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The Lewiston Daily Sun from Lewiston, Maine • 14
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The Lewiston Daily Sun from Lewiston, Maine • 14

Lewiston, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SNOOTS D06 Former sLeivtston iMon Held with) yWoman Gobble or Garble Became Garbled In Discussion At Auburn City Hall OIL TOUKO fuelco fcOAIr--W0OD-COKE 1 we cpniaMM it i if -p Loup loft Coal 9 MlnotAv -TeL SSO-Aub 54 1 Result LiquorsSeizum iXewiftonraad Auburn fc iA firemen were kept busy three ebimsay flra Wedneaday 14 High Richmond owner r-j (W Tfc i pj URoebel vvvatiiat' A Morrill 11:41 'Harry 11 Roebella A consultation with Webster's Unabridged leaves the other re-' porter at a lose to know who was leas complimentary but firmly convinced that tit may be tat but gobble never garble To garble is to pick out to examine precisely to remove dirt from to select the beet or boot parte ef All very commendable But It also mesne to mutilate misleadingly to pervert On tho other hand to gobble Is to toko eagerly to capture greedily to swallow too hastily It aleo means to make sounds like a turkey cock aleo aa a noun It Is a successful putt played so fast It would have considerably overshot the mark If It had missed tho bote From tho above It looks aa If posies should go to tho water district superintendent Tomorrow: Gable and Garbo Three persona two of thorn reporters the third a well known Auburn water district official met In Auburn city hall the other night it 7" said one reporter to tho other He referred to tho scarcity of local nows certainly la" waa tho reply Then turning to tho water district superintendent the first reporter said news la pretty hard these days nothing doing end this fellow (indicating the other reporter) gobbles up everything at night" lee up everything Is piped the water works superintendent misunderstanding the statement and then laughing at tha Joke he bad up here I said not began tho first reporter blushing: street A pa lit Court owuar At 1:10 Hr is aa all burner at 00 I iJiK" Court atraat Steven owner Wee autlneulahed There waa little i i zs iimni at any of the Area ii' aud Mrs Stephen Owens K' Howard street Lewiston are rteaitlar eonyratulatlons on the Mrth-of a -daughter Monday at Vf' his way to visit his father brothers and Bisters 4a Lewteton Edmnnd Brer formerly of Lowteton now of II Abbott avenue' Waterbary conn- was interrupted by Federal officer who stopped the car la which he waa riding with Mr Mary Ha latent of Medows street WaterhuTy Conn- and seised 41 gallon! of alcohol Both Syor nnd Mr Male font were arraigned before 8 Commissioner Gould at Portland Wednesday and were held each In M0 ball Mr Matetent pleaded guilty of transportation and possession of 41 gallons of alcohol white Brer claimed ho was a passenger In the ear which he said bn did not know contained liquor Ho pleaded not guilty hut a hearing was conducted and probable cause found The two persons weds taken into custody Shortly after midnight Tuesday night on the State Highway beyond Biddoford whore led-eral State and County authorities wars stopping oars for tho purpose ilng liquor 1 of locating la J- I -ilre AUhea Qulmby 1 1 ft-vl Resident of the will A aflrtiase the Auburn Union at He 7 1 regular meeting Thursday nooa at the vestry of the High It Congregational church 5-Funeral services for Francis A Auburn Police Probe Break At Lunch Room iHio "Wednesday morning from the ft home 14 Llabon street followed VJP by a high requiem mass at -s -Som Bt Patrick's church Rev Va- ft: tber Daly officiated and read the i committal service a the grave at Bearers were Fire Chiefs Meet In Lewiston June 20-22 USWKIUN TSDSX COMPANY 1 Lmsiau -Lubatt Balls -t cx- -f Mount Hope cemetery is Barnard William and George Tew-1 'U p'-bor Neal Russell Joseph Bhufeldt i jZj t4mum nav Members of th Ad Donald 'SAjt Auburn police are Investigating a break discovered at 1:40 a Wednesday morning by officer Towle