost Immediately upon Us antral one of tho men who had mad tha Inspection a rookie of nine months service came to him and said: "In such a room la a gnat quantity of aluminum dust" That meant' nothing to tho Battalion chief apparently for within three minutes a stream of water was being pound into that room under tho dbeetiquo of the Chief Whoa water and aluminum -dust mast they form hydrogen one of the moat explosive of gases and the next Instant than waa a series of explosions which wrecked tho building ooenebxibbon a pine streets lewoton -V- President Grafr of Bates College Peaking at tha first chapel exorcises of the spring term Tuesday denounced methods of -manufacturing and auggeatod that tho people of this country do something about It Bo believed the best means of combatting this Poetics was refusal by the-peopla Xu addition to her failure up to Tuooday to obtain 91400 bonds required la th Lewlatoa Municipal eourt Monday after she had toon found guilty of being Idle 2nd disorderly and sentenced to the Women's Beformatory la Hkowha guu lira Amy Btuart was tele Monday afternoon surrendered by tor bondsmen In a case of man-ateughtar oa which she is waiting ueult- of a Law court eppeaL lu ease no ball to cover both eases is forthcoming Mrs Btuart will probably remain lu Aubura Jail until the June tana of Superior court Mrs Btuart waa oa day to day bail of 92400 furnished by her staters Mrs Ins Allen and Mi Maud Roberta of Aubura after she had taken exceptions to Jury convict Ion and sentenced to three to nr 'leine of the per eent beer at Massaohuoette brew hae filtered Into Mai: Main folks visiting tata" have- brought home a few bottles for the benefit of ie esid ing in that V- Appoint 9 Administrators Allow 17 Wills in- Mends and the verdict neunoed to have boom 3 Jtastee- 'r Iflnot Conor Bnprovemeat violation msete Tuooday evening with Ha and Hr Bail Rowell at Minot Conor Daughter St Vlneeut de i i Paul will meet Tuesday at Tltpa pt lit LUtoX street Lewiston 4 Badly AHancockof-West Oerdiner I tho guest this week of bar nice' Miss Hadalin Weoka 144 Middle street Lswlstoa Hi Chabot of the- Har-bette Horn Lowtetou was enneass tally -operated upon at Bt Harp's hospital Tuesday v- rX'J 'Henry Luce of Pearl ie "That Picks Housewife To Sell Fake Maple Syrup To 1 The third continued hearing pa assault aad- battery charge against Joeeph Ooodnian Aubura shoe shop sopsrintendsat resulted la a finding of guilty aad imposing of a fine of fll and carts by Judge Donahue la the Auburn Municipal court Tuesday Goodman lmmadl-atahr entsrsd aa appeal and furnished 9204 personal ball for Ms I appsaraneo at tho Joao tana of Bu-jlPrtior court This couciaslon of he hesuSgeSSJraud Sn femirt Imri Aabara suffered a fracture of one 1 "Mpw-whea he fell Tuesday' mom-: lug Mr Lues has not bee wood health for aema tlma aad Mrs Laec would have -amwm ob- 4MQ tte public tho aecserity Car new fir fighting equipment ud you'll got It Kiln fin chief wop told Tuooday by City Manager1 Ford of Auburn at tiioir an-nual mooting In tbo boll of Au-burn'o Control flro statlom Tho city manager woo dloenastng tho flro deportment dollar and cento Ho hod already told them of the importance of- ouoh gathering that the foot tholr being mom-boro -of ouoh aa organliotloa and attending lto mooting showed them to bo interested In tholr Job "But" ho warned you toko bock homo with you tho things you hove board hero today and apply them- In your work the time is Speaking of tho dollar and cents part of -lha-Aro department why the necessity far now equipment must bo sOld to tho public ho oxpiMnsd that If you Ohowod people how they wore going to saw money by such purchases they wars wining to make tbo expenditure Since lilt" ho said Auburn had spent IStM04ll emits fir department