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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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1 vv' VV 'V: ic v'-'- ESTABIJSHEDWI -i iy THREE CENTS LEWJ3TONMAINE FRlDAYMARCH 2il 923 A fi" L' "V-: aSi i Freed oAAridiBfS Report Pattangall and Curtis Behind Move to Send Brann to Bat as Pinch Hitter CD LOCAL YOUTHS CHARGED WITH SERIOUS CRIME Young Men and New Gloucester Girl of 16 Are to Bfe Brought Before Court According to Police ticket In towtaton la unopposed by tho republicans or any other organisation there being tout ohe ticket in tho Held Teas" Preaalng tho queotlon brought no resulta Mayor Brann rofueod to gay whether he had any ambition In that direction Ho did think that 1114 would bo a "democratic year going to be elected governor of Maine on a democratic one of thaao will known tidal waves tioket In 1114 he said Mayor Louis Brann of Lewiston la belnf groomed for democratic candidate for governor according to-political gonlp which filters into town thru murder trlala and legislative talk Pattangall of Augusts the guiding genius of the democraU In Maine and Oakley Curtis of Portland former governor were present with others high on the staff recently at a meeting to discuss prospects it is said and they considered that Mayor Brann would bo the Ty Cobb to send to the bat as a hitter" In lift If ew to Brann Mayor Brann smiled his customary smile when a reporter asked him wliat he knew about "such a rumor hews to me" he said you bo a candidate for r'ernorT" he was asked iOe Campaign On got one campaign on my hands just ho countered deferring to Monday's election In which he and-the whole democratic POLA AND CHARLIE PATCH THINGS HP Cupid Again King in HoUywood and the Film Stars Are Again Happiest in the World Two Spaniel Boys Said to Be Gifted With X-Bay Eyes 'fn rattoaapw warn 'lq I meat blm eir: aaaant wqy Wourthaa: eC jA-v-nrae ao eoacarn wttb- any fit r'iS' tag 'attorneys may aao atrto'koU among tbpmaelvea- will nay (Mat There positively will be nwooBfertti-once la which tee court 'Iteett-pori'H' ttelpatea Any agreement between the-'nttomeyg- -find myaelfi reached only in (ho InpronMeoqrt' room and while court la la may quota that!" qneetleaed om of tko reporterai "That ytetijrtabiwaori''-Jnotleo reply He find the honro paaeil Tlnally atnearty midalgbtu ttontelr March 2 (Special)-The Indictment Charging Murder of Her Husband Against Mrs Ethel Bean Was Noi Pressed and She Was Set Free Upon Ofder of Justice Charles DunnYihen Court Convened at 940 P'eloehrTriday floinMg Complete Collapse oMhe Case -Was Obvious to Everyone Thursday Afternoon When Its Last Witness Left the Stand It Was Generally Supposed tliat Mrs Bean's Discharge Would Follow at That Time ItWas Thought Better However to Adjourn Court Until the Situation Could Be Clarified A LongSeries of Conferences Between Attorneys Followed on Evening As a Result of These Conferences Mrs Discharge Followed on Friday Morning THE ATTORNEVGENEBAL after a flvo how grilling PorUand ohriy la January montha after March Two aona IAN DON of a Kpanlah nobleman ara gifted with "X-ray syeaaeocrdlag to an artlela in tha Madrid Im- tha Dally Chargsd with having immoral ro-latlona with Mlga Marf Evelya Ftelda II year old Now Gloucester four Lewiston jroutho were arrested rrllay and will be given hearing before Judge Crockett in the Connell ef the police They were: Fred Leclalr Henry Leclalr 1 Thomas Mansfield George Levalley A fifth arrest some time before court Saturday Chptaln mid Bonds ware secured by nil except Mansfield early Friday afternoon Mies Fields la under the cure of Mrs Caroline Semen the police matron Capt said Tha arrests were made on Information furnished Mrs Semen Tho details wire not given out hut Capt O'Connell said that tha offenses alleged were supposed to have taken place In February Mlm Fields' father lives la Portland her mother le dead and aha has been living with grandparents In New Gloucester but boo boon frequent visitor to Lewtetoa Checks Outlawed 1 Year from Date Other Proviiionfl ia Act for