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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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'j jtafc i ft ESTABLISHED 1847 -rV fvi1 V'-'xw-'ft 1 1 I' LEW1SP0N MAINE AY NOVEMBERS 1 922 'j'w? i ihree-cbt tfjin-CtCY '7 1 fi'' 3 1' -1 i- wmmZat-if? I lf i Jb hA dm rifr -f fcVv'4 v- ibMODrcrnr Head of I i Public Schools 4 for of UNTIL OTHER TREATY SHARES Defends Them by Dr Utile- MHe Shows Misconception of Con-ditions and Ignorance of the anlapan as Far as Known Behind Sched- uletJs Statement An (egother now one hugs sigh of relief! It Isn't going to cost filfiNO! (fifi million!) to carry on the activities of Maine for thojiest two fiscal years according to a statement made la Lewiston' today According to tho man who mad dfito statement tho total amount aeked tor by -aU what appeared before tbo budget committee for the two yean only fllTlltlQlATli amount asked for by the various department! Institution! gad flute hid Institutions tor tho fiscal yaars beginning July 13 and July Ififil warm Departmental in 1S14 I4M-THAI In '1115 illlilllll SUM Institutions 11(4 SfSSj3tai UK fifieifAlilfi Special Aid school to lfi4 fiIfififiCfifi7 lift III-f77 University of Main 1134 fit77i4( Jill 7l7fiIfil7Stat Aid Institution 1134 117334 111) fifitUIL Total In lfifit 31A14L-141 in 1135 iluiuiML By (Mr Bliepard In- an interview given recently la Washington President Little of the University Of Maine spoke with Im patience of the present condition of th governor because he la "opposed to granting nil of appropriation aeked and of the Mantling achieved by sec oadxi'y school Among the high lighta of the Interview which haa attracted much Mlention la educational circle are tM following: little mid he already had talked over with Governor Baxter the question of appro-prlatlona tor the University by the Legislature at tha forthcoming aeailoa but did not -ect to have Hie help of the Governor In putting thd Unl- I LONDON Nov If (By' tho Aa Delated Brass)- Great Britain will scrag mors warships under the Washington disarmament treaty until tho'othor nation! have taken ac tloa and scrapped their quota no-cording to the assurance given a questioner Jn the" House of Commons tqday by Eyres Monasll financial secretary to the pdmbalty Adked who had ratlflsd tho treaty Commander Konsell replied: treaty of Washington has Thlh io ouly 3754TAI tootorcar SHIPS PROHIBITION NOT WANTRD IN TUXAA rosecatiaf AtPy Ordm Wholesale Dlsndssal of Iiqnor Cases Nov Pro hibition la waatod clanl Praaaeatlng Seavar today- I why ho hod otdorod -dismissal of llnnor casai I tho county esnrt want prahlbl-tloa and am not going to fares anything down their threato that they want' Bearer mphatleally stated Ut laa't -tho bootloggara aad tnoonsMaera that cars a mach bat tbo pooplo of tho ga-mnnity who are putting up every Impedlmoat In tha path of TULSA Ok la dtlsn la waatad in Taiaa r- POSSE AND 01 WORKERS IM AT SMACKOVEB Vigilante Drive Asabut Lsw-less Element Sheriff and Party on- Wajr te Srene MONROE La Nov A i her of aaca were a real an reported the distance from El Darado by authorttlea here tlila moratag El DORADa Ark Kov Details were lacking early today' of tlio fight occurring after midnight between If trlglbinQyo from El Dorado and surrounding towns and a band of 25 or more oil field workers after tho adr-npiwintce a lorvcm went to tho 8 mac hover oil field to drive out tlie disorderly element la a number of small settlements ATeagre reports received wore thal the "vlgllantee" were fighting with the workers who had ohJeeted-to tho Invasion by tho ciTlaens poooe Tho sheriff of Ouachita county and CouAaaed aa Page glsteea belanqsTfoum) GUILTY 2ND DEGREE LOBSTERMENMEp