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The Lewiston Daily Sun from Lewiston, Maine • 1

The Lewiston Daily Sun from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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MTiWJinn LEWISTON ME TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 28 1922 PRICE THREE CENTS' VOL XXX i laV- CLEMENCEAUIN CHICAGO IS SURPRISED TO LEARN OF SECOND ATTACK i if vfu 1 i-' 1 FIVE HMED BOYS HERE MOT A PLACE TO SLEEP Local CMes Han FalEed to Keep Promise of Carlas for Coofeitoce Delegates Declares Stephens Speaking for ComnHttee Cant Stop Boys From Coming Now SECOND WIPE INSISTS MARRIAGE WAS VALID Marshalltown la Nov 17 (By The Associated Mrs Blanche Hawn Raah-Brimmer-Tlernan hero to establish tha fact that aha has a legal right to be--ome Mrs John Tieraan at Crown Point Saturday expects he South Bend prdfessor to ar-ive Wednesday morning ahe -en-louncod tonight "I am Tlarnan'a wifa and I am rnlng to live with him" aha declared "There le no personal en-ilty between Mr Tier nan and nyself He can't go hack to hla iret wife under the IndUna Uw nd I am going to fight any scion to aet aside tho divorce If uch action has been taken" HAT HAVE A SEPARATE K-TURKBH TREATY Paris Nov (By The Amo-eatod Press) Preparation of a separate treaty between Turkey and the United States la under consideration at Lausanne saya a dispatch to tho Tampa The cor-repondente suggest that thtb perhaps waa the subject of yesterday! long eon venation between Richard Washburn Child and lamat Pacha Lnuaanna Nov (By Tha Associated Press) Lord Cprxon the British foreign secretary today authorised on official statement to the press that England supports the door's policy in Turkey and regards the Ban Remo agreement tor division of tha Mosul oil district aa null and void HARVEY SURRENDERS HAS CONFESSED HE SHOT-MRS ANDEI5ERP0L1CE DECLARE HuTctea Hlii Vacant Qidocy Cottage Slace Friday Wlti lotUag to Eat Bat Hattie of Milk Stolen HfdiBK Place Renaled to Mir-Mci Belton Jealousy Motln for Mot! -Y'J 'v'f Wiieo Toll Hut Hitchcock Hid Mtigid His Statement Black Troops Tiger Tersely' Replies That Infor- nation Was OfDclaMMes a Great Welcome -Will Face Record Aodleice Today 'K 'T of Auburn have tailed to keep their promise to care far the 100 delegatee" aald Mr Stephana Pastors et all local Protestant churches In meeting pledged their church to care for a certain percentage of the delegatee said Mr Stephens who added "They have foiled miserably" One church with an allotment of boys has secured rooms for eight and meaU for two Cant Step Them New It le now too late to atop tha boya from coming declared Jefferson Smith of Watervills State A secretary addressing tha meeting at the Auburn A last night "Never before in tho Conference history have I known the Conference so close at hand and eo few homes avallabls" he declared Up to Churches According to the statement made by Mr Stephens for the oommlttas thg issue le squarely up to the churches There le no other means of providing for the boya When the announcement came from the Pastors' Union that tha churches would cars for all too delegates the matter of accommodations waa turned entirely over to the churches No provision baa been made in case the churches failed said Mr Stephana lor no (Continued on Pago Four) CONSTITUTIONALITY OF COAL AX UPHELD Supremo Court Holds Pennsylvania Has Right to Impose Tax No Diaaanta in Cue Affecting Feature Denounced by New I Inland and Other States Washington Nov IT State may mpoe a tax upon products produced irlthln their borders before such products eater Interstate commerce i Ten though other Btstee are Urea jOBiUBMn of such products wddo iot producs them the Supreme Jourt held today TIm decision waa handed down on case challenging the conatitutlon-ility of the tax Imposed by Pennayl-lula upon anthracite -coal and was endered by Juetie McKenna no dta-enta bain noted of the decision The Importance Quincy Maas Nov Albert Harvey sought sines Ust Friday night in eonactlon with the death of Un Ida Anderer who was found hot to death in the cellar of her home aurrendarad tonight According to the police ho mada a full conle lion While the authorities acting on a note left in the Anderer home searched the waters of Quincy Bay for hie body Harvey waa hiding In a vacant cottage a few doors from the scene of the crime He said ha had nothing to oat since Friday night but a bot-tU of milk which be stole Mat night Harvey1 a hiding place waa first revealed to his brother Quy who In passing the cottage tonight waa hailed by Albert with the