apparatus men and fire alarm This -was an avenge of 110000 a year It had paid to do am Aa a result of the improved oquip- moat end1 added efficiency of tbo department tbo city bad eeeured a change lalta insurance reflag from C- to iTff -Thla mamt aa annual saving of 917400 in Insurance premiums to the citisana Home-Owners Bsiwflttsd -The home owner benefited by this declared tbo City Manager Ia Auburn there wet M00 bomoe insured The owners of these bonloa raeelyed a total benefit of approximately $4040 a year or roughly an average of 14 par home This was not a great amount la Angle year but ever -a parted of years It meant considerable Touching upon the work which had beta done la the department Manager Void said that there had bean great changes la Are fighting methods Fires were not handled today as they uaad4o be Particularly was this notable ia the handling of gasoline hisses and I plants and maka sxam- th in Among the needs of the flro department of Auburn aad every other municipality he declared waa a batter cooperation by tbo people out go into tbo mercantile establishments and tbo In- stallatkm of flro protective measures but do It la tha homa" mid Bond cannot make the ham owner lei-as look hie house ever With his consent we eon do at but we eannot say to him: must have your chimney cleaned yea must pat a Are atop there' That la beyond ear province If as a result of a defective or dirty chUnney a fire ooeure at- the house then we coa order-It changed is as fhr MM4 WO TI Ow aiajor portion of our flro 1 Aubura last year were chimney I flrwt 4 eooperathm in flw care of ebimnsy is needed We must educate the publlo to cooperate la this wort: Vslue of life Itsf erring to a previous speaker's statement that a 1 minute at the start of a fire waa more valuable waa more valuable tban tvo Iwura iSSif- "5 the duty department to rsaoh tho 51 poaribta with alarm la Just a a valuable aa that of a person endangered by the fin" declared Ford Commending tbo work of Chief Bancroft of the Aubura- department FOrd related how recently Gm Chief had Inspected one of th building of the highway- department and when he finished had told th etty officials what must firt 2552 wKhia of the dubs of tho Fod oration end' apoko of to old Federated elube mentioning oa at Jackeonvllie 'XU organised -104 year ago and another la th Mono- S523g PW ola Facte concerning the Maine State i Federation -won and Mr Chittenden talked of her Goa- of or a -S roeovering Chde Auburm lo fromiifaaa having beea 'heard aa operation for' appendicitis at Stldaya ago It enwit -rBeiMlly JUa eoodltioa Is ta Mery's kospltsL yu cooauioa miin Ooodmaak 'asfalaluing Welfkn department roatar The investigation eoauudtiriUM Tuesday several mote a dropped Nearly have moved from the hooka In the last week Municipal Farm lfayor Wiseman alao stated Tuesday that be waa preparing to have a municipal farm this summer when ample supplies would bo raised to assist decreasing charity costs next winter Ha plana to nao all available land at the city farm and spread out to privately owned land if that owned by ths city la not sufficient He plena to raise potatoes beans end vegetables Persona supported by the- city will bo employed at small salariM to cultivate the lead These persons will bo transported daily to the form but the expsnsse will be light The supplies raised will coot much less than the market price be said The mayor hue ale gupt Landry at tbs city farm to look around for small hog Ha intends to have a flock of from M04 to 2004 to supply meat for the deportment The hogs can bo raised on garbage collected by the farm help to buy goods manufactured under those conditions He said Instances had coma to his attention when wages a a low aa five or ate mats aa hour won paid Collage opened Tuesday