READYTOlFIGHT BATES-BOWDOIN GAME SEWED UP A JAIL SENTENCE FOR LIQUOR LAW BREAKERS a Only Way 16 Enforce Law Declares Gov Need More Wholesome Respect for Lai? Wl1 if Negotiations Shcocssful for Continua-tiqn of Androscoggin Vafley on Oct 27 1923 Colby Game Arnus-tice Dayv- t- Wdrmen aitd' Seiners HgThesr Troubles-Oiie $Shorc CommisuoneiAk6 May" Be- foreNead Msuhe'Legitmt AUGUSTA Nor snsT st aU aalMed to Bates will play Bowdeia la football next tan Tho game haa bora aaeuied by tha completion of tho schedule by Bates aa fur aa the Statu games are concerned according to statement by Athletic Director Oliver Cutto October ITtb is tho date decided' upon for tho Batee-Bowdoln reunion with Mains entertained at Lew Surprtooa will basest toned from (Juoddy head to Kittery FolatYf the coming legislature docent do ie) at tinkering to Maine's laws relative to sen nnd shore fisheries There ore always proposUloas a-pteaty for revamping Umm law but at thla time tbo prospects for gem oral request tor alterations amead-maata aad eliminations to neidonco than usual veraity op lie feet He mid tha Governor would undoubtedly fight tha appropriation wMeh the University nee da aad that the preaeat plan la to try to got the money thru tho Lsgto- lature over tha -Governor'! veto It necessary -I like a mid Dr Uttlb- There are only one or two other Mateo la tho Union that hare such splendid original Amerleaa stock' ai Maine and yet Maine agenda a allies ably amall amount of money far education compared with many other etatea that have lem population am not trying to make tho university igg per mat perfect That la nut ef Mm queetlqn at thb preeent time ft la too much run down In Centhmed on AUGUSTA NpV I Jov Porclval Baxter when gakod today to state hla views oa law enforcement and jaH aenteneea tor liquor olfenaeii diclared that ha la a Arm believer In the prohibitory liquor Ihw "Rrleaaing offender on probation Huapemflhg Jml aentencee or Impov-ing fine lnetead of Jail eentencee In Uquor ciuex do not tend to etlmulat a reaiiect loi continued Gov Banter' the State of Maine aa well aa In other altitm there la urgent need for a greater reaped for law and I want to do everything In my power not only to lmpreaa upon onr citbuiia that the Inatltutlonr of thla country cannot enduro unleaa gool rltixcna cheerfully obey the law which the rcpreeentallvee of the people Jiuve inured 'upon the itatute bookx the clliea and lowna of the Stute eapn Lilly thOHO where (hen-la large foreign born population local Judge and trhil Juatlcea repr-aent tha authority of the 8tala and lieoplo look up to them more than to any othyr public official When theao ofllclnla inalat upon- atrlet'eu-fnreemont of all law a they -inculcate In the mtnda of dtlaena of all elaaaca a wholevon-e reapeet for law US 1 i I ty iiUV'fc sov "rlv 1 than th sms stonprlated -by the legtetaturo lttLtoe tho fid month period wndlag JKae lfit whlc was Slfi4M5M4-V It hfiMlV 1174 kovo thsl lbo total appropriation ter tha finaent two fiscal year wzclushrt bl ttofiiit sat months In TM mppnprhKono 'nfHto'-lnsfi loglslnjaim (me'aod In four Mil Tho Hrwt wu to com tko at months perM frtta'Jan1 im ye July fit Snelufilf 1111 nnd MfifiTtfiAlLlt'iThcoocMd covsrwd tho fiscs) irsor from Jaly IMI to JnsO M1I11 Ineluotv end empunted to lMl4t33iTThO third woo fortbsfinertit fiscal -year Which will si to i Jay fit ifils and (UWtotfifi I- Tho fourth wnat b-nwMomooul Mil eovor oorao xwa4ltrc -hoC pen-1 vide ter tB tbt other! nnd totaled This totol spyrsprlattott ofi filfi-II5MIS4 nude by thw logtstotar fit 1131 was (TITAlLfifi tooa than the whole smtost which sraa stood Of thn tugrt sMamlrten fey theao wkh -tfctoi knoo jndnaten I Not to th Metojr of fiida haa (bora over bottn ntbagwhsd