words: and get Goodhue (the Quincy polios chief) and ni surrender" Although overcome with aurpriee at the unexpected appearance of his brother for whose body he had lust spent several hours grappling Quincy Bur Guy at onoe went to the chief with his story The Utter drove to the cottage from which Albert proc-ently appeared carrying an automatic pistol which he handed over to the chief according to the latter's CLEMENCEAU AGAIN UNDER SENATE FIRE Session Enlivened by gro Who Sought to Ques- i tion Sen Hitchcock Hitchcock's Attack Depland by Myer Belirvei Genuu -iA'i Plan Another War y'r 1 Washington Nov (By The A-' soclated Prose) Th Tiger et France again come under Are In the Senate today when his utterance on hie tour of the United States mn -J 1 the subject of conflicting debate which was enlivened by an intarrap-tlcn from the galleries by a negro soldier Senator Hitchcock Democrat breaks former chairman at the For- i- sign Relations committee ted ett in the debate with an attack on-M Ciemenceau and of French policies and waa Joined in th criticism by "i other Senators white Senator Myers Democrat Montana came to tha do- Tense of the aged French statesman' Senator Owen Democrat Oklahoma -also expressed sympathy with 1CV-' (Continued on Page Ten) ft -i -ft- Chicago Nov 17 (By The Associated Press) Georges Ciemenceau today came back to the struggling little mid-western town he had visited ae a young man more than half a century ego end found that It like himself had grown to great stature and international fame He promptly dubbed American greatest city hig twin "I waa born in the year that this place was changed from a fort to a city" he said "Bo we are twine Ye?" The Tiger of France was accorded a demonstrative welcome to Cnlcago It started when his private car Bethlehem pulled ii-to Union Station and did not end until the door of the Potter Palmer Mansion on Lake Shore Drive overlooking Lake Michigan had closed behind him Arriving at 335 o'clock the old war Premier was met by a committee headed by General Pershing and Brig-Gon Charles Dawes former director of tha Federal budget They led hint through a line of blueooats to an open car and drove to City Hail where Mayor Hale I'hompaon welcomed him on behulf of Liiicago The Tiger was escorted uptown by a troop of cavalry from Fort Sheridan Beside him rode Gen Pershing Others in hla car (Continued on Page Ten) RUSSIANS TE smphaslsed by New York Now truer Delaware and the New Eng- According to the story told by Har-and States denouncing the tax as vey to Chief Goodhue' he was talking riving Pennsylvania a monopoly I with Mrs Anderer in the kitchen of ind aa lavyign a tribute upon those her homo on Friday night when the jtataa which do not produce but must woman said: statement at the asms time confessing to the killing of Mrs Anderer ALLAN TABESS STORE DAMAGED BY RE Early Evening Lisbon St Blaze Attracts Large Crowd of Spectators Pin Confined to Rear of $40000 Damage Mostly by Water and Smoke street experienced spectacular fire Within year Ust night when the Allan Afaesa Co store 70 LUbon street caught fire near the rear of the building about 7 o'clock The fire wafought nearly aa hour before the all-out was Bounded Damage to stock and fixtures was estimated et 140000 by Mr Abeea who stated that the stock waa only partially Insured The building ltoelf waa believed to have been damaged to the extent of about $1000 When the atom waa dosed for the night by Samuel McBlwain dark Use than an hour before the fire wee discovered everything waa apparently as usual Mr McElwain said When the firemen entered the building the fire appeared to have started on the celtar stairs In the rear instead of about tho furnace as soma thought so ta ted one of the firemen Mr Abase had been away all afternoon working in the Berman store on Main street as one of the appraisers of the Berman stock which has been assigned He knew nothing 'of the fire until after the all-out alamv sounded For a time It looked very much aa If the frame buildings about that section of Lisbon street would be ignited from the bUse which by the time the firemen arrived woe burning merrily away on tho outride of the building In the rear Buildings on Pork street abutting the alley ware becoming scorched Four lines of hose were laid through LUbon alley and four taken In through the front one by way of The Candy Kitchen next to the Abase store After some time a ladder wag aet against tha front of the store and a window raised with result that great clouda of Mack amoks rolled out but no flames This Indicated that the fire