at tha Trolley lunch High street Auburn Entrance waa gained by Jimmying the front door Marks showed that attempta to force the rear door In tha earn manner failed Officer Towle reported tha break Holy Name society of Bt chunk attended In a body and ex- fvfieuSrranl Lewiston Bleachery 'k a alaet nrMBflt Among thou of town were i 1 present Ward Tlhmiqdml Starts off I fiabS Julia1 and Ethel Bhufeldt of Providence R- I rtatore of the de- Knocked Down by Auto Badly Cut About Head On tho Invitation of Pirn Commissioner Joseph Scannell tbe eleventh annual convention of tha New England Firs association will be held' In Lowteton June 10 XI IX next year the board of directors decided at their muting at tho Parker House Boston Wednesday Commissioner Scannell returned homo much pleased over tho prospect of tho convention coming to this city for what Is believed to bo tho flret time Among those present at tho directors meeting were: President Alfred Koltoaskl Rutland VL secretary 1 John O'Hearn Watertown James Cuey Cambridge John Pachel Newhavon and pllver Sanborn Portland aa pell Commissioner Joseph Scant: ell of Lewiston Alfred Mindr chairman of tha Massachusetts fire prevention committee The officers and guests later attended tha annual Christmas party of tho Fin Chiefs' club of Massa-chusett also at tho Parker Houa j- -'-'-Prayer services for Robert Bau- i-Wrtfvwe held at Wednesday V-T from IB Peter and Ihul church Rev Kr -X and Interment was at Bwitserland cadet ery Robert the year ft SSTowToCMr and Mr Ray Bau-' cten died after double pneumonia Sid satin following ka emergency sj operation i ii 'ft'ftfwrhn Auburn-Lewletoa HI wants Club Wednesday noon enUrtalned I at lunehnoa tho boys from Opgior' tnnRy ram Near Gloucostor There were boye preeent and they were aoeompanled by Buper- i ibtsndant Coekbura and ov- i i eraser Parker The Ki wants vchib presented the boys a com- -1 gigs outBt apd a bae- i r- ketball enlt for oach of tho 7 boye 1 at the farm Buck Bptnlu basket- kn wAssik a HrIm CqIaci tola ball coach at Bates College Arrest Motorist wnen Auto Hits Electric Car i The eodaa In-which -they were riding was driven by 'Mr Matetent who claimed ownership of car and content tho authorities raid Tha 41 gallons wars- contained In nine cans packed la the bock seat aad covered witk a blankeL Large placards that: covered tho -rear aide windows of the car boro tho name of tho Waterhury Hoslary Cam' pony Thero were Several packages In tho rear of the cor according te tho authoritte' representing boxes of hoe Whoa opened they worn found to Contain newspaper Mr Matetent was said to" have asked one of tha officer it1 the time aha was stopped to' claimed HI It a Bhe her husmiid Syor testified at the bearing that ho had gone to Waterhury last June from Lewlrton to Iran with his sister and was driving rtlth Mr- Matetent to visit hls tether brothers and si stars in' Lewiston He did not know there was liquor In tho ear although tha officers testified the smell was strong Bunnell tha aopldent and tho former made tho arrest The collision broke a whul nnd dafoaged a mudguard and bumper-on Joan's ear It damaged the elect rlo ear sir brakes It -could not be oper-t safely- Jun wu arrested Dee 14 JUT foe drunken driving hnd discharged On Sept 14 llXI he pnid 114 nnd coat tor driving a -car not equipped with proper broke TT Roasts for Xmas Baskets? Tho of making up tJioeo baskets lra all there Is to It The appeal hod to bo mode to the schools and elsewher the lists of applicants for tho baskets checked np to ba sure the- famines are do erring nnd to avoid duplication with tha Salvation -Army-list and tho Elks Tho Salvation Army Is hoping to provide X00 boskets and tho focal lodge of ESke are looking after dinners for 400 person Assisting Mies' Rowell -ta proper- Ing the baskets are Mr Don Dexter Mr Michael Hanley' Prof and Mr Paul Bartlett Lorrntlne La-plants Mary Dexter Prisi-llla Moulton and Mr Thomu Harry ateo the Junior Rod Cross groupe nnd tho Homo Nursing nommitto