attar a week's vacation and will continue In session until June It which will (bo commencement Huy Herrick Lewiston estimated otiatelAMA George Herrick 2 Continental block Lewiston executor Charles Saunders Lewlatoa UP estimate aetata Annie Saunders Auburn executrix roixaboth Taylor Livermore Falla estimated estate 912000 Martha Taylor Lufkin 14 Pino street Liver moi Falla admiwia tratrix with will annexed Warren Tlbbstte Aubura ho estimate ertaie Ins A Tibbetts Winter street Auburn eyecutrix Jean Baptist Lafayette Aubura no estimate: aetata Vitalina Doodle Lafayette12l Second street Auburn executrix Admlnitiratiens Leandro Lebrun Lewteton eetl-mated oatats 9L274 Jameo Car-nil Lewteton ad mki 1st rat or Annie A Donovan Lewiston estimated estate 94100 Michael Donovan Lewteton admlnlitrator Dillian Conroy Lewteton no ee-tlmato of ostato -Julian Conroy Houlton administrator Louis Blais Aubura estimated estate 91000 Alphonse Croat! Lewteton administrator Fred Bassett Auburn estimated estate 970 EMOnst 'Bao sett 79 Jsmea atnet Auburn administrator tease Miller Aubura estimated estate $17000 to 912000 Israel A and Ida MUlor 12 Newbury street Auburn administrators Mary Parker Lead estimated estate $2100 Parker Leeds administrator Susie Small Lisbon estimated eatat 9U00 Clifford Small Lisbon Falla Administrator Emile Pepin Lewteton no etii-mate estate Eva Pepin Lewlatoa administratrix Elderly Man Miasiiix Alphonse Gilbert 79 of 149 Lincoln street hae not toon coon since ho left his homo at Mon-day morning This report was made to the pollee at 7 oTcloek Tuooday morning by a nlXtlvo of tto aged GOOD LOOKING Thar what cremes eon abut Oxford Now ffFteSfijt terj OaM pises dirml-with the at the way when- set la eoa Thu ate wars with a abate or Ilk eerd ek sheet pedal Lew PHeea A Few Msec Fa Ire Of peetel' Oleeeee $5e50 CaseteUy Fitted Ta MITCHELL' Oploeestilet Repairing RT 9t7a 94 COURT UBURI HE3S Mr Firanalag spoke of tho gnat I estimated estate IM00 Blanch amd of the enactment iff the so- I roH Mechanic Falla executrix eaUed model arson law to Main Marr Lahay Lewiston iU A mated estate I M00 FYad Her- tun mveral times but toe always r) yaia street Lewiston execu-toea turned down Ho cited came 1 when It bad proven valuable One of them woo recently la Pittsburg Penn where a man planned to bora his atom by leaving one gas atom burning and tha valves of two others unllghted open n-gsrdlem of tho fact the? than wen S4 tenon la In the building above Thru tha Intelligence of a police wife tho-fin 1 mid-explosion Try favorsbls I was called spratoeiset Mlse Adrie Barow of Farming-1 from th Boas shoe factorr la Au -v -a Normal ofaooi elsse of 'II uburn a week an Monday and vMting at tho homo of her cousins I aoBtssoo Judge Donahue Mr and Mrs Seymour Payedr I 14 he-waa fladlng Goodmaa gull-1 Ml Spring street Lvwlstoa ty attho Wveito-preveltod Tuooday with the- temperature at I AwbU 44 degress at M0 la tho "the afternoon The forecast is cloudy I obtaining pr- tonight aad rain Wsdnasday office gupt Oood- -i Wbdbroaka wore taken down on I 1 Inter found Urn 1 1 I $9780 7440 5620 3800 1876 For Yourself six year In 6 tat priaoa for causing tha death of her husband Otis Btuart in aa Aubura hotel Kept 12 by throwing carbolic arid- upon him Tbe case waa tried at a eoa-' tlnuad seesloa of the January term of Superior court lu 'Aubura Mrs Btuart wee arrested la a Lewteton (partment Saturday night and booked by tbo police on a statutory charge Later Investigation showed she had entered tto room of a man tenant without hi consent chd this charge was dropped- The charge waa than ctonged to vagrancy and Judge Parent ordered Mrs Btuart committed to the Reformatory Tho report of exception and brief In th appeal from the manslaughter conviction are doe for