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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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V- S3: t'rTTTry' SWflWS ctrice three ctt-t -i'iiLliT- n- -1 1 I 1 11 11 fMl mnr iiiiinmi vn wp nn nr iri r' 1 Ofll ffU -j I lu ll I JuL 4 vy7 IxA ro nnn ri tir-rii Cn rn'v-v rr I I rzM- rTl nferi nln I T-Ti I I hi v-TPika Val 1 yf H'' fcV' ta 1 i iM AntoSette Co Sna1 Brother Ro iePinnBCTeinCollioni 1 fy i -v i yt fo- 4 Ml Pt il11(T 1 Ptin tab topokM1 yepprtcd Third ofreoplDtfparMerqr 5ajn4iw Repdpnglmpo'rt (9 1 'f1' mi Pi TV Al i A jw a- Um f- i i4 (hues AAtoinatta brofoihor -rlfh ehouMer in an an-- toiaabila 'ooeldcni oa Courtatreet Aubpqn fo flron fo fofofo at 1UT pa A 'V9t JmKfo fo font me fofomri foJuriae maw whl erifo Mt 4 her priifota wv-5 ISSiJi TS bake -Ford ywUMifr -ifute fk- 'laiui Ofim Cote Xr tbrofoe Aqqpprii tojaiwdi -4 ha wis middle of rhe Mtat Of Jte op op- glae running grfota Wtata kauri sputtering Put no brotftr' VCN pinned wdirweill HmMfhm the werepn ithe kcm in Xin-CoU WM nkw inde Sh fid not ioM i miiw laiwnimd and waa aMa io wM aptpmoWle takaa to gU MwWo toonpiUL it tree oppof ent tint ano waa aulBerina VM -iM4vto repeating When offird ttigat ieb OnA the hospital 'It ymo towMda CouPti raa goiac oboot aaUaa komaa wn i aurwtto eooiiac down Coart Hurt in roatlop 'bf'a dowatowa Aiatriot appliad tha taka ad 'Maw horn dwilta Chap kept a WUnaaaaa tald that town to avoid atrlhlnf tha car Roaalro Qota wh waa tha Ford tumnd Into dipring bit cyan atraak 0a other inoWto i'i'-' flfho pari top and wlndahield wrecked but otherwtao the aot apparently damaged owned -tqr WiHia Cota lll l-l avapuo danrlatoa Tho Btudebakar received bant mudguard aEFHABwwbSS11M1F1FrMjPMVwSWQw 'f1ratJeBSdentbf AmlUiibrisi Wttltdwlq flriMS jrraUmtjof Potfls4 Nrutowie waa killed whileff-ylattiagnn art oxhlbitioa TheWhayo beoa eeutlBueue dioor-Mn tm Mnco Rraridaot- Mgrptow- id wag ylected by Jh National A- aaatlng the puooly Pekeh the memhera of this party raoeotiag tho clast Ion of mu who fhoy rieredveepceoentad vRhaaou-Fhah: pod radlaah ntamanta H't penletleni-? atgUmaiit submitted yaaterday to tta Federal jahor ligation com- ROCHESTER: taSSltaM Vl fcMri Vauclaln preridantAf ttae The oommlssfon whjeh roeantg bald Via' Locomothra Worka kpoAk-haaid AMatatnontXrom tho FtUptao fog before -the Bochestgr AA plob Labor Chjpn Also denying Urn a- iid tha Mama for rallToad teoubloa to -fooMUdan who know nothing transportation" ialaada following tfie appeal from At the grary flmltof Mr Hawaii for permission to admit tnmspoMmttea be doelnp' poatrpet Chlneeo Labor for gtateS ad lit RII can parloda qulsitionad dor Loading ware deniod- iwi lThouaauda of ooro ahmdy iaodod rin ml vVi wa PJttaburg -nrr waKlng for loooHrao- 5HlillPl 7 Ursa to haul them' i iw -ww-AWM Tho transportation bmtaoys' Ja ll JBmU wuT Mr- Yauoleln said arliy A SSTEfc s1 he Kattaialiat depnUaV after ibis '1 alaetioa naonaead oStainlly liknt Y' they world refuse to aappoct ML HOVQLCJUU Dec IS Ociatad Praaa) That Hawrdtria a ruled hhd economically by a few augar eapltal-lsta gt whose marey ift tho ioland'o popplatloa siata 'hat there la no labor ehoraga ynd thiil tho importaUoa of qhlneM'SoUda' fqr Mw plkolMlond man reviylng olavnry iq an lntagral per of the 'United Bttev Boma of the paragqtptf In ll- up Wia -1 w-ii 'iftpie! go i-- 5 Carlton Jn FRANCEWILLINGTO LISTEN tO ANY XJ ELAN otoilthf ma week aeo tednyLiCri qgueauyiem that aeaaaioa'hera ehmer growlng out of hia uhowpaat i sf fhoiea toAunooed Gawirml Fifoud-kV the battle -kriwam hn rylvpl facUoaa and fho pdlaa resulting -in four deatha and lbs injuty OT nnore tfcaa Bdpenona Pnridant Marutowka took I 7 I fc A elected by the-vutaa of Jw -Ukrainians Oecauaas ng rscatvlng Only: IN Poliah yotac'-' while FpUsh rates were east fpr Const ''Undar 4ho ooaOtltvdiom Abe apeak of thaihonoM MacianBataL (nr ill act ae nraaidewt aadfo coqulra to eoavokodho Mtliwl aaseru-bty fo ofeooo oaw bhlaf wmcuGvM C- jutaj eraa-oiaatad apeaker -Jf week ago and la a prominent itair bar efihe Party rappoctlng Former mafoly from the NMtaiaHsU rPPra-i Prcmlar WJtan5tpt T- the rnpramo executive authority from Namtaa FHetidskl'enlr two' 4ayi agntho ooramony-tacnimug at nm At tho Bolvodlem Palaoe vfor 'Mai homo of A ho peeaideat Tha oppealtou do Hw riioico of Namtoofos no oteridaet come 7 rr Plan to Build Mioial Bridge Over IfMnr mil filmfU' ivenneoec attsatn PARIS BOC A (By tha'Aaaocilatad prove helpful in obtaining oapara- tlona from Cbonany it waa an id to day in eonpaotloa to roporU from Waahingtoa thpt auoh prppoaata ware botag conaldared While the diapa tehee received hate dealing' with tha auppoaad pnrpoaea of tha Waahlngton government lacked any aort ot dedoitaneea'ha im proaalnn gnthaced In French ofBcUu and lnter-alllad re para tlona circle from their flrat agaminattoa of thr re porta waa that tha idraa of ta lntaraatlonal bapkaraT commlU which mat laat una ln oloaaly foUowad FMipta ftadehjehwrolp Not Balgtum ni6 had of tho National Frew) --The French government wopld oaainliiae are fully and phy propoaale mado tqr the Amwleaii gdvarnuoiit which might ProbablySww WASHCfOTON Doo Fore-caat for nonthara Now England: Cloudy and manner tonight Sunday unsettled protmhly local ay owe rata ahiftink winda yorecaat for' aouthern Mow England: Cloudy and nllghtly wkrmw tonight Suny probably 'S' rm hta grftEO mjHrodjMta rtly ba-fo jp (Peiycif thJa rmpiplng when tha dKatcef italne JTyiyaa' bound dor ttatak' praahad lntpa tralght tntia on 4hOKaw TOrKj'Mcw Buy? a A Hmrtf ord Raiirtad Robert Oraao rnginer of lbo froicbtaiiatainadt oa tfaa hagd and Jphn xyifaliay fra map aC4ho Atata iff gtalpo Krpmaa alirktlx fcpit Jtaib ceara taken tadha Morldaa jhoaidtat mail bgK! aapgor on tha gmvnm yit waa' elitatly tpiarad Aotatomaat imped tho railroad olBeaa in Maw JHavea apid that no pamaagor map inanrad Tho ezpreaa waa eaWaalUlatad with 0 Hartford to Nopr TOrk train pad ooatlnuad pp IU way drorfcv Newt to' Date -t" Faria dopuUad by pubstantlai mar-gla drive Foinearo government vote of eontUlanoe Creak church appmls to Christian poopla of -world koplaF to (frevant deportation ot patrla- from Con-atantlnobla' Charley White' wins 'technical knockout over Rich la Itfcchell in tauth sound of Hadtaw Square gar- dan -bout New York prohibition agents are directed ho Jail violators of dry law and to Mas wunmonaea Former Justice dark of tha court will head aattoaa! organisation naeklug do bring this oountsy into League of Mationa Era RaehM Dtaton mother Urn John Wanamaker Jr quHy weds James pfeyikari of Maw1 York eropo IhU year are worth! slightly moro than oevon and a half billion dollars Department of Agriculture eettmgtea Administration oOolala eay they bellere that American influence cap be need to halp' eoive Odrman rep-jrahoas -pnoblem but avoid reveal: tflt ti kiflpnnaa ambaaaedne JaajqwLWaih- tSSSetion KmiratSrC fMKBaeUon Germany by ynited Statee bankers House of Representatives removes Harrison dem Seventh Virginia district and seats Foul Rep opponent on ground of Irregularities in llSO election Death in Chicago of Mrs Maurice RotoehUd atetcr of Ira Nalaon tihim buim mhaimdnr ta Morriq United States embassador to Sweden Tommy Gibbons wins referee's decision over Billy Mirim in St Paul contest United Staton Board suatalna former stand in denying malntenaoo of way men request for time and one half after eight hours work Sundays gad holidays Frederick 'Z Quirk of Sydney pleads