Among the firms and' Individual! who have thus ter 'generously cod tributed toward the project' ore Buvay Benson A Sullivan Will 'Bates Confectionery also LePuar Horn -Gtenwood FOstter' Walton's and Corby's bnkorieJBhnltaro Market the Mohican may A CalUer' Buton Fruit Co Pock Co Banter A Giron Mtoe Marguerite Glronud Mr Thomu BUv Mum Doetlo and D1 Armour Beaumont Auburn Motor Sate-Wade Duntata and Raymond president of Amerleaa union general chairman and tha committee Include Henri Mori' eeo- 9rU di- Adetard patary Joseph rector Arthur Larue rd' BAY RESTAURANT FZRX OF INCENDIARY ORIGIN Chief Ertae stated Wednesday Waning that he wee tavaetlgatlng thp bias which dutroyed the In-teridr of tha rutaurant operated by Arthur Grandma! eon at 411 liar mb atreet-early' Wednesday mom- 5 4 the Jkoya some of the facte i aboUt the game of basketball Three I -at tha boys at the Farm on account at elnkneee could not attend Op-1 I portunlty Farm tho aetlvlttee of which are well known hate le do-''Vv'ttil -work for under privileged boys 'V A between the ages Ml and yean mi the Xlwanla Club has alwaya had a friendly Interest In this en- terprise Journal club held annual Christmas party at tha Sun-Journal building Wednesday Spaaing Each boyrsosiyed two Sifts from the Christmas tree also SotoomakerB and favors and re- tteehmante ware eerved Four Sun S' apUora ware suesta at this party Cote of Lewtetoj oua-'lafned a painful injury to tha head 7 rriien a stick of woo whlch he mi splitting struck him In the tereheadT The blew however did tho akin bat eaueed a eovare swelling a eoUteloa at Ash and Howe 1 streets Tuesday tbs front bumper hub cap on a Dodge truck owned by Carol langeller of if Ash street and operated by Conrad 1 Caron were damaged The other machine waa a taxi driven by Wit ite Oaudette Of US Lincoln street Vv'' jk 'special mfetlng of the low" titoa Ctty Govern ment has been cklted' for I o'clock Thursday ovo- ring' TWO BULLETS TAK EFFECT THIRD GOES' WILD OF DOG WILL LIVE A fins German nolle dog the pet of a Webster road family was shot by a' neighbor this week Tho animal wounded bT two 'bullets and -blood spurting from Its band and one forward teg limped to Its borne when flret old' was given nnd a doctor summoned It to believed the animal will 11 but It has out greatly from the wounda In tho nbaoneo of Its master the dog visited a neighbor's yard and unis Inspecting the garbage ran when raid neighbor spied tha animal and Is sold to have started shooting at It with a 01-40 eallbro rifle The flint bullet penetrated one of tho forward tega Pained nnd frightened Uw dog quickly started limping toward Its horn A second bullet however entered at tho base of tho right ear end plowed Its way completely through the head Why this shot was not Immediately fatal those who have examined the wound arc unablp to explain A third shot wont wild of tho mark and before another eould bo fired the dog dragged Itself Into Its master's yard out of range of 'the rlflo-min Tho neighbor then notified tbe owner of tho dog of tho shooting giving as the only reason for his act that the dog had uncovered tho garbage ran and was nosing around tho contents He said he did not Intend to lilt tho dug but fired the rifle' to scare It away Then after he had wounded tho animal ho thought he might ns well finish the Job and fired two more shots st 11 Those who have seen tho Wounded dog which probably will live as everything possible la bring dons to rave Its life declare that the shooting was one of the most brutal and Inhuman acts that has ever come to their attention It 1c expected the matter will be brought to tbs attention of an agent of tho Humane Society ss the Injured dog has many friends In tha neighborhood ea pec laity among tho email children with whom It was In tha habit of' playing IN POLICE CIRCLES On complaint of Gerard and Ralph Langlol who allege assault nnd battery Fred Levesque of 10 Bhaw-mut street part owner of the Checker Cab Co Is to bo arraigned In tho Lewteton