waa confined to tho rear which proved the case Ae none of the clerks could be found and aa Mr Abeaa was absent It became necessary to break the front dyor open although tha fire Chief delayed ordering this done until absolutely necessary Entrance thus gained through the trout It was found that fire had not reached beyond the back section at Bio low floor and stairs It waa but fc short time Utor that the Maas wae checked When Mr Abeea arrived the flre-( Continued on Page Ten) Lisbon fourth isvo anthracite aa fueL Two qaatlona were presented: one That her Pennsylvania in taxing nthradte and not bituminous coal iad not Illegally discriminated in is classification and the other wheth-r It waa not a tax upon Interstate ommarce It wae contended by TIERNAN HARMONY IS AGAIN DISTURRED Sister of Mrs Tieraan Arrives to Champion the Cause of No Mors Publicity She Telia Army of Reporters Faila to Get Action From Judge South Bend Ind Nov IT The harmony which waa aald to exist in the Tieraan household following the announcement late today by Prof John Tlernsn that ho and hla wife had finally agreed to a complete reconciliation waa threatened with another split tonight following the arrival here of a ulster of Mrs Tier-nan Mrs Anna Pulaski of Chicago Although it waa indicated tonight by Prof Tiernnn that the sister woe unwelcome an far aa he la concerned the third party Immediately proceeded to take churge of affairs of the cane in no uncertain manner Her first action was to bar a email army of newspaper men who were besieging the home "There will be no more publicity in thin case" she said "Tiernan has held tho whip hand over Gue always He has given out interviews in which he alone starred From now on it will be different I am here to see that Gue (Ura Tiernan) gets square deal and ahe is going to get it" Following the arrival ef the sister Mr and Mrs Tiernan declined tow Interviewed Shortly after her arrival Mrs slater called on Judge Montgomery of the local superior court who heard Tiernan' ernes complaint In the divorce action and granted the latter a divorce and then later revoked the decree Mhe requested tha Judge to go to the Tiernan home and straighten out once for ell the tangled affaire of the family Judge Montgomery however declined and Informed hlis visitor that the case would have to cemo up in its regular order in the court He added that he would taka no Judicial knowledge at the affairs of the family and suggested that ah retain a lawyer -'TIM" reconciliation- la moving moot harmoniously and there are no changes In our John Tiernan stated tonight over the telephone after ineffectual effort had been made earlier In the eve-ping to reach him for a personal interview "There la absolutely notMng to th report that I am going to Iowa" Prof Tiernan mid when informed of Associated Pram report that he had told Mrs Blanche Brimmer Tiernan he would leave here Wednesday morning to rejoin her SIX AMENDMENTS TO SHIP SUBSIDY BILL To Hill Section Wonld Aid Concerns for Carrying Own Goods Propotsl to Rapes! Sncoms Tax Rebate Must Get $8166000 for Leviathan niCn WOOD INTERESTED IN OPEN DOOR POLICY Declare Peace Cannot Be Obtained If Participation Is Limited Glad 8 Through Ambag Child Mads Strong Rapnsenftation Against Secret Treaties Lauasnne Nov 27 (By The Associated America's insistence for tho open door and equality economically In the Near East which follows her traditional demand for equal commercial privileges in the Far East was cited today by tha Rue-elan declaration aa supporting an official communication forwarded by the Russian delegation to the con-' fersne asking for th right of speech Amlr- a on all matters before htat body I i Russia objects vigorously to any nmeSfct- attempt to limit hsr activitis In th pndPffiin'SfKuS rt dlftmiMlnn of tho fulura Htalm of tha COTTON MILLS Joins Consolidated Textile Corporation Means Progress He Says Two Big Tsetora in tha Woolsit sad Cotton Industry Brought Together by tha Mors New York Nov 17 Officials of the American Woolen Co and several ef leading cotton doth turore of New England today with th Consolidated Corporation when at nawtltr of the organisation William Weed hood ef the American Woolen waa elected director-general and ehatr- man of the board of the Textile unspisjr mo oinnsyi ouicnii OX 1 am not going to treat you any more like I have been doing" This remark said the prisoner so enraged him that he shot her in the abdomen with the platdl which he had borowed from a neighbor for the purpose of shooting a dog Harvey who said he had had three howToroosIng the'tax that If