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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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SATURDAY LEWISTON MAINE MARCH 24 1923 34 Plages ESTABLISHED 1847 PRICE? THREE CENTS i i Ttr -ai j- COSTLY SAVING FOR ANY CITY REV ROBINSOB TELLS KLAN BlffiE MUST BE RESTORED LEWISTON BOY IS HERO OF SCHOOL DORMITORY EIRE Joseph Michaud Warns 130 Boys at Assumption College Worcester and All Escape Safely rtM In Lewiston Public Schools and the ayer Must BeResumed II flttendedS: As Advocate of Public m'- it--'SSR BACKERS EXPECTED- -Vj fr riadtAtain rig REFEREfJDUMUPOn by the flames glaring Into their windows and they hastened to see about the safety of the ot intents When they were assured that all the boys had escaped they gave their attention to saving some of the articles of value In the lower secUfen of tha college but they were obit to save little The loos Is estimated at 1300101 and I3W000 The boys were taken in and sheltered by neighbors and ar-rangx-ments will be made as aoca as possible to rend them oil to tholr homes Believe Fin Was Set Mato Inspector Edward McCarthy In making an Investigation of the Are found at the foot of tha elevator well an empty kerosene lamp without any wick but showing signs of having contained koiooene recently This lamp had never been aeon around college before by any member of the faculty or sin WOBCH0TUR Mum Marc Assumption College in areondale established In ISO by a band of At-sumption vnt)dni who had teen ti-Polled from Franco' Woo destroyed by lire oarly today but tha ISO students escaped In oafoty aliho they oaved little except their night clothes The flan was discovered shortly before 4 o'clock by a Joseph Bflchaud a inembeft of the freshman cloiw whene home Is In Lewiston Me lie gavo the alarm on an automatic signal In tha dormitory corridor on the top floor of the three story main building and all studonts fled lnt6 the ehllung air moat of them wearing only She clothes In which they Jumped from bed The lire was first seen la a eoc-4iun of a building close to tha physics and chemical laboratories and it la believed It started from an x-ri'lon of chemicals Tha mombara of the family who live in a house on the collrgv grounds were aroused THE STORAGEBILL' n-'t': Only Surprise They Say Is ThatGo-emor Should Take IiritiativerTsl Delay They Ask OLD POSEY PIUTE LEADER PROBABLY MAKES UST STAND Veteran and His Trouble-Makers Surrounded in Dry Wash Chief Old Polk Talking Peace decide to load the eooteoL' Thtathey did not anticipate mam prominently eooaecrtod with tha reject "Why fist excited boraxes the Governor to gotag to do ttta? Ho would hav boon giving aid tbs movement had he aot taken position and so it la aot to horoiKi' garded as a seriously disturbing tor 111 tho situation" 0-' That about exprsesed tho''- aentl moat voiced by all Connected' vHk tho project -'dSi'1-1 Most of those who would dtaeustjyv tho matter from (he etdo tho company raid that It would rav- AUGUSTA March 14 Probably tho least endtdd people about the State House Friday after It became known' that Governor Banter had thrown down the gauntlet and announced that ke would lead tha movement to secure referendum upon tho Kennebec Reservoir CqJMU which had been passed over his veto by the legislature were those directly responsible for tha measure tho men who nr behind tho company They aal(L they had expoetod an attempt-Would be mad to ooouro-o referendum The only surprise to thorn was that tho Governor should WATER PRIVILEGE av Central Maine Power Company Adds to Its Holdings on the Kennebec VMA iV' Si PLAN AT ONCE FOR LEWISTON SCHOOLS Aldermen to Consider Lewiston School Problem and Highway at First Meeting Monday Night Rev George 8 Robinson rector of Trinity Episcopal church Lewiston appeared a Mu Klux