Municipal court today Warrants worn sworn out Wednesday Albert Brochu Jelled two months ago for failure to comply with a court order requiring him to pay $1 weekly toward tho support of two daughter was ordered released Wednesday by Judge Parent on condition ho comply with tho order A carton of clgareta woe stolen from tho A Fuel Co office Tuesday night Entrance was gained by breaking a rear window Officer Roach found the office open and notified tho owners but the break was not discovered until later Harry IL Eaton arrested for Intoxication and disturbance told Judge parent in the Lewiston Municipal court Wednesday he had paid In full fines and oosts Imposed June I that ha had receipts from his attorney Frank Power to prove IL iMr Power questioned by Chief Ashton 'at direction of tho court said Baton paid him the full sum but only part of It wu for tho court that ho kept his fu out to tho payment Court records show' flMI paid on one com and -IB on another with 111 still duo on the second Judge Parent contln-ttd the pass until today to giro Eaton chance to show his receipt Octave Daajardln given II days In Jail for Intoxication wu put on probation for year LOCAL LODgTeS Capt Frank Hulett Capt Frank Hulett Port will hold Its regular meet log at the Auburn Armory at I o'clock Thursday night At the business muting the port will vote on tha proposed change In the bylaws to conform with National bylaw Hyacinth Lodge Odd Ladies The Christmas mooting of Hya elnth lodg of will bo hold tonight In Odd Fellows' hsO Boric street Mr Myra Spencer is chairman of tho supper which win bo served to tho publlo from to 1:14 Following tho lodgn meeting st 7:14 Christmas party will bo hold In charge of Mr Imk Fogg Mias Evelyn Fogg nnd Miss Beatrice Hardy Gifts will bo preeentod from tho tre and Chrlst-mu carols will ho sung Refreeh-muts wlll bo served OocnoflrD of Lula Council Daughters of Fo-rahoato hold Its annual Christmas party Wednesday evening at Park-street hall and the program of the following num- Voral solos by -Mr Royal and Miss Geraldine Gild dan tap dances by Phyllis Camming Alberta 11 and Constance Rivard readings by Phyllis Camming Gertruds Warren nnd Mildred Flaherty piano nnd mandolin eeloetions by Margaret Beta A Christmas troo wu enjoyed ateo game and refreshments were nerved HULETT POST ENJOYS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Members of tha Capt Frank Hulett port and auxiliary hold their Christmas party Wednesday evening at the AubUrn Armory A large gathering ujoyod tho Chrlst-maa ties from which took a gift for sash member Candy and popoora worn served and gamu enjoyed Staging ef Christmas rarrts dosed tho mooting: The following program wu Recitation Hulde Swift piano FIRGT CLASS FITTED DRY HARD WOOD Cord SlQ DeliVend BERGERON BRICE 00 T4L121-W rjl Cfe -x -WV -J I i riff's w- SAVINGS Kj'ACCG ft JA SsTiaiEs Jk 'rstsijtcd foryour hy th fotnddUoir fnr fstarthsts rfthtifUftt 15 ft 'lM i eampalg a motorist 'ran dogjuat acrosg thd strut: vain (hreetlfSted aOd whanhd re turned theto wu wai tin Emile Bhek Jonee thaeterr fx- mm hs te' known to hi frjend wanted a shave and i on Bhdvalii said foVhave Somowngt -unnerved LbY tho Seel debt to tbs do wu looking for favorite white handled rgsor one Wlteon Bellldrau Is i tp have ettdrt The subject tur to polltlce and without going -Vltn the ehnveythe three an to have visited pool room' ta i rear whore they mlghtnotbs turbod It wu horn that one' led to another until words to express the tensity of tha eltu -tlo It was taea that Wiseman rapporter Is said to ha raised such eloud of duat-wi tho oppoeltkm that further de' seem unneceseory -Tbs argument-hu bean tha sub Jut of -much -common and it 4 believed will add Interest to th campaign ln that wdrdV'ft-' ed for praetle Thls actlvlty -l Open to any bpy who" plays an Instrument or desires -to play either foom Lewiston or- Aubunuy' 'The Friendly Indians -f are ft: cpaductlng their program Print -syetem Print are awarded to thg boye for various