all totoreua of the nnrdtao bmliwe wa ta accord T1m same fileecrd axtoto to-day ioms soy awtnvne weir-men any the eelam have bean given altogether tee nock liberty white elaora am -poMthe that roatrtetiona agabmt thom-hit 6u am them le aty aeeeoatty i v-'-vs-v' Mutes' tonas siMt sod laatantly kilted MUtortl la tho- wands awr Gi Christopltor Gltotd' told Im xmlouko tog did art temowof tho other It ottue-- am' spring Bttiag a handle to a hireh-bark dlppor and as bo tmama it about Meet IM ftet away thought the mo vomsnt sf door go ire The ballot paasd tbrw' Boiauro head -fittUiag 'him Charts Hill of WlUlmgatl aged year teas slut aad laataatly kilted Oct fi whn ho waa toteatkeg torn dggriTks bullet oaterod klr HUts hgmdl fit Uw right toaspte death- bolmg tedtslaasonr Chartog Fatioa of Bar HUbor pleaded gaH-ty to shooting Mr HU1 by mtetaka aad was Isold to trait tha notion at tbo 'grand Juiy la Pmcatgqute county I Dt too Maynard aged year premheat PhUaMphig Phyaicsn wu abet aad laataatly killed at tha feat ef figaa pan Ink Aropatoole Oeaaty 'Oc ia mm- HUNT FORlZCUnjCRD IN SCBOOLOOOSE FE1Z LVUffGrroH fieergl NoV porilie eeatteaod taoMimto tho hk of tha High Point outoufiy oohooi hew: tor tha hodla of II ohUdrog ro-tw fire yootoefisr known ta havo or offaMtoBthean ohr-te 1C aal Mtetol Injuries fifi pmo'-tautoe mi burned yrt toy fiatmUF i JiuemNCEFinrD ARRESHD AT SPORTS FOR ALL AMHERST SLOGAN AMHERST Haas Mov "Spqrto for alt" is slogan at Ambsrst collage for many years has brought oat II per seat ef Undergraduate parttetpattea la outdoor athtottoa this ialL Jgta-tlstles prepared by Prof Alison Marsh of tbo doportmaat of hygiene and physical odaoatlon bow that 4TI mag out of ha oa-rolhnoat of IN havo boon aetivs ta oporto at least days a weak The other 14 are mainly santoro who bare taken physical education tar throe year MAYOR COUSENS OF DETROIT GETS NEWBERRY SE AT bjr Got Groesbeck Promfatdoet Urn Mnidpsl RaHwayVentare LANSING Mich- Nov Moyer James Oouoono at Detroit today war appolaed by Gov Groeabeok United States Senator ftom Michigan to fill the unoxplred term of former Senator Truman Newberry who resigned recently Mayes Couseas haa accepted the appointment Jibe governor aanoune- -i Tho notification of hla appointment ban boon forwards to Mr Couseno who in Now Terk to apond Thanksgiving Day with hla daughter a college otudeat The governor announced that Mr Couxena who has gained aatton-wide prominence thrn his municipal railway venture at Detroit will take his seat la the Senate aa boob aa hto Detroit alfdirs could be arranged No Strings B(r Cmuofia becomes Senator with net a single string attached" the governor said made no mmIinl cnetiA mul If mMdpil owunbtp of iu street railways is good thing for Detroit under Mr Couaonr direction It should be good thing under nay other able map Coartdor tho objection that kr Conaona la tea valuable mu far Detroit to lose at this time to a strong row why his usefulness aa fmbUo servant should bo extended to Include nil Mr Couaoaa It la goaotally ac-eeptod her wfll fee a candidal for Hm senate for the toll tom la INI NEW TORX Nov It -Mayor! Jdatoo Goaaenn of Detroit -nppohit-ed senator from Michigan today to eeeod Trumaa Newberry agid he thought It hoot to refrain from making any statement until bo had been officially notified am of course happy over my appolnlmenk1 ho -added Tho mayor arrived hero today to pai Thanksgiving with hla daughter a D1K IN EXFMMUOX PHILADELPHIA Nov fit-Three men arc dead as result of an explosion of the lfiO gallon still In a stable her last night One man waa Instantly killed and the other two died In hospitals today Two of the six Injured ore reported in a serious condition POXU Jl'BOR COLLAPSES BOSTON Nov Tho trial