Xlaa meeting at Portland olty hall Friday night no "an advocaj of tho Bible and Tho Prayer in the Public school" ho told Tho Lewis ton Journal today FroC Farnsworth of Boston who addressed a Klan meeting in Lewiston this week was headline speaker" giving In Substance the same speech he did In Lewiston Mr RoMnooa Mr Robinson summed both hi position and his remarks at the Klari meeting as follows: "I would expect tha whol back-tag of tho Klan In my attempt to restore the Bible and Prayer to tho Lewiston schools "Prior to taking tha Bible put of the Lewiston school everything was In harmony among tho members ol the sohool board No oao can accuse me as a member of that hoard of being unfUr or unjust toward any teacher employed In public school whatever her religious beliefs may be among tho Cotholta people there nro some whoso solo aim Ur to taka the Bible and Prayer out of tho public school on tho other hand they must expect some of tho Protestant peopla to place a barrier in tho pioireee of religious Instruction la tholr parochial schools "This la' tha pram lee can a school system la America train under tho sovereign power of tha Pope of Rome rind hly hierarchy to Ming forth Catholic citizens In the parochial schools and develop nation In unity with itself over against the sovereign power of the United States of America which alms to bring forth tho highest type of American dtlxeas in its public schools? "Can any Catholic answer this question In satisfactory mannei and prove that tho logical conclusion bo otherwise? Is other word can two riaseee of citlxeno bo trained thus end not deVelop eventually Into two Independent religious political parties? Lewiston Schools Mr Robinson opened hhtnrm according to prase reports from Portland with this remark of tha Pop of Romo and his belrachy" Extracts from Mr speech ao token down by Portland newspaper reporter were: "la our city (Lewiston) an waa going peacefully until man was elected a member of tha school board who woo hlgk In tho Knights of Columbu in tholr pussyfoot way ha took tha BNM from tho pUbHo school I fought this la the Legislature and fight it as long ao I have breath of Ufa until it la put bock 1 say to parochial schools and every American will say to me You have watched the Legislature It la a disgrace to any party or church to hava its chief representative playing to third house He ployed on sophistry and found hlnself In a trap He Biild to Bsrwlse a Christian Why Barwiae re-' ply 'Ye I am a Christian but not a "Yon know there la a big difference between the two "Tho "Pope pulls the wire and when he doe that whole great machine the most wonderful orgaataa-DAo an earth moves like one man Where did t'iq Bishop get his orders? From someoa higher up- "I know nothing about tho Inner workings of tho cwfldod Dr Robinson" and all know la that you hava "beautiful 1 man (Prof Farnsworth) reedy to -talk to 'you beautiful mo not because be la beautiful la visage but te beau-tlful la' eharaoUr la hla messag and la fighting the moot beautiful fight In all tho NEXT III KLUX MEETINO BED Lewiston Politeram Meeting bj Deal of Chief Field 1 The Mu Klux Klaa Is to hold Me second meeting fat Lewlrton 'Wednesday sight according to arrangement at tho does of the first meeting last Wednesday te- Row Odd Fellows kaBs Lisbon street CrUletam of certain Lewiston pel UeenAa for' attending this meeting la unjustified according to tho police Two officers were detailed by Chief new to eoltacT itekrt Under thv polio regulation and wen paid for the work- A third officer-1 time tried to make arraagemoato to'? tills this power out Btata ft to said that tha sarat-'vr held la ICatee to which i thSSwIeton" Jeunul hdtem ware to this tetter eould not effaet aay ''sash policy sag the power has' how- sold a as tatad Thla added power glvoe the- Oe