bus- I drinks of whiskey shortly before the slued Wtha Supreme Southern 1 its tea cotton and manufacturing States could impose a tax on manu-actured products The tax in qes-lon while comparatively a npw netbod among States for raising re-anus apparently la growing- lu opuUrity and there is now pending tha Supreme Court a case Invol-ing an attack upon the tax imposed Minnesota upon iron ore mined irlthln Its borders Emphasis givan to tha importance anthracite as a fuel in those itates which attacked the law waa evlew by the -court Which pointed Ut that -in some of them municipal aw Aqd ordinances forbade ihe use othe aoal for domestic purposes waa also pointed out that 10 of ha total anthracite production of iwnnsyivanla waa ahlpped outsldo hat Stats Wbethar any State Uw or action mpingea upon Interstate commerce ustlce McKenna declared depends pon tha Uw or action and not upon That may be 'said os to the motive orjt shooting failed to remember dragging the ody to tho cellar where it was found but admitted the chief mid that he probably did eo After rivootng Mrs Anderer tie was quoted as saying ha wrote a note in which he expressed hie determination to drown himself and with this purpose In View walked to the wharf Casing Into tha water ha realised ha sold that his body would probably be carried out to sea and never recovered aa "out of regard for hla family" ha sought a place of rope and a weight so that ha could- anchor himself uhder water to the piling- Bytho' time ha had discovered some rope he' changed hU mind about drowning himself and decided 'instead to hide in the empty cottage He remained there he said without food until last night when he crept out and stole a bottU of milk from a nearby doorstep Police euy that they believed Jealousy Influenced Harvey In the slaying I-Ie had been living at the Anderer home for some time Five hundred boys from an tlona of Maine will arrive In the Two Cities Friday for the Boy's Conference only to find themselves without a place to eat or sleep unless Lewiston-Auburn church people open their homes aa they have promised to do hut have not aa yet This statement was Issued by the general conference committee lost night following a meeting of the anxious committeemen Only 100 boys of the 100 expected have thus for secured accommodations and tha situation la serious tha statement declared "If those hundreds of boys as yet uneared for arrive in Lewiston-Auburn Friday with no place to Bleep that night the Two atlas will be given a black-eye that will be remembered by the Bute for years" declared Owen Stephens chairman of the publicity committee speaking for tho general eommittaa Mat night "Tha churches with the exception at tores the United Baptist of Lew--iston and the Sixth 8t Congregational and High St Congregational Has Been on Hunger Strike for 23 Taken to Hospital Believed to Have Been Released on Humanitarian Grenada Reported to Be Dying Dublin Nov 7 (By The Associated Mias Mary MaoSwln- ey who has been hunger-striking In Mount Joy prison was released today Her release earns cm the twenty-third day of her hunger strike She hod refused to take food since bar arrest on Nov 4 when she yu soiled during a raid on a house In Aylesbury road by National lot troops whg were seeking Enmon do Valera uiaa MaoHwlney wag released at 7 p- and waa taken In an automobile to the Mater HoaplUL Her slater Annie who has been fasting before the gates of the prison i in -protest against Mary's inoarcera-1 tlon made nn attempt to see her but collapsed and la being removed to a nursing home No detail of tho release of Mias! MacSwIney were given out tonight although it was reported that shs had been set free on humanitarian grounds Throughout th day there were reports that Mias MacSwIney woe dying They were reiterated tonight after she had left tha prison for tha nursing home but no conformation of them was obtainable THOUGHT FATHER DOMINIC BELDN6ED TO FRANCISCANS OREGON DOMINICAN OFFICIALS SURPRISED TO LEARN OF HIS TRANSFER Dublin Nov (By Th Associated Press) Transfer to tho of Father Dominic who was tho spiritual adviser of Terence Mae-Swiney at tha time of tho lattei'a death waa decided upon at tha triennial election of tho Franciscan order held here fortnight ago and has no political significance according to a statement taeued today by th Franciscan priory in this city It was added that th American houses of the order were under the Jurisdiction of tho Irish- province prieeta of which could bo sent to the United States Father Dominic Is bound for New York on board 1 the Whit Star liner