Better Protection of Bonks -Offered in Senate Kirclal quoted by all Tcata feave shown that tha abnoraial vision aaablea them lo read thru ailver braaa or Iron bat they cannot we thru porcelain or paper Pattangall ora from hla room qpaxed a' mla at vw i "tkeraCv ttaVt' laiqpam Jdtok' yea to print about thl' having a friaoly aaythtagl Joed Nothing to give opt at air or wards LOS ANGELES March I Cupid was king again In Hollywood today and romance lived mow for Polo Negri Polish tragedienne of the eilver sheet and Charlee Chaplin creen moat famous comedian Tbelr troth Plighted over again after a rig hour deaolato break Mlm Negri- waa happy to sleep" when eho re-announced It In the mall hours of today and Mr Chaplin wan tho typical man In tha world" when ho entered his limousine utter a conference of conciliation In which the now queen of make believe said ho told her ho "loved me end could not live without me" Kctiew TIE Pota Negri Thursday declared aha had broken her engagement to Charlie Chaplin comedian of the Alma In an interview with the Log Angeleo Times Beyond remarking that srcfe a thousand Monona why I should not marry Mr Chaplin" Miss Nogrl avoided conversation following her announcement that the engagement wni oil and confined her explanation of the break to a writ-tea statement the text of which follows: consider I am too poor tn mor ry Charles Chaplin He needa to marry a wealthy woman and ha hould hava no difficulty In finding one In tha United tho richest and moat beautiful country In tho world I give Mr Chaplin hie freedom and release him from hie engagement I wish him the beet of luck add I will always be hje devoted ask mo any quaa-tlou" aha warned after her totals ad been read am not able ewer them" Charlie Bald Chaplin reached by telephoto demanded: what about ItT" Whan Informed in full of Mine Negri statement there was a short alien oe Thaai "Oh" Another short alienee followed Then "la that eof" Another pause and then eaaae click aa the comedian hung np tha receiver Earlier In the day ho had been quoted aa stating ka waa "too poor" to marry Mias Negri now la a working world" ho Mild nt that interview mad all got to stay buoy and keep away libm clUuaqee of aentlment" to that qfloeLta too gracletM tangall nuane Aad ttoTwos tho sad ol'woUt1'' pert set ffpyv PRESIDENT SIGNS THE lUVERJARROR BILL WASHINGTON March Tho Army Appropriation bill which carries an appropriation of ISIH4I44 for River and Harbor projects was signed today by President Herding JAPAN LOVER HOUSE defeats Suffrage TOKIO March I r(By the Assocl-g-d The universal aulfragc bill waa defeated In tho lower house of the Diet today otter Pro mlei Koto an lil that the government hod under conalds ration tho extension of the -franchise 4 -1 rrrT Fsiratd Wanner WASHINGTON Mar Porecoat frr northern and southern Mew England: KWr and warmer tonight and Saturday fresh southerly winds JOtJMKAL ALMANAC TURNS PORTLAND INTO Legislative Party Arrives by Special Train Friday Pier Inspection-Dinner Ball Tonight tho murdar Borne export medical desUmony also was expMted to hava been given" Mn Bran Meets fteportera Boil ling vary happy a flash natural color stowing to bar asaalljr pole cheeks and ret olngalnrly writ poised and self Ethel Sean came tho ffiw of tor room la thi Uoddiird House aa hour following her discharge from custody Friday and faced tha battalion of re porters They were crowded almost standing upon each others should era to the narrow toll Mra Bean amliad upon them aad they omllcd bock al her Beyond her aa the reporters eodld ora waa another very happy gronp aged mother other Immediate relative and tor i friend "Mra? said one pC the reporter "we wish to offer yew tho congratulations of tho Frcqo upon yoqr acquittal aaff'yonr vindication" Ttjeq began a otradgely rambling bnt comprehentlve Qncetioao came without any aa-quoneo from every member pt the reportdrial promptly dearly la Ito" Interview When court convened at 9-30 Attorney General Shaw arose and said "Tour Honor in the interval of the recess ordered Tqr you yeatprday I have reviewed the evidence very