activities and much Interest le shown to' the worts Gra-Y regular meeting Thursday night under the teadenhlp Clar-enu Lodge: Model airplane club Ashcau met' Tuesday night with th lender Buck Bher-ma Tbe boys are building pie nee and planning for aa ate meeti- Bat-nrdny Do 14 They will ateo hold eriiibitloa ef their work 'poms time In the near (ritor': WJ OE ReadY' Fpr Ctirislmas --With FrMheat Olfnif Leida IsQoaliW Aod Low PrUi-i Ckoiiliif NrIvr Turheys AND OBESE Iibseed eepeeieiry absolutely the fii fairy for yeung Freeh- Turkeye In thou two eitie Welsh SO lb eeJ TURKEY! and GEESE ARE GTRICTLY FRESH i- PROTECT i-JV DmI buy tew prised turkeys nr gees we believe they have been froM Can jreu yourself rolieh froeen poultry 7 t-NO YOU Buy your poultry at Ol or- earns other hems owned store that yeu ean depend upon to give ye 1 etrietly fresh birdt' -j PRICER ARE LOW YOU- CAN -ENJOY EATING NTHEM DmI Forgst 1" Yon Gct Olfena'S MINCE MEAF 'raEE'ft Slb with tiirkey V'J lb with Geeae 1 I Ih with Chicks Duek Capon or Fowl-' Thnndxj tolfene'e Very Beet FISH STICKS 2 lbs 25c Foods For Christnu Cronbarrie I qt SB Celery white Ig buneh to4 Turnip Rutabaga A If Sweet Pete tee lb SB Onion beet quality lb SB Squash Hubbard lb Mined Nut all new lb S3 Walnut Diamund lb ST Orange tunkiet de SO Buy Jew Far Christmas Better Selection On Early Orders END GROCERIES FOR CHRISTA AS peeTal Attentiev Te Gift Order Yer Knew A Family Yeu Can Make Happy to headquarters and then with officer Staples Investigated The owner Harry Shapiro Auburn said as far as he could determine there waa nothing token This is understood to bo another of frequent breaks at this place located on lower High street beyond tho Edward Little high school northerly on Lisbon street said he did not soo Dufrssns until within a short distance of him Inspector Sheffield and Officer Lsbbee came with the motor ambulance but aa they were leaving for tho hospital Dr Murphy arrived and Dufrssns was given treatment at the ear barn White tho cute bled profusely no permanent injury was anticipated NOV HEALTH REPORT DR G1QUKRE ON DUTY PART OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE BUSY Only 40 cases of communicable diseases of which 14 were on fllo Dec 1 wore reported during November according to tha monthly health report Just prepared Dr Wlaaman Jr- health officer who wee absent ton days was replaced by Dr Glguere Hie welfare work Included: Children removed from school 4 readmitted Infectious disease calls 7 nuisance calls I Interviews at office 11 laboratory work: Bmoars for gonorrhea 4 positive negative Dr Wiseman's welfare work Is listed as follows: Persons Ins pec ted tor contact 47 of pupils Inspected In schools 0 romovod from school 0 re -admitted to school I Infectious disease rails nuisance calls 4 vital statistic calls 14 Jntorvtewa at- sf-flos II first aid treatments and dressings 14 ellnlee attended 1 out-of-toocp conference attended 1 clinics held: Tuberculosis Immunisation 1 Fmttents attending clinics: Tuberculosis 114 immunisation II clinics hold under the susploas of 4 patients attending above clinics st hospitals II referred to for C- 1 to hospital for A A- I to oculist 1 to clinic I food handterr certificate approved III Seventeen applications for plumbing work were filed completed Jobs approved and II calls relating to plumbing conditions wm made One and a half dosen chickens and s' quantity of cooked macaroni were condemned Tho sanitary Inspector reported the following vlstis: Bakeries II barber shops SO beauty parlors 1 cigar stores 1 clubs 1 drug stores 1 fleh markets I frankfort stands 1 fruit stores I groceries II hotels boarding house etc 10 nuisances I pool rooms 1 restaurants 111 Activities of the public health nurse: Schools visited I pupils inspected for defects 417 pupils found defective 174 defects: Teeth 110 throat and nose vision' 14 hearing 0 glands I skin I pediculosis II under weight 11 or more IT weight 10 or morn 0 other defeats I notices to patents 140 