consideration nt tto May Bitting of tho Law court to pay and obtaining tho promieo ho would not engage la each fraudulent trade further The alleged vagrant was Al-phous Gilbert-of Lewteton and other places He pleaded not guilty and after Chief of Police Rowe and City Auditor Arnold who in cterk of tto board at ever-of the poor testified Gilbert had called at the city term Monday afternoon asking food and shelter and appeared to have no visible means of support Judge Donahue ordered Gilbert discharged Tha man charged with intoxication pleaded guilty end waa fined It end eoeta Ha waa taken to Aubura Jail la default of payment FUNERAL SERVICES Mrs Nellie Turner Tha funeral of Mr Kelli Turner was held Tuesday at 2 pm at tha fuaenl home of Dllllngiiam A Bon Rev Weston A Cate officiated and Intermeut waa at Mount Aubura cemetery Mrs Mary Burpee Service for Mn Mary Burpee wen held et the home 14 Sylvan avenue Lewteton An day at I to amM followed by a msec at Bt church Rot Father Mullen officiated and interment was at Mount Hep cemetery Bt onaof th deceased served aa bunt- JOE30I TUES- WED THURS Olfewe'e Mfd-Wetir Bpactela Strict te Fresh Caught HADDOCK 9 to lto Each Just Out ef tho Water WmAVi I FISH STICKSS IJbrMc PAlSlfifS 3 lbs 25c Freeh Splaach Peeh ill Asparagus Ig bunehSB leeberg Lettuca 2 hh 299 Wo Ar Now Unloading An-other Car of That Famou WlflTE FAWN FLOUR On Thl WUk 79c sick Maty Beat- hamburbTteak 20e lb Top Round Steak lbS9d Cubed Beef Stank lb 29f Fig Head Cheeeelb IOf lb LaminChdgM BEMEMBEBI 2 HotX-CrossBuas Will make hundreds- ef donna of those luticlouo plump golden burn for Gdod Friday A Good Flae To Trade- efthe entation of evidence th behalf fikMa SKI in the cutting I th third floor He Horgan the -ndHorgan replied la it to youp A traa later brought out in cnm-examinatlou tar Attorney WU- UamK Hlnio of Lewiston ooun- ri or Horgan tor employment oi- In mtoh Wesvlrtt to ia ur eTtts room Theeatates of several panion Prominent here whom deaths occurred within the past few weeks won included among thorn admitted to probate before Judge Lancaster la the Androscoggin Probata court Tuesday it was tto -ngular April sitting of this court The 17 wins aad 4 administration allowed wen aa follows: Wide Joseph Belanger Auburn no es-tnate estate Antoine Belanger 10 Dunn-street Auburn executor Francois Bom Lewiston no estimate estate Almlna Borne lit Blake strut Lewiston cncntrlXl Hannah Cahill Lewiston no estimate estate Daniel Cahill 4 Turner street Belem Mesa execu-tor Arthur Foes Mechanic Fans to be considered Headquarters will b-aLthe Penobsoot Exchange Mm Mabel Bedell' chairman of I fto Auburn board of registration I pte waa noeutly injured while a I wan averted but tha man waa ar- I Chanter otitot Alburn necutrt! realrtL your taw la Maine TUX Aubura estimate estate $1104' -W ebeter Bennett North Auburn executor Henry Goto Alburn totl-ittate estate Lodlle Go Taylor Brook side Clnla Auburn executrix Daniel -J Hagerty Lewiston estimated oetate (IllUT James Carroll Lewteton executor Adelaide Howard Auburn estimated estate 912000 Mary Howard 212 Turner street Aubura executrix'- i that man eould not have bean punished" declared Flemming At 9 o'clock th Auburn department assembled at the Webster echoed for a drill aad demonstration Daniel Bell Wins First Essay Priraj thenTt aakod Attorney Hines toko on me for fainting Him Mayo replied Recorder Harris Isaacson of lu a local taxicab wsee 1 Horaanlhwms superlntendmt and Bu? repMsd PtoImSvvoh 'ldr ease brought iwpumobahly you Ugnin Qoodnma by Leonard Miles you an not Ton 0f Auburn appeared for the Au aa to be able to n- home at SI Winter Tuesday that Goodman did pot flask -kaowa wfcathlaoonnao- tin wltlt the factory was after Horgaa aald this' Goodman arid he then far recovered tom to bar