Adriatic Portland Ore Nov-Offlclala of the Dominican Houea bare had no word today regarding th earning here of father Dominic spiritual adviser of th lato Terence MacSwIney lord mayor of Cork whom dispatches reported en rout hero Suiries that Father Dominic should bo coming hero wan expressed by th officiate of the local inatitutoin who said they won Informed that Father Dominic belonged to the Fmncteean order the headquarters of which la et San FTanclacd --tho became-'-identified Tex'-' '-tile stalrn Jtat 111 ton! Dardanelles ahe claims that all top- Ire on the Lausanne agenda in rlraely related to th supreme object 1 of freedom of the straits end that table peace In the Near East con SECOND READING OF IRISHBjLL PASSED 'Now Appears as Though Irish Measures Would Be Completed Thursday No Striking Incidenti Afiinat Strugs Irony of Political Pate Beanlts London Nov 17 (By Tha Associated Press) The House of Commons tonight without division passed the second reeding of tho Irish constitution bill after debate in single sitting without etrlking incidents Tfcat it hcc fallen to the lot of a Conservative government to pilot through Pari lament final legislative auction to meecuree granting hw land ouch complete autonomy la one of the ironies of political fata Tho Conservative party for two generations hoc stoutly resisted the granting of self-government to Ireland in even the mildest form and no political question during that long period hag provoked anything like the bitter animosities and conflicts in Parliament on platform and In tho prase which accompanied the fight around Irish homo rule Now the fight apparently le ended and Parliament with a large Conservative majority quietly accepts the principles of the new Irish constitution without even challenging division Antagonism to the constitution hill hardly took a serious form Its rejection was moved by a new comer In Parliament the Laborlte A Sakatala who represent John Burns' eld constituency Batts rR a He opposed tha bill en the ground that th Irish treaty wae signed under duress and waa therefore a greater mockery than was the aet of union Th Commnnlat Nswbold seconded th motion which wee nag- -atlved Without division after iscelv-j lug no support whatever from any quarter of th House Premier Boner Law In his speech dealt In an Interesting way with the question ef the relations between the mother country and tha dominions He moved the second reading ef th bill and cat the pace for the House by the frank adoptlen ef the standpoint that no matter what oplnlona were held Parliament could net go back on the treaty CIGARETTE RESPONSIBLE POR SPRINGPIELD PIER Sprlngfletld Maas Nov Fir which destroyed th waiting room'ln the north aid of Union Station last night waa caused by a cigarette! thrown down grating and Into aj vault used for storage purposes under the fleer of the waiting ream James Duly acting captain ef detectives announced tonight fUUowlng an investigation of the origin of th bines by members of the detective bureau of police headquarters Th entire waiting room will have to be rebuilt railroad officiate said A movement In on foot to Induce the Boston and Albany railroad Jo coa-tract a new terminal here I only be attained by allowing tha Russian delegates free participation on the same basis as th other great powera In their official petition th Russians affirm that only by following the principle of equality con th con-W ference heps to reach th goal of greater equality In the relations between wish expicsue-l at tha opsning of the confers net and (Continued on Page Ton) IUN KIllED FIANCEE SHOT RESULT OF QUARRBL Washington Nov 17 Thirty-seven ehota In the shape of amendments were fired at th Administration shipping bill in th Hones today and six hit spots mars or less vital At adjournment time tonight th bill hod covered exactly one third of Its tempestuous voyage toward the Senate Representative Graham of I Illinois a Republican went hem Leltch of Northport with three of th half doxan amend- lnetejitly and hie fiancee mento in hie shooting bag all of MAN SHOT BY FRIEND AFTER FORMER HAD HER Huntington Nov old Rone Bandrtoeer waa Boston Nov President William Wood of the American Woolen Co commenting on hie alec- tlon aa director general of the Con-' I soil doled Textile Co which wae an- ncuaccd from New York today said ho hod become Interested In this group ef cotton mil la largely because he wonted to help out tho Industries of Now England It was a personal 1 matter e-i'iifey he eaid tho Awari-' can Woolen Co being ut pray ctmeimd Ranges la the CmsolLLil-cd