close talks I conferences with doctor hospitals and dentists 14 with parents 0 with teachers I with pupils II Follow-up vlrite I referred to dentist I to doctor IS to hospital 1 to mmcteltet li 'to for teeth 11 to for dental prophylactic treatments office calls 101 pupils excluded from school for symptoms of impetigo testing clinics sullied I patients attending above clinics 114 cheat choice seriated 4 patients attending strive clinics 01 rails II purchases for patients 14 first aid treatment! and dressings 4 patients attending survey tor dental work 17 FORMER LEWISTON MAN FILES IN BANKRUPTCY Prank Purlnton former Lewiston newspaper mo bow an attorney la Portland has filed a voluntary petition la bankruptcy tT 8 District sovrt Poru land liabilities arc listed at all naoeanred nnd nraate worth $110 exemptions claimed Mr Pnrlaton Is well known kora Si Pro ml sent athlete la Bates College OUR REGULAR DINNERS -'Tho Boat In Town 260 Lisbon St' New Eyesight Service i 4- 1 Word Thru campaign la off In i cloud of that 1 a eouple worker1 on 'a candidate ported to have been fowlpg a 'discussion of tho Ing outs of candidates' end this tbat of ward politic It la sold that bscauu of the Ward Thru event It was faored something vroree might: happen with a chalk of hoadquartarg in Collage Henu reservation hoadquartarg wu Um plan! adopted for handy 1 each ward- instead of (goneral hradquartare In' Ward Threa tpara hndldatfta for tho 1 nomination -for' alderman Charset of tho Wiseman phonu Sylvaln of th tloa and Arthur Verreaull forested In tha mayoral throe tie Alfred In-contoab tha' al-Llncoln of the ild to oome la now nals thg other and more Concerned atx derma nlc roc 1 Sylvata treat barber wu Yerruult faction bnt have broka away fol aort of an argumant fencing out hte -own As ho stood la hte-s! doy wreetllng with pyotyeme of the tag According to dra Bets the Investigators found Where hole had boon dug under tse structure which Is without foundation at the corner where the blase started Thle convinced the chief that thh blou had been of incendiary origin The' building la owned hr a man by tha name of Marti Sad sub-leu-ad' to Graadmalsou Alfred! Bart-net city employ The Mae die covered by Beta Hamel'1 occurred to midnight 1 Wedneeday forenbo the eikth bell -alarm in' ed 1 this time George Ehrenl JJa bon i street sounded' from An overheated oellar Ignited a cloud pt above A- the Mane flvofflayc wu turn -blase at the Co etor 1M I'be alarm pip to' the bum sending Into tho store Bn -quickly had control I OYS DIVISION y'rigbt at the an-boye division Ckrirtmu Is year th event te tha Hl-Y and Junior Hl-Y They will entertain ns epe-guest II undarprlrilegad boy A program wfll his pros anted and re eents end candy distributed -Regular muting ef the Junior Hl-Y' was held -'Wednesday evening under tho lead ere hip of William Marshall Bpeolal speaker 'of the evening was Rev Ch ertae Hals lay Of the High Bt Congregational ehurch'Hs spoke to the hoys In regard to Christina after which tho bnslnou ueelon wu held and plans discussed for future pro gram The regular band nheirsal will ba held Friday night under Leland Whlppl Mr Whipple-la rapidly making a ploee for himself with tha boy Last weak II boy re porin' -Ronuin Msrcous OPTOMETRIST Eyu' Examined Olaeue Fitted Glaieu Promptly Repaired VTeL'lll-W til Li ebon St Lowlste Maine CHRISTMAS Greeting Cards: Fermerty'lOe --Ta ebu itf MM f40 Court It -n- ITS GRANTS BABY EIBBON o-a-n-d-y: fruah md QQd deiidoiu Onlr All Kinds Xmee' Candy and Baud Chsulates -Order Yeur Candy Canu Now Ilf Lisbon Bt Lewiafon SEE PAGE 6 Opening Announcement -OF' SMOKE AND WATER SALE AT VcnityShoeStorcJnc 75 Lisbon EL Lewiston Auguatine Dufresue 17 son of William Dufrosna of Littlafield Corner was atruck by an auto white crossing Llabon street near tha A A car barn Tuesday evening Two deep wounda at the rear of tho right aldo Of the bead were eaueed whan ha waa thrown to tha pavement Willis Moreau IB of IBB Lincoln street driving a Chevrolet coupe