ptnat assaEfSt Contest Sponsored by Lewiston Post Legion Am iHuy Frtees 91 aad 92 swarded Tuooday 1 afternoon to BeH Miss Marjorie Buck ad Mtee FToreneo Currier in too order iuned winners of the- oeeay oontast on Our- nag" wpoapond by tto Americenliatlon committee of lewis ton Poet Auxiliary of the American Legion Winning ooeaya tojio judged MAINE STATE GRANGE against othen chona thruout too BANGOR DEC 5-8 The date for tho next meeting of the Maine 'State grange have been announced for Dee B-l Inclusive by tto executive committee who mot recently Iq Bangor Tto four day Bastion win bo called because of ia unusual number of mutton State Hueys wen submitted to tto dodges with numbers ae thalr only Identification note Daniel BeH ie tbe eon of Mr and Mrs Bell of 141 Webster street Mtee Buck is the daughter of Mr MdMnuJfrauk Buck of 40 Cottage street aad Mlu Florence Currier noeutly announced as One to-lurtd tioubte the UemTdl-mum SFihteh her rider two weeks ago 5 Mr Mabel BedeU of Aubura re-joraed her home Winter street total from the boepital Caeeday She bad beea a patient tat the hospital several week- auf-from broken riba and tom following a oolllalon i Buldee on oeseuK and battery can three other criminal matters concerned tto Auburn Municipal eourt Monday that at aa intoxicant an alleged vagrant and a young man charged with purveying Improperly labeled foodstuffs The young man was Paul Thibodeau 17 of (4 Knox street Lewiston who admitted be bad sold A mixture of brawn auger ntaplaina flavor and water for IS eonte a quart in containers labeled Maple It also appeared he tod sold a quart to Mrs Rose Benry wife of an Aubura police officer Thibodeau gave aa a reason for hi act tho fact lie waa the paly money earner tn a large family Judge Donahue imposed the eoeta of court allowing tto youth time man Th description given ptilea showe the man to to six feet tall weighing 174 pounds and wearing dark gray -trousers coat and cap OBRUARY Joseph Morris Joseph Morris 44 died Tuesday la hit homo 44 River road Lewis too after aa illness of over a year-Ha wait bora la New York but had lived la Lewlatoa 29 fears -Surviving ntetlvea are hie wife formerly Mario Bosaa sevea da ugh tar Mrs Farcy Whitman Mrs Henri Vailtenoourt Mrs Fred Gl guera and Mtee Jeanne all of Lewiston Mrs Everett of Porta-mouth Mrs Pevy of Low til Mass'and Mrs Amedeo Morin of Now York three eons Elmo Louie and Wilfred all of Lewteton several brothers And atatsra ia Ontario Mr Morris waa a member of church Lewteton PONT BE SATISFIED WITHTHE EXCUSE have some Ham just a good as PenleyV- Insist Uppp Haring Mob Tsg ForEastor -V Qeveriwnent fijapaotad --ThoneY our GrocerT pndqr Fa tics re In Aubura for Meh Than Sbdy Years v- When I Hwaa aloootatod the Horgaa aa- walked dUnntwo flight oftoS I MUK 1114 torttery caoo woaid to without -mad of u-i tha basis for a civil suit but that Horgaa waeefl thetiml xlnat Goodman ahoutinr eptttot at him thma Horgaa wae credited Wing wonder tho Jowa an brtng rna out of lf Defenn 1 Whan the but stairway reaetod-c Goodman -Matedbe eould aot stand stateauate kugsroo took him by the sleeve to hasten his departure It waa than be aaid Horgaa turned and rushed upon him aad than that he hit tola weak with NTs daid Court street Auburn A business meetlng-wa followed by an i Informal supper Mrs- Edward to next few day Social World Eight dub met Richard God- Hoitoa in self defanee Ha admit-1 Gurney Summit street Aubura tod Morgan's ays waa bleeding was announced aa bosteae tor the next meeting --fUvreao feeling against tola Mfttttoi of self d-l In Cwt I Shtfe' Stofe To Open In the- taxi la which she was giding aad a trolley car Joba -CConnell of Lewiston- 3nlor la tbo college -of Aria and otaaoe at Washington University recently apoko baton a gatborlng of