Textile Co menu pregnea the Scrcetln1hi? rnn 1 OF ATTACKED John killed 17 year shoLpfob- th Industries of Now England Tho' -although hU own wife and family had their home nearby Mrs Anderer was also separated from her bua- SAYS PUBLIC iHOOLS NEED M0RERELI6I0N Dr Eliot Points to Failure to Turn Out Good Citizens and Voters President Emeritus of Hsrvnrd Also Mentions Marriage end Divorce Situation Beaton Nov Publlo were declared today by Dr CharUc Eliot president emeritus of Harvard University to be "desperately In need of religious teaching" Dr Eliot spoke at meeting of Congregation-! allots lu Pilgrim HalL "The failure of our public schools to turn out good ci tisane and good voters la coneplcuoun" he sold "We shall have to look It squarely la the "First tench children their duty to parents brothers and Sitan Children in tha public schools are getting nothing of -It At this moment Many of them are getting nothing of it at home Touch tho meaning of loving their neighbors Beyond that Is tho motive of putting Into children's hearts love of God" "There are various other discouraging aigna with regard to the teaching of the fundamental things in religion Taka for Instance tha situation in this country In regard to marriage and divoroa and the-frequency of marital separation a leaving tha children nowhere In regard to their religious instruction PORTLUIO 61RI KH1ED BY DEPUTY SHERIFFS TRUCK DEPUTY HUNT SAYS SHt DAItT ED FROM SIDEWALK INTO RATH OF VEHICLE Portland Nor RJaule oven yean old died -at the Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary' to night ns tha result et having been knocked down and run ever this forenoon by a truck owned by Cumberland eounty and driven by Deputy Sheriff Henry Hunt Deputy Hunt said tha girl darted from tho aide-walk directly In the path of tho vehicle The child Buffered fractured ekuU mad her lower Jaw left three riba were ENGLAND HEARS 22- RADIO MESSAGES FROM Hartford Ct Nov radiogram at tho headquarters of (N American Sadie Belay Laegee hero today reported that wmbws of tho Wlreleas Society of Mane heater England heard cede mease gee from IS American amateur stations on (he night of Nov II la addition tn SI station reported Nee 1 menaced Mrs Scudder with hta revolver After summoning an ambulance nd notifying tho neighbors that he "had shot a man" Scudder was placed under arrest which were put through with thhly fatally tonight aa the result aid of Republican votes of a lovsrr quarrel Early In th flghL Representative Edmonds Pennsylvania ranking Republican of the merchant marine committee which framed the MU (Continued an Png Ten) Leltch was' shot through tho heart by Edgar Scudder who with hta wife discovered th standing over the girl body Scudder told th authorities he fired because Leltch Anericas Woolsn wtn addsd to chairman et A2! er officiate of the American Woolen -Co to the Consolidated Textile Board brings together two big factors th textile Industry of the country The American Woolen interests will assume the operating manage-' meat of the plant a It waa announced white Rap-pretebt who retired os president will-net aa chairman ef tha exeuotlv -committee and in addition direct the distributing and sales end et 'the Consolidated's business through Convene and Co distributors ef textile! et which he to American Woolen Co to not lnvolv- MUSSOLINt PLEASED NOT 1 FLATTERED BY THE VOTE Home Nov 37 (By Tho Assort ed Tha Senaj this i Deportment Daily Sun (Continued on Page Four) FATHER AND DAU6HTER ARE ASPHYXIATED IN MARLBORO ELIEVE KETTLE OVERFLOWED EXTINGUISHING FLAMES ON GAS STOVE Marlboro Mass Nov' 17 Mrs Al-S Patterson and her father George hriotaneen were found dead from as pofeonhig in her heme today It -aa believed water boiling on the gee cove dvr flowed and extinguished leftomaa- VCREASE OF 2307752 IN OPERATING REVENUE Portland Nov The Maine Canal Railroad's October report shows net increase li operating revenue of MOT 7(1 tover hta first ten months lost year although tha monthly coma was $43115 below that of iL An increase of coal and lum-ar shipments and a decraase of pple and potato shipments were WEATHER SNOW Pmsdaot: 1 North New Tues-iy Wednesday cloudy continued iild South New England and east ew York: Local snows Tuesday 'adneeday partly cloudy Advisory storm warning displayed on New EngUnd coast dla-irbanoe central aoma distance off iddto AtUntlo eoaot moving rapld-northeaatward LITTLE WANT AD STORIES i NO If 1 Let the buying public know what you have to sell whether it be your services rail estate articles of home equipment that have been stored- or anything