and buildings on west side of Main street Lewiston Llewellyn Qeyton Lewteton to William Hall Lewiston tend and buildings on west elds of Mnln street Lewlrton sumps for 11000 BXT1BES ARES 80 YEAB8 WITH PHONE 00 The currant Issue of Telephone Topics contains a fine halftone pte-ture of Neal Patterson for If yean exchange foreman at Lewis-ten who retired on November 1 after 10 yean of service with the company With the picture waa the following relating to hie work: "Neal (Sootchy) Patterson te laying off onjoylng hlnwelf on his comforts bis farm these days far from tho atreso and struggla of plant work In Lewteton For on November 1 bo retired from service after more than thirty years In tho buslnosa entered the service as a member of a floating crow at Wilton Mo- on August IB 1101 and was a lineman la Ootober 1107 he Wes promoted to sub-foreman- an-der John Flannery On February IB 1M0 he wee mada exchange foreman at Lewteton and remained In that capacity until hie retirement last month Ho te a member of tha Totaphons Pioneers of' America" ANDEXSON Margaret Andaman 01 one of tho oldest residents died at her home 111 Pierce street Wednesday night Bhe had been In falling health for some time Bhe was horn at Glasgow Boot-land tho daughter of Jamas and Ferguson Kirkwood Much of her life had been spent In this country For many years she waa an attendant at the old Bates Bt Baptist church Mra Anderson who waa the widow of Edward Anderson te survived by two daughters Agnes Anderson and Mra William Rowan of Lewteton by three sons James and Robert of Lowteton and John Of Pawtucket 1 and by three grandchildren DIED In Lewteton Dec II Margaret Anderson IL Funeral private: from tha hernia 111 Pierce street at I Friday Dec Iripnde may can between 11 and 1 pm KBS ELLA CASH TBXB0U Mra Ha Onto Tribou widow of Wallace Triboa of Wayne died at 1 Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of bar eon Bertrand Tribou HI Mala street Lewiston fallowing a long ported of failing health Bhe wee bon April 11 1IBI tbs daughter of Nnthanlol end Marteh Wlnshlp Cash at Casco Surviving are two sons Bertrand Tribou Lowteton city auditor and Edwin Tribou of Augusta four grandchildren Sherwood Tribou of ML Vernon T- Hugh Virginia and BhllUp Augusts -and two nephewa llarry Robinson of Brooks and Reginald Robinson ef Jaokaon Mich DIED In Lewiston Ella Cash Tribou Services will he held at the Wayne Community Church Saturday at 11 AM Plea so do not send flowsra MBA HAST KORAN Word has boon received here of tho (tenth of Mra Mary Moran Sunday at Now Haven Conn Mra Moran formerly Mias Mary Sullivan was the widow of John Morna and for some tlmo mode bar homo la Lowteton Coming boro from Ireland she mads bar homo with an aunt Mra Nora Sheehan until her marriage years aga Surviving are three sann John James and Gerald Moran daughter Marguerite Moran MIB3 NELLIE Mine Mellte Kor died late Wednesday night at tha heme of kor sister Mrs Frederick 8L Wakefield 41 Main street Lewiston following short 111 none Mlaa Kor was bora In Now York city but for the greeter part of the past year bad resided with bar rioter arriving are two sister Mra Wakefield and Mrs Law re ace ef Scandals: it SIFT- CIGARS Peter Schuyler Perfectoa Gift Box of 25 W-98- SEA VET'S 240 Court lb Joupb -eon 47 damaged his auto put an electric oar out of oOmmlsalon and got hlpiulf arrested for drunken driving Wednesday night Joan driving northerly on LJeboa street collided with Webber avenpe car It turned at the avenue Tho elec trio wu operated by Clarence Turner Capt nnd Officer Me-' Glllleuddy responded to a call fof Who 11 Furnish Red Cross' The Lewiston Armory Is a center of considerable activity this week with the Red Cron 'making It headquarters for assembling the Christmas baskets for the pur families at the city The schools have co-operated splendidly In this annual project the teacher headed by Miss Adelaide Pinch principal of tho Dingtey school and Wm Cullen principal of Frye and Jordan grammar have worked