caiefnlly have also investigated and have learned that with the assistance of the able Oonnty Attorney and the efficient conscientious sheriff all of the evidence available has been presented all that can possibly be found as bearing upon this ease NOEVIDENCE considering the matter carefully I am certain we have not evidence legally sufficient to uphold the indictment against this respondent Therefore I deemit my duty noth to the people and to the accused to recommend that the ease be ended by a nol This motion was granted by Justice Dunn and a moment later Mrs Bean was free A wave of applause swept through the crowded room bat there was no wildly enthusiastic demonstration of Approval or disapproval ara never in good taste especially in a Judicial said Justice Dunn person again offending after this solemn yet kindly warning win be immediately Mis family and friends crowded around many AUGUSTA Mar I Att aot for th batter protection of banka la partlculqg waa offered la the Bennie Friday by Eaton of OdiM Tho act provides that no revocation countermand or otopffihyment order relating to the payment of any check or draft against aa account of a depositor In any bonk or trust company shall remain la affect for mure than 10 days attar tha service thereof on lKA bank unless it la ranawad Where a check or other Instrument payable on demands nt any bank or trust company lo pro-eon tod for payment more than one year from' Ite data buru bank or trust company uaiem pxpreeely Instructed by tho drawer or maker to pay tea mum refuse payment -thereof and no liability oholl thereby bo Incurred to tee drawer or maker for discharging the Instrument by non payment ECLIPSE OF THE MOON WILL BE VISIBLE IN AMERICA T0FQGHT MOON ibis pm: tho moot rcmarkabl per- tap to tho history of Matos mwdor ij trlala vOortahriy tottologolklotMy of FrahkUn county glaco lota foronoonT' devalopmont' tod lUUwod amaslng rapidity ho dramatic story of tho attempt to obtaln Mr' Boaa'oV eoofresloa as It fel) from tha Hpo of Bheriff BmaU oa-firom examloa- tloa tho abrupt ending of too 'State'' eaee in tho early afternoon the equally abrupt aUonrnmentf tha long long eeoferenca Of attoneya to tho evening The poeelblllty-at that aatlce Duna might be asked Friday morning tO'-dlMrt'i' '7 verdict of "not gnlKyt: Dm xmate' To Ooamdy -U Two- wttaamad i wore-' ballad Ttomday otteraaM foot before -tee announcement xtotv ttj tod eloord Mo ooo' followed tto etartliaffiy-dbrapt t'? The firm of these --was Char We 1 George of WatervlU 'nUaaraat more boat" Could adequately a reproduce Mr poeaUor led and suggest the hreoataem and' all-pervading triendltoeas of hfa par--" aoaatlty ha Would tova a romark- f' able atory' Ttmo after time tha '4 court-room' was emvwtned'Tto roto- otenso' of his teoUmaay -waa -t hat ho tod called upon Mi Booa Pro -ftoolonalty and oho tad said to him: pe -money to bay Jewelry going to got a rich maa by and by-and toon eaa own nn antoaaohjle" errow hwbaad too moHmJioat now" Georgs arid' ho told tee tody rtepmdo ti care mock nbopt riding no tbo water -it j' And mteo jo tbo same efnert-' tt'UiUm L' Porter chef-at tho Pirate nt ialand'compaiold of lan roavtog there ear night aqd pqtlrlo to room with Mr Bean "This Teom waa directly beneath pla own "Thry oeenird to bo havlas v' ouarrei" arid hronr llr'1 Draff naysTTta wnt to stay oi'h -those girts tod tmt coma homo to j- i 01 nIV 14 Old nun Riees rr (14 I Bet I 111 Dare lIMeea Fall Jjength of day 'll hr IS mini Deri increase I hrs 14 mine Slat day of year Friday 4 Saturday lift It min 14 mla Bath- 41 min Rockland mla by Mayor Chaplin and by rop-rsoentatlyea of tM state and city ebambera of commerce Provletoha were mode to transport the throng morose tho city expo dlUoualy aa possible and tbs Falmouth Hotel used ns haadqoarlara waa soon aflutter Wttb gnosis eager for the feetiritlao of day -and eve- PORTLAND March I Portland forgot (to snow drifts add Ita eoal problems )ald aotdo Us carsa and adoraad ttaalf in 'feallve attlra Friday la hMor: of Governor Say and tha official Hait of that dignitary and tils' asaoclata