guilty la Boahm In indictment charging smuggling of liquor Into the andjATi J1OS0 fine A Banator Walah aTMaraaohu-aatta ad vises Bay State fuel chief that Interstate oommeroo oommie-rioa after Investigation reports meaaarae taken to prolt future delays of ohlnont of coal into-Mow Xnalund Frankie Gonarg Mow York hon tarn wins deeMoa over Try Martin of Providence in 1 rounda bout at Boston rv Pin at Keith (Hl Gompany plaint Brockton Main causes oatbnatad lamofMtWA Bulk of Beeton fomer director of Mow England district of nareotlo bureau Ralph A Fry Bostoa Dr Torar of Port-lead iadieted on charge of conspiracy to defraud government Railroad Labor ftrt the Al" tug olnfe attajnpt 4tpMaiar driving Street auto wer oar waa It Camp-pa only a Baak-oc Belgium and 3elgiaa mamv Who la chairman 'of Ilia Bankara oomanlttoo haa bean working Moodily alpco the adjournment of tho opmmlttoo laat rammer with tha banker of the various countries and with reproaentatlvao of Intereat-d governments Tho purpose haa convened to work In co-operation Ith ihL IL nanai rnranT with tho allied and neutral govern mm Stand so flx tbs total sum of Soman reparations aa to 'enable Oermany to pay by meana of so International loan Issued in Instalments Delacroix haa had tha aatlva rapport of British and Belgian financial and governmental opinion aqd ha has carried with hum ouch Influence aa waa derived from tho rapport of Dr Vlmorinr head of tha Dutoh state- hank and do some extant it lo hndMMood of prominent Near York flnaaolare Tho general Idea of those powerful European financial groups working in oo-o po ration with their several governments is that no settlement eon be obtained uatlUtho sum of German reparations finally fixed at a total of somewhere between forty UUioa and sixty billion gold marks fn speaking -pi theqo grant sums alight importance apparently Is aitachad to whether the total ta or id billions more at Icon The favorite dgnirp Ja IMth-' eoi Tho second fundamental oonatder tfon in -the view of those groups that nuch political arrangements shall bo made aa shall guarantee there -will ha no impairment of German a met a of of German fecili-tias for payment during a tong term qf years This involvtq political dedaione ot the highest importance far tha gave ramanls opo-carncd tRAIIIOEpITIEmiESSii i Tiawu Ax-1 i iwjra '1yn 1 Mas Teironsm axid Violence Basis of I of the rooatry that some le- apprihanMnn oxlata fo Just whae WHITS SULPHUR SPRINGS Mr Dae If Kansas will aot drive tho Ha Klux Xian from the ataio fo force but will expel Itfo refuolnj fo permit it to do bmtasm within Gw boundartMt' Governor ifinry Alien declared Jn an ad-dnmpiraara for dallvaiy today bafort the gtrvernorh A folng fwught fo tho Kau-taa fopremo court ho mid' would nwpa dimppoor tha blariag erooe and Gw pasture parttaq where -tho awn weak themaelvos and pat on a foatMtk ceremony fo Uw span field sad taeforioo au entire neighbor- Vtuu wo mo Mkln Qie klan from foe orpec Allen nets by thO 1 ww V- a i ta 1 sal- eb I had a 'plan fo flnaaea thfo IS IftHI bridge that1 1 wished Coral mtt do tkaaa paid aa Aho got pomawhat mixed and by ab birtraUng did aot fully oxplafo tha pbuL thought Alhst your paper aright Jta wiHinig to publish it ao Mated It If oaann aa lf there abofdd bo room eaough in newspapers to otale a project- oa large hid important as this is aa that tho people nan' undoratnnd somethfaif about It tiwwt have an mttsr from tha lfalaa Central Railroad to pgy 1100000 a year natal for tho privilege of crossing this bridge with their trains My opponents admitted that State bond ought to ho float- od at about 4 per cant Tho Inter-' oat on 1000000 of bonds at that rata would bo $10000 4" year Wo thought that operating tho draw eould bo dona for 