soma 74 freshmen at a smoker glrea by Omega- chapter of Phi -Xappa of wblcb he-le 'Tkoeident This amoker waa in anticipation of oonlng'TPap'to-Whoi frssh-jsw an pledged to tbo toataralttas oa th bam The Lewlatoa and Aubnrn Bed bw chapter Wlil hold a rummage ealo at 11 Xincola street Tburs- day Mn Randall la general ehatarman and Mr Joseph Boa-' bhard win have charge of nailing fto articlea contribHied Mrs Greene and Mrs Harry -RuMn-tt will collect from th schoala Arrangements for eolleotlon from homes eon to made by calling tto Jled Croea 'v- Members of th Beth Parker dub on very much Intonated to know If a baby stroller -can be eeeured lor a email child whose health la becoming Impaired tor want of trash air and eunshlaaThe moth- or la poor health herself le u-: able to take th little oa out doon for want of a conveyance Auburn Club Annual Moating -Mrs A Er Chittenden was the speaker at tha- aimual moating of tho Auburn Art dub Monday aft-araooia at tho boma of Mrs 7 Chahnero Baaoon avonuo Auburn vkitad In am mms hut ra Luther Beales Mrs Hlflee again uf erred -to thin court amanse ia hb aiart eMetoda oBtortamiag Mia Chittenden talked--' lntenstlngly on bor appoaraneo iahta doslng aigu- of tto eight honor student of tho graduating class at Lewiston high! school Is tto daughter of Mr and Mrs 0ear Currier of 72 Knox street Mrs Bernard Higgins dmlrman of the Auxiliary Americanisation committee awarded tto print during tto district meeting of th legion Auxiliary (B Odd FpUowe hal-Lswteton Than -was entertainment and luncheon served by the haat Auxiliary end Mayor Wtsa- LIKE QLIVEST Every Olive that goes late a Jar Richelieu Queen Olives Is a large meaty perfect olive They are the imported Spanish quota olives' prepared aad put Into ra light brine They may bo bad plain with pita removed and stuffed with ante celery or pinion toes Tty Jar Richelieu Quality rod! are sold byrtto Boston Tea Store fit Main St Lewteton Ms ASSOCIATE Will Garry Ah Extensive line of Men's aad Women's Shoes at Popular Prices Thursday afternoon at 1 Burt' Shoe Eton win mfto its bow to-the ootnmunltyTbIawlH completely fin tbo atone la tto niff Jubrvwlid 1qlldingi Th publlo I Invited 4o Surw opening to inspect storoLoad tholr wonderful Hues of menVand ohoo Every pair of shoes at la brand new a teat mluatoatyta And every pair represents aa unusual at Jow prices adv JoMph Ebea maltt 'ewuar of the Korn shoe factory testified to finding Goodman and Horgan fighting at tto entrance to- the factory after to had hoard one of the office girls sersem He aald ha as para tod ths two and sent for the polios He sold he did aot aoe ths fight when It started kM-wtss personal impressions of tha IT FAYS TO- BUYTHE BE9T pisaaq ie poorly lighted at beat Baby earrlagea are available but 1 the mother lacks strength to propel one a baby stroller she might manage Anyway ah woaid aad tor baby might to ved yean of in health la the JMM V-- MOflil to aaey apply aad to toonomlcaL wby hundreds -women use Sunshine Furniture Tniteb Available la tic ie aad 44t IUm Bradford 'Ceaant A we FOU AndersooTf1acr1ackio Cd loc -JM CODEX PHONE 840 ADBDEN DEAL" MSS and then heard tbo man toll GSodmaa got you for thin I fU get you for thle Mke Paulino Mayo telephono operator at- the factory aald aha heaftt tho era venation aad than 1 stood up ao tii eould" boo--what waa going os Bh aald ahei ob-I oarved the fight and the excite- meat of It til caused tor to faint Xla Mayo laid ehe hod never discussed the easo with any one exeopt Mias Rlch ond then only la Joking way ffelk WtoB 440x21 Miller Standard ll $-450 525x18 Miller 30x5 Miller Standard Thick sV- $i440: 32x6 Miller Standarduck DHTCHELL heir 49-42 NO MAIN 9T msswBSSsamsssssB A BRADBURY -rW -r v-.

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