tral Mateo rTanTtnatlT a jm My ft th flan of water tho Xenaa- bo Tho Iadtaa Pa4: to jMt yt deralopod AUGUSTA Mar 34 The Central Main Power eompauy has bought tho Interests of tha Norton In Worcester la tho Indian Pond water privllagte on the nebee river 1 This was sold several yean ago by Walter Sawyer aad others to tha Norton Company who at first proposed! to make am abrasive material thare and ship from hero to their other factories uetag tho aleo-trlc power for tho heavy-duty work Later they gave that 1) and tor a Cemttaaed oo Page Righteea (Handing llie week's storm center of the Indian troubles of southeastern Utah With this veteran of half a dosen former armed clashes with the Whits settlers are 1cm than soora of trouble-makers mostly Piute but with a few Utes recently Joined to tha band Surrounding the fastness of the rocky region where the Indiana have taken1 refuge are poeeee led by sher-' Iff acting under orders the fi marshal Ray Ward who has assumed command of the situation Meanwhile Crockett acting governor of Utah has ladtaatad that today he would place a reward on the hood of Old Posey But the pose and the settlers whq asnt them after the Indiana need but little Impetus to their present determlnaUoa to fores a ootUsmeat of the new ring difllcultles with the Modlae Pl-UtM How long (t will toko for capture of Old Posey or ourrondor remains to be seen The Issue will be decided nie flfty Indiana who are- under guard at Blandlng led by Old Polk the 10T year old chief of the Pluto tribe an talking peace They have enough of detention TWO MORE CAROLINA MAS INCREASE PAY BPA RTA NBITRQ 8 March 34 The Clifton Hills and Convene ft Company two of tha cotton mills In this vtelnlty yesterday announced ha increase oil approximately it per cent In wages effective next Monday Tho Saxon and Spartan mills have announced similar wage Increases ANOTHER AIR RECORD -FOR ARMY SERVICE WASHINGTON March Another record fer'iphed has been established by the Army Air Service aceordtar-to ha official nport today by tho War Department The new high mark was made by Major Leo Ch Heffaraaa on raoend flight from Nogalea Aria toFert BIlos Texas Tho dlotanoo of II miles from Columbus Now Mexico to thb'Toxas pool waa eoveced la-M minutes at an average speed of III m'les an hour GriHWeekMar24-31 Itthfl Androscoggin Electric Cor -r ii2 Mata St Sed our kdon an Inside page A frojroggfrrElectric j-: IwSaton Maine Co- carry out tho piano Immediate plans must cantor around a grade school on West Roes hill costing aboat flOOOi 1 Mayor Brann oald this school must bo eroetpd by September and further plane made for the erection of Junior high oohdol In another part of the city brier Definite action will probably be taken on the highway matter as applications for Stata old miMd bo made before April 1 All towns concerned have already applied for Rtats aid Lewlstoa being the last No opposition to tha appropriation by tho aldermen le expected I SACQ RIVER OBERED FOR KAVIGATION TODAY S' Althe (ho mom has mUled to that bar ground to showing tho xfvorv HALT LAKR CITY Utah March ft -Old PoK-y leader of the rone-gads Piute Indiana has taken what probably will he hlx Lint eland In ry Wash twenty miles from Goudy Colder WASHINGTON March Fore cast for northern New England' Mostly cloudy and eolder tonight and Sunday with a cold wave Probably light enow in northern portion tonight Freeh west and northwest winds Forecast for southern New England Partly cloudy and colder tonight Sunday fair and colder strong west and northwest winds I'nid Wave WASHINGTON March 34-Tliaae who chortle! over the arrival of spring were rudely diatllu-ioiifd Today by the Weather Bureau forecast that frosts would be probable tonight so Ur no southern Georgia Cold wpv warnings were Issued for northern and a antral Now York and northern