9ISO0 year and APPOINTED s- 1 ot Indiana Vnlvomtty aqd tat prefaaaor of hlripry at luUl aiaea 1MI Tha appointment taka effeot beginning with tha raring BOD EARRIER FREED OF COUAR BUTTON THEFT BOSTON Dec: Hod carrion have little urn for collar buttons Fwlner Congressman Joseph CUoaneU nrgued in SuKolk cran-ty court dafamno -of Luigi Curert of tha itattapaa district who pur-oueo that trade fend who war charged1 with shop lifting 10 collar buttons rained At foqr cente each Alter the greeter partof two dayn had boon: ooawmed la trying the aasa Carer wan acquitted by the Jury iu fin mlautefjfoUbRmtlon- A 'V ow? 4s Ataa bacauao it has been run Ay pelitlclang who know nothing about-tramgertatloe Tho enrM man yqnr eaa hovo fa bueladas is-the man" who know nothing About it and you fled' tfamt haa tha outhertty ho can yon BT BCPES FOR IREAND i mOTEDANDFEMXFUL BBAlTi bn ffly fluted President Wm Cow-grara'of tho Irieh JTree stria oabtm-ri- fo aChrlatpier ari NawiTTriegrmitaaaym'- TBrnu aftortha flat lag of' Rao1 bipundary-ooinmJaaioa era may feava to auSar patiently separation of edn-Merabis pOrtlooe-pf nriar from the Irlah motherland for many yearn but that theso portions Yeriu ulUm- ataly Join the prodnoe and Ireland la as qertala so that tho on wlU rise tomorrow Them has never been in my sovaramant any quoo-iioo of eoercing or tyranalxlag over tho aeotlon of tha aertkm foopto who do not wish to Join aa la found ing and building a great and pi perdue Irlah BVao State la which classes wifi eajoy their share of prooperity end of civil and religious liberty in tha beat and fullest ammo" Governor General Haaly prpradhnn Gw hope that on tho day of peace and good will tho Orange and tho Green will Join- in toarihg each other's health by eon tented prow-pends and united Ireland Blshbp Darcy nays that Gw only wayte promote unity fo Irrinnd in to euitivata spirit of 'order fair dealing and steady worl HEKRIN TBUl HAV END DIJANUARY SV- MARION IU Dae H-tAGqwnr for both Mato aad daf aaaa jn the trial of flvn man charged with murder fo connection wlth lheHoryJw riot of last June today pradlatedtm sad of the trial by tha middlo of JanuaryJA Previoos eMtmatao eras that tho trial Vraid eootlnue two gwothe Daring the first throe Anys ot tho trlal teetlmony has been throa by more than oeora of vlt- SO far tho witniaaw have pMatod to four of tho five dafend-aata as having been oaea with gunn In their bands daring tho biota but all have naitqd Ja tha- doclaration that they vnojuabli'h identify any of those no participants in the shooting JTaoldent Harding inrltsa gavarn-cWBfot West Virginia confaranoo gd to White House Monday to bo hln lanehoon guests probably for prbhl-bliion dleeusalon REACHES THE RED SPOTS 'L i TfeMh the Mar Rgast of Ballard GoUen ij'yjhv It Is iaf pure WMm alia whir stark' moot a( loHeauMtleo sag with ir fu expienatloa of hia ylan' jta ad bridge oyor she flnanoa the proposed Kennebee rir at Baihj what jut oidd before Ahe ydij Chamber of Coiptneree reeejUiyV Abbreviated reporta of th moot-ins loft Senator Carlton's pbeitiou not quits dear he said and this waa hie primary reason tor Issuing tho atafomont 1 Locate It At Bath Said Sen Carlton: "Ajt hearing la August bqfora tha Chamber of Commerce Tuesday December ll 1S1 la dofond-Ing our location of a bridge at Bath 1 said wa had A rough estimate from Hr Braaor if the Worcester Bogin earing Company of BeMop Hasp that a bridge could fee built aoroea Mm Ksnpebae river at Bath for ahopt MAMNI and if that dEanof a OE 'ORONO Dim Appointment of Dn Caroline Colvin no dean of man at University of Maine waa aa-aeunaad today fey President Clarence Little rrofamor Colvin la a grad- AUSTRALIANS VOTE ON PREMIER HUGHES Australia Doe Australian common weqlth