hard to put tho school contributions across Practically every school In the city have sent boxes of provisions for the Christmas basket and -it Is eitlriiated that about 110 families will bo taken care of While there are plenty of vegetable! bread canned goods etc for each baritet tho commissary department Is short of roast Mias Rowell who hu charg' of tho basket- distribution was dt 'her wit's end Wednesday to discover a way to secure Christmas roasts enough to go around NO Christmas dinner la complete without the meat course it much matter if It lsdt goou dr-turitey or venison Plain beef or pork will do very won if anybody who will ho responsible for a roart two for thou boskets will coll Red Cross headquarter sometime today messenger will be unt promptly for the donatio Barbara Helen Ball Smith recitation Mary Jean Bts- WU- alter r4 Bawtall song- Bertha Caldwell 8NOW8HOE CONVENTIO: AT BIDDEFORD JANf 14 The annual convention Jot the Amor lean Bnawshoo Untonrwlll bo held at Blddeford Jan 14-11 it wu announced Wednesday The International Bnowsho i convention will bo held at Montreal Jan XI-XI The program at 'BiddefoM opens along tha nsual convention line with rnco Saturday afternoon carnival donee In tha evening at PeppereU hall parade Buddy morning followed by mass nt It church dad banquet at the Yol-tlgeur club' bouse at noon- Pounder Blddeford -vie DR A FREEMAN OSTEOPATH SEE OSfOR YOUR vDIUCAKOY i Ours etaetly freehand tains nothing but the fin set Ingredient CHOCOLATES IbS lb 55c BROKEN CANDY 3 lbs S5c RIBBON CANDY 25o 2 Um 85e I kinds of based Cheulatu and Xmee neve It lee FRAXGEDAKiS SHOF Lisbon Bt rYYPermal VMlcbite'l SWeeney retired police Officer le lll of -the grippe at hie i home IIS 'College street Agnes Cates a etddeat at Weaedn Institute: is apmtolnf Us holldays -at her home 1 Hmltou street-' "Mra Nellie Downing'of Jeffeon Street- Dewteton Is eertouely lll at the home of her ten William Xmwnlng of Horton street Robert Rowa young son i Mr end MreHerry Rowe ST4 Col-Uge street returned wedneeday from the hospital where he underwent aa operation for appendicitis Mr and Mrs Lelghtem BaUey and daughter Maria of West Au-tuirn will- spend the Christmas at the homo ef Mrs Bafter'e pwrnU JJr and Mre Roper Cheetervllla MteB'Oortmde iweeteerand Mlm Oort rude gtevena students at Bites CoNega are leaving today for their homo at Rum ford for tho Christmas holidays: MlM Nlha Page and him Eleanor Booker aleo Bltea stu-dente will spend the Christmas vacation with their parents at Bel- grade Lakea and Jim Georg Bmlth of Portland will spend tho holldaye with Mm paNnte Mr end Mm iuac Winn Franklin street Lewiston Wallace Hall of Mew Terk city arrived Wednesday to spend the holidays with hie parents Mr and Mm Hilly HaR ef Lewiston serge Falcoal of Gardiner is spending a week with Mm Fred liberty of Laurel street Auburn Year wife will like walnut ftateh Coffee Table for Christmas teorial J4JB TeL Hl-Bradford Cenant Adv KZALTT TliimSI Following are realty tranefere filed at Aadroeeoggla Regletrar ef XtoodF Auburn Wedneoday 'Joseph Pelletier Lewiston to William Allard and Mettle Allard Litchfield Mad and buildings Lewteton- Joseph PoOetter Lewteton to William Allard and Mettle Allard tend and buildings Lewiston 4 William' Allard Litchfield to Mettle M- AUdrd Litchfield land and buildings Lewiston tone half 1 interest) William Allard Litchfield to Nettie Allard Litchfield land nod bulldlnge Lewteton (oaa half Interest) s- V- Tuesday Thomas and Geaoriove LeBaDa Auburn to TYank 8 an bom tVfbHter standing wood and black growth on Randall placo on east e-'de of Pond road leading from 8s- hr It us to Wales Conor A Martin as trusts of EL Maxim Lewiston te Llewellyn EL Gsyton Lewiston' land and bnlld-iw Main street LewlstoBr CL imps for I2WH In'! Mailm to Llew-K (Siton Lewiston land Eliot Reed Optometrist 1 Evenings by Appelrtmenl 5 Year Baser lowu 187 Bummer Bt Auburn Office Heur I to 9 5 i t-s-M tm um.

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