Now England whlla weather' Bureau advices Indicated lower temiH-niluree tonight in the Ohio valley ami the lower Lake region Small cron warnings were dls-pliyed'fruiu ('ape Hatterus to Nantucket Nest Week WASHINGTON March WeiUher outlook for the- week beginning-Monday In north and middle Atlantic states: Considerable cloudiness rain over south and rain or enow over north linrtlea- Tuesday end probably Wednesday and again at end Cold at In ginning followed by warmer by "l'uraday eolder again about Thursday J-" JOl'HXAL ALMANAC VS MOON Rises 343 1 Days Old 8sts Flrst Quarter length or day II hre 1 mine (toy's Increase I hr limine lid dnyfyeir Saturday Monday 114 3d lain" tl Ealk -4-43 min Roekland II nt I4 14 ln min Going on Tonight Empire Theatre (Performances CI3 end Adam sod Nva" with Marloa Darin Moots Ball (Performances at 343 and Stewart aad Mercer polden and Lewie Lehr and Kennedy Harry Bassay Feature Picture "Only a Olrt (-GonUauu -IS te Herbert Rawllnsoa la Prlebaer" John OH bert la "A California Romanea" serial Pearl hi "Plunder" nisi HU Theatre (Breens curtain at Hear! -Marat French Stock Compasy la "The pnsstarrterv Suit for Sola Use of King Name As a Trade Mark NEW YORK March Tha eels right to ait Xing TutSnk-hhmun'e name a trade mark for dresses la worth $1(0000 It was contends! today by the eomplalnanta In a salt to restrain oompatlag company from using tho Egyptian Pha-roah'a nine on tholr products The suit woi bought by Max Greenberg A Company and Frederick Martin Burns who Is alleged to hare (eggeeted the nee tho name end is drawing a royalty for each drosa mid Tho do (end-ant la Abraham Morgan MAN INVADES 1 GIRL'S ROOM Richmond GirPs Screams Bring Burglar' Ecapes Oui Window RICHMOND Mar 4 broke lslo tbs reshli-nce of Hairy Ynton an Hein street Friday night about 1 IS They gained entranco by climbing to tho second etory over the- roof of tha plana and broke window ipto (ho apartment of Mrs Frank Bead Is and her daughter The daughter aged IS was awakened -by hearing a "mall in her room and she called for help wakening her mother la on adjoining room and tho peoptd down stairs Nf- Teuton rax up wirfl" a gun In time to ao the man escaping out the window Ho said tho gun waa not haded ao the gu get out tho window and to tha ground and eeaaped Hr Yea ton did not recognise the eurrthat ho could Identify him If h4rara to boa him date Ho thinks the awn win about $1' years old Tho night mMu Hugeno Call was summoned He wna at tho osmm In ton ailn-utea but no trees of Urn burglar could bo fouil When tha girl start-ad to call tha burglar put bio hand (over her mouth aad hoc faoe-wa badly Scratched There ewomo no good roaaoa for tho burglary -ap them was no groat amount of money or valuables -to ho Mowed and-tho opinion has I advanced that tho Intruder have been oowie penoa mentally do- IPEGIAtor MONOAYQKLY Lg PURITVQ RQLLED'OATS Cl I--- kith LralsforTSaRNiry Market WMfilffSf I i I I BIDDMDRR He Xaroh IVrakened by the waVm -oqa swift water 1c la the toco river shows Inilicatinn ot going out without making troubl sccorUlug to rtvrr men known to have keen there given a ticket hr on o(Jth com mteeionen and instructed to attend lp raid SAYS MR MirCHELLLS JL MITCHELL PHILA mmmmm NEW TOftK March Aartstant District Attorney Sseote today the mysterious 'TMr wha jru tbs teat peraou Nnowq to see Mlauterathy Keeps alula model before aba Was chloroformed -was MlteheU of Phi -adelphl jw'- Ways and means of taking the first atop to expand the school plant In Lewiston will be discussed at -the first meeting of the newly-elected board of aldermen Monday night stated Mayor Brann Saturday Tho board will also pass' upon the highway from Lewiston to the fed-oral aid road near Gardiner As tho school problem Is especially acuta now said Mr Brann some definite action grill hnvo to bo