olScials gad tho legislators asd their ladlea Byrecular and trains thsas Going ns Tonight savaral" huadrad 1 gucate reaohad Union ntqtloa at dooa and wary greeted by tho leglslatlvo remisiiltac of tho Port land jelly Attorney General Shaw came forward and shook her band but County Attorney Holman did not do so at this time: a local hoteL an army of newspaper people following them groap She answered wlttopt ovaatemr Ttoro waa mneb tr poaplre Tbeotse (Perform-ahceg-Hj and Big Fen Super -Sped la I tab Mall (ParferauiBow at S' and Harry Watklaa Bernard aqd Bette Hooter Xdad and Co Leon and Down King Brea Pesters pletar Super lex1 Xiailtci Atownit if- At the lancbeoa Frederick wC Iby cagineering dm oharge'M the otete pier eoagtraetloa gave la-toraatlag data oa 4ho work Ho oald there are 1-1 aerea of pier otnwtnra uad lasd with 1 1-4 aritaa Iracke ad 1 acres of ahadsk It la hfii ooNriettoB Mot la pro-portloB to tho alae rilksNi hualnaon ao pert Ha (his country relatively arts tha growth and tela the ohlaf seaport of MataM" TO brisN uueceaa tt do It all muck depeod pla of Malaa that they altedly sad whaUhenstodly Hai believed the time la Hoc tor a ptep forward IN 'laduotrial sad agrt roltaral devetepmeatr-thm of thto Man 1 i Maine with -ite-water powers- te timber and'lte eoll Has groat patea I'lal poeeibilltlca for grqwlh ataag '1? fftgw' Hour after hqw Thursday light' attoraryi teJthq trial of Mr Ethel of them wars In roarer-In room la -the -Ttecfiaage ffiotoC They were tto-nttovnoyo foe tee Attorney General Stow bad Coast Attorney Holaaaa lb attarneyc fw Mr- William ffi' Pattangall Cjrrws Blanchard pad Jameo ffi Perkin And hear after hour a battalleo of aownpopar mm waited nemo word from tto booferoneo ehambor They JiMilea'IHuMi wtod he CHIOAGOy March -A acUpao win to vtalbla in North America tonight With tto asckptlon of tho total oeUpoo gtbo aaa en Sept If next visible only at California aad Mexl-eo eg the eentlaent the mooatt tidlpo win to the only pqonltatlop vtffble ffiila yeor ta North America Bdwta ffi FreeC director oC Terkeo Obeorvatery at Winiaina Bayj Wla aM tko Bnt falat fraoa of t)t ceil pm caa to om at 1-14 central Uadard tlma wttb this aertheaatara pertlea of the mom becoming Uffbtly otoenred The height of tto eclipse will to mrhed about 44l aad the shadow will leave the north weetera pertlep 14II -3 '3jJXj who toa beea tn oonotaat atland aaeo upon bar olaeo oho woo ladlct-od and artooted oariy Fobruan hook tor toad bugged find kttaid her "Had the trial coat la wed the -da frnoo tatoadod to stow ttoro'waj harmony betweew tho eoeptoTritor (ton tho allogod fealowoy whteh tho oteto CMtendod was the motive Her hear relatives aad others were to haV tedtUM to wpport this aad Mr Bean waa to '(an taken tho stand to tell the story of the attempt made by FraokUa touaty officials lo a otgniff ctafeoeleo from CLOSING SCENES to describing (to elootgg kmi of Iks' trial an Associated Preoa die-palqb eayar Mraeaa Utraed from the USh of courts by whom ah tod to( atdarod' fo atead- daring (to final proceeding find faeOdlM peetatoro'af they applaud Mra Deaa tffM Walked to the jnry tog aad akoek toads wjtb tko Jnioii Naaev Rniwli aged mother of Ihe freed womaa threw tor armg about tor and (dated bar la a motherly- fashion Mrs rrsnk HteiK of Portland -'i a tea ad The alee (CoaUaoaa IS- to Hoot Glbeoa la -auniamoa1 from lmarlaa" William Rtaaell In "Tbe (treat Xlghrt eerial Pearl White la r- Fi'laillla theatre (Evealpg eartala at Henri Moral Btoek eerlw of popalar pi ay a v-: Thto Quarrel starts hr sniff ol wotf ooatlfiutng unlil ohea Re topped at tkrir door ani rtotmrd thorn tot ttooo wore tbp only oordt to distinctly heard -A-v tolMMO' WMnraaro' 4''V Hod Urn com sot torn nol prowed Rlanrhard wrq to have oinm4- TARR'SUARKET Thla 40e ttit FnMCBt wbokul Prieffi 107Mfiin LewktM came brio the offleer tkqr told him torof reports to (to offset that later to (f- 1 i A CmnmmH ri I tmtlMri on foge Thirteen iL it r- -4 V' 0 P-- 4M 7 -J f'f' i to J' 1 -l A a "i 1 7 a a j-' -v" j-'-V 0 '-P 1 WP 1 Xt.

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