for larceny of Charles Ponal quick-rjch -promoter which was to have gone to" the Jury in the fiuperiof Court today waa halted when one of the Jurors collapsed la court Judge Foodlck ordered a rsosoa The Juror George Watthegs a Me-gro is believed to havo oaffored ha attack of appendicitis WASHINGTON Nov ihLltoek-ing the administration SMpptay MU to tbo House today Bepmoentattvo Andrew rep Moon halMag from tho G'-uuesotsrdlstrtot dsslarsfi (ho measure dtlll offered dangerous -which If adopted wifi hound as toe yuan to A CbliiP SNOW TRACKS LEAD TO LINCOLN STREET HIDE ProbabijrSnow WASHINGTON Nov Fore-cut for northern New England Cloudy pomlbly light anow la the Interior tonight or Thuraday warm er'iontght freah norlhweqt barking to aoiiiherly wlndk recaw for aoutlirrn Now Eng-lind: I I and farmer tonight Thurwlny cloudy an1 warmer freeh north next backing to aoulherly wind Kur Thenk-alilng VYAFfrlfVGTtHf Nov -TliitnkMgiving weatlM'r will be im-i-mlly filr eaat or the river exit for probable Incal nnon- along the Canid lan border from the lower Inkea eaotward according ta the Weaiher Buri'au tempemourr rontgnt and in moat of the negiort ei( of Mir MlmlMippl alas la predlct'iL joi nvti Atntg'Ap 4 atni i i moon iTUaea I5I 1111 Dara Old I I Beta llt Length of day I Lr- SI jnlba -Thutj derreaae A hr mlna Slid day of year lA'rdiieedny Thursday I1 1 24 min IJ min path -4-4S min min NINE UVES mm BIG Five Shot in Mistake for DeorUit Year Sixteen lives Were Sacrificed in Maine Hunting booh ratified by tho UnlteJ States Japan and this country but not yot by Trance of Italy British capital ships rendered uooieaa for war parpose" ha dddod have boon sold to and removed to shlp-bresMclng firms for brooking upl Six mar have boon rendered incapable of war risk service sad twd more will have been similarly dealt with by the end of next menth "So fur no Is known the A and Japan havo not disposed ef ahlpe eaoopt poeelly obsoleto ahlpe that iston Oct- tth and Armistice Day Colby at WatervlUe la regard to tho latter date Conch CUtts stated that If Armistice Day wort to bo observed Saturday tho game will he played 4a that day Mv If but if officially recognised on Monday Nov II would occur on that date That there have been other games contracted lo tho assertion 0f the' athletic authorttlea at Bales gat they would not give those out Katherine McBean IS Water street was arreqted-en a charge of Illegal possession Because evidence was not Introduced to prove ptrsseselnn of tho liquor the case waa die-missed One man waa given two weeks 'la which to pay a fine and coots on a charge of Intoxication father mother and five children oil slept in one room there being one bid Tho Oldest child lo seven and none of them attend school The authorities slate that therq Is no means of Income evident aad will seek possession of the children because of the lack of attention The case will ho heard by Judge Crockett Monday morning FUR OF SAWDUST BARK AMU WASTE SEATTLE Nov Exierlmeiito carried out with tlie support of West Coast Lumbermen's association by wf Dumtilcton -and A- Lt-uinberger of Tacoma havo culminated In a wood hrlquctts that qua la anthracite coal la heating vahio according to announcement hero Tho now fuel Is made of bark! sawdust and mill refuse now a total Hecate Idll authorising retirement of Araeclate Justice Pltney-TifthO Jgu-pre mo court because of -in health waa reported todiy' by tho House Judiciary commfttse-- iigttof Following flrl tracks In the enow Officers Cloutier Bhelfield and Ashton visited an unoccupied tenement In the rear of IS Lincoln street Tuesday afternoon and found I pint bottles of alcohol besides several empty bottles and a gallon cun As the owner of tho building Mrs LEWISTON FAMILY OF 