takes to "get things started" He believes that a committee exclusive of (he aldermen should be appointed to SHEFFIELD DECLINES ORDER FROM AMERICA LONDON March The Sheffield correspondent of the Westminster Ouxvtte says that the Sheffield forge and rolling mills have Just declined an American order for 300000 special steel bam Tha order waa originally Intended for Ruhf plants but cannot bo ilHod by them "In view of the lack of consider at loo shown by America to Sheffield as Instanced by the -Fordaey tariff aimed' at Sheffield special steel" the correspondent adds firms are not prepared-to Aiold up orders of Kpgllsh customer In favor qf American competitors" REFLX8E MULLINGAR Iceland March tf Irregulars early today attacked outposts of National troops quarter-id at tho railway station and nook the town's reservoir The band was repulsed after prolonged rifle aad muoh guafire The National saf' forad no REACHES THE RED SPOTS Thatfothc Peso Use Effeyt ot Golden 0d IS Is ewoqooded of pore' yelrat-Rog nsdlflsSr sue which eeoeh (he Wri ot naif with toe wears heal aad seethe eat tar emoo Geagha PoMa Cslbk Mfvataa miatssi erev The Best HotmehaW StmergeaeF Rtarty SaM ovary" wherdts Uherai hetrle' THE MX GOES OUT AT WHITE Rim JCT VT WHITE RIVER JUNCTION VL March 34 The warm weather ot tha last days ao weakened the let la the Connecticut and White rivers that moat of It In the vicinity this village went out last nightHnU of an Ice Jam la tha Whit river at Hartford was swept down Into tho Coanactleut which reoa sevea loot 'The Mg river le open 'to the International Paper Com pa ay's dam at Wilder but tho lee has aot moved at North Wilder and there It a Jam la tha Connecticut south of hero Thus far he It her river A overflowed its banka and no damage has been lone 1 UNPRECEDENTED FLOOD MENACE IN NEBRASKA OMAHA Nik March 14 (By the Associated rreea) Unprecedented mammoth ice gorges Ip the Missouri river and tributary streams near Ytrmlllioa 8 Bioux City and Oaawa joajjh and Dakota CUyNth today hava pnelpltatod coodltloaa which reseat a flood menace foe all the lowlands between Vermillion and Omaha the flooding eF thousands of acres' of 1 rich farm lands la the three otajos deetructloa of hundreds" of fa-nr homes sod at least tho partial 1 Jet'loa of fMeui City 'and Severn I -cr cltl logaa "u--y- of tlw winter -draugbL not oulhciently jraq over tho dam I The rt vear opened 1 urigatlea test alghL-j Diet iMBtfUng at lioericAn Antics LONDON' March -The' wetapber verae traaslatad Tatonet la the eaear of Stteejtb CkatlM--Me--wf tleklM'il the-aatlee ef aa American eemedlaa -4U1 ta wna'Uaakto to aeutrol laeghtar aad suddenly eel- kfto dying la Ike arms of nai alttlng baalda Us la a claeaia theater her phyei-'ataa aag that heart bad been rapt ated a eetoequeaee'1ta deals ted' old pat" -ty )lnP aro ernbHpgtV i Berea cents a peuad for sugar to the oepipiaar Iko ficaatar ikaiuMP I taedas groft aad worse ana ha asked for the prasrouUoo rf these- reepoaetblo for- 'tho ptrornt "robbery of tho American pyope bv 1 p-ouiar ENTOTGOINfif' OCCUPIED -LONDON" March 'll-A Romo dtapatch to tha Thaw sayo that view of a letter from the RblneUui klekep Cardinal Gaaparrt the Papal secretary of stmt has decided to oond Moa Testa aa the rope's special envoy to the occupied pf Germany FOUIKAL-RBES F0R4924 WASHINGTON' March A predict loa that 1334 will eootala lata portent surprlara for tho old ha political parti natea semethlag te done to curb Mg bualaam yao mad today by ftenator Ladd ng North Dakota ln statement Joining ta the dfljmqd for aa laveettgattou PC (he 'huger said fisaatar- Ladd "are loaf otratehca ahead of the backward-looking parttee who seem without sourag to face-the proto-tame of tho ftmerteaa ms" A 3 -v jv -iJ 1-V- 'U XT A--'- vi- ay A s-.

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