will doMdo at tho Polls topay Whether Hugboa premier for wight years into bo re turned to power or bather bin coalition government will go down la tho lUeaant pnriiamrat the stats' of tho parties excluding the nationalist speaker Sir Blliotf Johnson lo as follows: Kallonnlleto 0T county party IS Labor IA There are HR oandidaioa for Tt eeale tathe Jlsvri of liepre- seotativeo ifEUlOURNE rutowku or- any cabinet appoint-piont by 'Irina They amariid he ta wd mean by expelling the erder oad tho thought has boon apaaaad tha-1 It ts-tfeo latouttan ef tho fonto to drive pat of tho ntato tho oaemfowe of the wn a hr ThtR iaJBfo an What tho IfotfonY befoto tho Bnpranw oourt prw '-v-soppoaeA Under tho hri of JKnnsao ovary prgaaiaatlon dofog bnrinoOf iJ within' Jha atata muM ho ehayt- Tho has ohartar- nnitw tfo awp pf Qoorglaand tho Action -now pebdlng In tha guprerpo of tlw state fofWthfi $Brpoao of RriOrfolA Wilt for bidding tho ktah VSrSo bualnara haraaftar la beu oosoaeo of our opposition to Corimanting pe the Stanly Baldwin chancel achaquwrvto the Stfo Dolly HnUfoMata that hia dhenaatoHprith the Amariean pntboritiee oa the debt quest lent put "bo foe from aaattaauL w-'v eonnot hq mntlinaatal ie wards others tb nowxpaporaoyq Mwhsn oer owa standard of living tar gsaaaotloa and saw future ex-htonca aa trading nation j-nr at atakSv if are to aaaka fresh eaaaiooa wo must joootro loeu w-fideration o'? of the OOXlURD FIRE CONCORD Ikn oaMmatad at mow than $00000 was sauted fo a flm aarly-thie aaoraing that dariteyad tha Theobald apart- oq South' atrest fo thin oily The fra atartsd In tha bnwmonl nod mraad oo rapidly that tho fire maa eould do Utile except prevent Uw spread of the fiamao to aaarbr fare) lings' "AH Of Hw fa- famUleo honaw in tho bnlUUng eeoaped without much dhScnKy hot lost moat of -their' bouschgld furntahiuga 1 ita i 1 ara mod-a now or rain and moderate ahiftisr winda Next Week WABHINOTON Dacl II Weather outlook for tho week' boginning Monday in north and middlo Allan! tie Mateo: Unaettled with anow or rain -at baginning fair following until Thuraday or Friday whan now or rain id again probable temperature considerably below normal tonuilii AMU AC SSg'oU 1 Seta 1 Blaaa 4U a-m loagtk of day dra Pays dacraaae bra II mlna iHth day of year 1 i ll gatorday gnnday ii II min- mla 4-il min BookMata-ll miOi sav-x'- Merry Christmas Eledricafly bere is gift whldiwill be much anmciatsd bjr maOt-et slsterjor aweethoart' rhennaxCnrlmjflron wU)h detachable cord1 jt raature aeldom fonnd on lrau it tUprtoe'-'-' I CHRISTM4S SPECIAL -t: $450 Androscoggin ElectrieCoi 1ST Main JSti Uwbtoai IjEFamEfimNlii MJNSjAHEAlJEIS if pyiFlBRIIlSH PRESS -jr i -r1- UWDON elafed Pras)-Tho AlpisMUo and fioaneiftl experts Gw xndta aoridng newspapers are pf the general oplnloa fori a rawer of Amor-leu sr totemaUoaal leu to Qor-many rang far ahead ef tha 'fast Boportt of poembla faa octal no-lataaea to tho Oormaaq together with tho flopartaro of Ambassador Harvty ta Washington next week mad la lima tlona that the Harding admlntatratloa in fiiapoaad to exert 0 helpful la Ounce In Bwopenn Mr fair attract wide -attention hero Tfea Morning pwfo ltuelal editor writes that fintada quarters It unHkoty Ybat eoafidonco la1 Gornway can be aaRideatly rest ortd 'Tender an lnteruatloaal loan fo that country at an probable tor room time to efttaq althe nopoe day radar favorable eoadltloBs- It will fo poaalble" Tha Dally Telegraph's diplomatic eormspradeat says thpt one' of the eoaditleaii pwcodont to toy loan to 8ruuy muot bo the sealing down of tha German indemully Do Not -Forget The Stock Qearance-Sale Y' -vfirir IV OF COATS SUITS AND -WAT V- V- SILVERMAN CO frit S'-''V- (i( 'T a.

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