7 SLEEPS IN SAME-ROOM 8HBINTnELD ill Nov George Belanger waa found guilty of second degree murder by a Jury trying the case which reported shortly after llf this morning Tha case was given to the Jury about dlf o'clock yesterday afternoon Belanger was said by tho prosecution to have been the principal In the murder- of Wallace Weber a store-keeper' on Dept 11 Ifg-l Weber wun killed by Alfred Ibuhalme now nerving a life aen-jj jtence when- Duhulme nticniptril to 'hold up the ftore-koopor Drlnnci I said to have Induced Duhaline stage the hold-up Tim thiiie Hoard of Charities and C'orrertluii lias enti-red a complaint ufralnxt Mrs inslgn Lillian Moody of West Hints Ki Lewiston for al-It-ged gleet of her children AccorO'iig to Umber Borjeaoon local retiresentatlie who Investigated conditions IIT Was found that tho SB TM- Hlfi'iLV Tliaiiksgivmg Day Dinner Flit gk tu li5 1 Cream loUwr Kunp Mafol OUrr tVrry tljmert on til? Half Mn-il lloost Turkey Drecday Slatdn-d PMalim liiers bU bnvenl-baiod Cmahrrry Kssiv -a Ihwnt Hot HUM Pto lee Crross gljig fliktni Soup Celery Oltrs Oymer ou MiHI noam Turkey lMresaiag Maalied IVsIini Cnes Cmabrrry Kaneo Special)- AUGUSTA Tho -big game ataoan to which will close afi midnight Tbara-day oxacto a MR at alas live of the alas pariaaa whn loet tholr lives during tho osaao tour killed la miatako tor a deer aas was shot by his brother by mlatak killed by the accidental dia-chargo of a gun ta tho hands of his companion two wee kilted by -the acddontal discharge of their ewi guns and one hunter was drowned Lost year If persona lost their Uvea during the hunting season- Of this aumbor flvo wwra killed to auo-ako tor a dooiv throe 1 aeotdsa tally shot thomoclvo two wore aeddo tally kilted by thole qempai on a game warden on duty- waa killed by tho overturning ef hie automobile two- wore drowned while hunting two died from exhaust loa and exposure nad one waa lost ta tho greed TherFstalttlra -Tho first totality of tho season oe-carrod Uct 1 whoa Fred Kolsur of FIND TWO IN RUINS OF ST BONIFACE COLLEGE WUNiPSa Maa- NoV Tho hod tee of two addltleaal 'hnHaaTHid vietlmo havo boon roanvad ftom the rates of tho gt- Boaltoeo eollago Bee ueeuatiai tor fhraa of the tea lac porsoo -v Bov Fathu Laooutar tastUytag boforo toa teqniry by tha fire oomialerioaor sold th eyatom of Ore drlfitoc theffoml- NOT THB ONLY DffB ''TuVi a fifaw" Tor wish tofla too court too seat Mrs oa M- a lid of aa whgd Rka! I who ena't Dr 8Y Bean at Dalla Tone wu elected Imperial Wtenrd at tho Ka Klux Klaa today tor tha to portal Kteavakatte moatiag la goal eeediea at Atlanta On fin aa1 coed CaL Wfiitem Mmmag too dar at tha pumat Klaa iepaali tloa Tho sow effito of Emperor wu i-reuted tor Cal Cmimoan to whlcn hqwas elected for lir Battery les this Siore'oorBaitety widi Uf IliK Mlace lle ROYAL RESTAURANT i LET MVJRBOX ST -THIS WINTER ORDER YOUR ICE CREAM FOR YOUR-V THANKSGIVING DINNER i Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Caramel' Walnut PtatoeK'-' Frosen Fuddlng French Ice Cream and Orange SltorhcL We have also a eomplefe ltniLqLlUUboa Copdy Sugar a- Mai oases filature Hard Candle Chocolates gad Bonbmw -y -V' Alton LM Grant (16 LUbon Catmwty- I SabfittBs Sl -We re 4difijd with fill modem applifinceii for thlr work and iuife a rompetent' man in charge of this de-' nrtment SiMCSiarage Neat to Poit'OtBce Aulnnm IV tifitterica Called for Fret of Charge Memrial Serricc SL Chureh AlThanksviYbpBloraiiiK yi Wa Morpiqr G'k DUBLIN Me It (By tho Ar doatod -Proto) Udgama Ct-Mtophy gno of tomes do T' vten hsrh wu art 4'-'' Mattoaat treeco ralded tha fence of Oowd Ptsakstt aad re d'tho selirn of a quantity plodvoswmd wlUttv "sa sari i-'J-'p 'i.

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