else tbit you would like to turn into eaah This ad below brought very good results and needed only one insertion wfetta In lattma l- Threa-eeaitar aprtag pad jrr It Every day unused articles ire being turned into cash 'by Son classified Use 8un Classified for results I llaeellM Advertising Department I LEWISTON DAILY SDN 1 7TBST IN ITS HELD According to tho story of Mr and gave a unanimous vote of oonfld-Mra Scudder the girl bed lived at cnee to the Cabinet of Benito Mueeo-thnlr homo for aoma weeks Bhg re- Uni after Muaeollnl had delivered an turned from nn automobile ride with effective speech in which he eaid he Leltch toot night Baying they had would bo teased If th Senate ac- "broken" and announcing a be bad corded him a unanimous vote -hut told him oho would return their en-1 that he would not bo exoeeelvely rwmenf ring flattered hr It Sl(LYiHQI ARMY MEN HEUf UP JWD ROBBED OF $350 WITH REVOLVER Boston Nov Edward CtaA and William ooUeetors for the' Salvation army were attacked by three men this evening aa they returned to their office with the day's takings and robbed of a hag containing SI5S White on of tha assailants threw powder In Clark's eyas from a squirt gun another struck Quirk over tha bead with revolver and aelaod the taff They escaped In on automobile after firing one shot XLAKSMEN ON WARPATH AGAINST PLACES IN LOUISIANA Shreveport La Nov raged over the ehoSting of Cotton Poreeiub yearn old a driller ie tho oil Ytetm near Camden Arkansas by Mfra mHp fonday maiming a band a 250 armed and maakad men marching military fsrmation visited a half daaan small towns and ail earn pa in the Smacksver field tonight and warned owners and habitue of: alleged disorderly please to leave Immediately MISTOOK BOY HUNTER TOR BIRD SHOOTS HIM DEAD Moultotiboro Nov While hunting hero today Inland Chascb IE can of Mrvaad Kit Georg Chug of Meredith waa shot and allied by boy eoa'pnnlow Chart McCormick Theiboys were- banting for birds and had separated Young Chaos pawed-over a otoos walk whan MOCormlck mistaking hta companion for a partridge fired the rifle ballet entering young hood and killing him Instantly Tbs authorities are not holding MeOormtek Sliming tho affair accldontaL SET YEAR OLD LACONIA BOY KIDNAPPED IN AUTO Laconia XL Nov Tho police of this dty ore searching southern New Hampshire and have naked aid of Beaton authorities for the recovery of Bo bert GL Clair aged son of Mr sod Mm Howard St Clair Tho peHoa anaonaco that tho boy waa picked from the street while playing In front of hta- bams and canted off by tho occupants of a closed automobfla The machine waa driven south In which direction the police or searching 1 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Because of the Holiday mmmm I a a a A Thursday November 30th MAY ASX HARDING TO REQUEST THE XU XLUX XLANSMEN TO DISBAND Washington Nov Attorney General Daugherty was caked today by Senator Welsh Dome-era Massachusetts ta consider proposal that President Harding after the manner ef President Grant issue a proclamation sailing upon th Ku Klux Klan te disband MRS JANE GIBSON TO TELL HER STORY TODAY Somerville Nov (By Tho Associated The Somerset grand Jury today approached th end of tho long string of witnesses it hoc heard in anticipation et return- lag indictments naming the Border- ere of Rev Edward Wheeler Hall and Mrs Eleanor Mills lira Jane Glbeon the pig former born tho prosecution hoc sot up as witness" will testify to- i morrow A few others may be call- ed com ef them new to tho proceed- with tho evidence before 1L tha grand Jury to expected ta fix tha data whan It will announce the result of tts labors MRS ETTA SAVERY Nov lira Etta EL Savory peat department gsurtdsnt at tha Daughters of Votemas and past department treasurer of tho Lediee of tho GAB died today at her here EX-SENATOR PRESTON OP -FAIR HAVEN VT DEAD Rutland Vt Nor Ex-State Senator William Praetoa of Fair UawalL practising lawyer In Vermont far lk jwt gird pneumonia 'today of Advertising Copy for Snow time is Radio Boot Radio Boot Oyer the Shoe in a Flash FOB CHILDREN HISSES AND WOMEN A Light flexible Robber Boot for Walking Motoring or Evening Weir Fits snnglj over the shoe keeping the lege snkles and feet warm and dzj- in cold or stormy weather Priced $3 $350 and $4 Headquarters for Beacon Fallst Top Notch: Rubbers and Dependable Rubbers and Overshoes the best kind of health insurance Get them at Peck's! 1 Thursday and Friday- 1 Of tkig week mnit be in The' Sun Offiee befora' 12 Wednesday Nov 29 1 Advertising Lewiston FL.

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