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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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ft ft 'i1 1 Vb-s i fiENCL w- ''to i i rut -v'i 4 ftft ve '-yV- ft vr 1 1 i i -f jSt tftft -tojErViS? tr ir itt TrTV 'Ve i'-fcvHr II lli ry-- Hi yFZ 'Ft: v- ir' 1 fr ftl -C'--' ftVft Eft' i 1 ft-'? ft -'M? 7 vv JtolJbJ fT'Ah JkwA Jbx 1 WftPH" ft -gf v2 1 I r- --ft I HI1 pll I ISallU v-1 w-f i -p i ft 'j nmmERiEBrM'1 Who Wa NotHw Qwii a Year or to two HeTettifiet aSuSto Recover k-- (orCare of Child -ft '4' SM -D aI ft Tool with Whkh AUen Tried to rft' "V' Revolver Foundat 1 pw iip PS' Pi- ftp i ft ft ftft i top' 5 S- -sr- it fc' it Pftftft: iw -i ft' "-P 4 ftp P' 4 -i-i I'ft tP4 '4 ft ft -ftftftft ft-: 'ft ftpv- ft: I the baby at the and- of yeara It woa a baby no longer but bright little tnlkathrc girl And than In July of thin year whan the mother Anally claimed Julio no hyr own after an nbaenee of flve yegn Ur and Mr Rftrorft found little Angora ao entwined about their henrtn that they ha tel to giro the little one- baelL Ifr Valllancourt told Juatlco Henry W1 Ookee In 8u0erior court Friday afternoon' that Bra Rivard1 wae not strong enough to toko the ohHd Legal notion followed and the child woo given book to hie pa rente Ju- fti- ft -i i-ftm' 'y ft -ft ijt iSnr ft Pftft' 'V JCn EdmonC BlVard vif of t-Lowteton contractor who la bulldint the parochial Khooi on Bate atracb took prottf little olfhl month old Juliet Vallhlaeoiut Into hoe boso la July 117 to oaro for It a faf Baya while the mothaC Mra Hoaario Valllancourt want to Lew-la! oa hoapltal tor an operation She kept the baby tenderly nuraod and tirouirht It upae carefully aa her own while tha mother woo la the hoapltal Day after day paaaed month after month and flnnliy year after year before the bobya mother Anally canto to claim 1L When the mother Anally called fot STfllllFDi BtLPISSEDIIlft 'mi? MjVrf-drsV VICTOR RADIO TO BUY AUBURN WMB: STATION BIUeCnow Spade! v-i-WInl la MlaeisAA ft u'e1 laaetol W-i-What SCENE tiS OC MOM I pooriblq atoa hg v-' layxtory devolopH a ME upomvfttfl ba-blood wtriad'" otae Sheriff woUflod and the ft Men Allsa'a i ifeolagk FLORIDA FLAYS that the New Tork company had made on Oder foe the station end a representative woa expected in Auburn at any tlmm The Victor Badlo corporation Is a large company end! should It taka over the- equipment ao expected four or nv concerts each week will be broadcasted from the Auburn Tlie lctor Radio 'corpora tton Of New Tork will peceibly take over the Auburn radio brondmeUng elation (WMB) within a ttw dale The-station la the property of the Auburn Electrical Co The transaction had not bom eompletsdl Bator-day morning but the earns rv aald SILKY' Nor A (SpQlal)-AL tha expdntlen of sight days th mystery- of the dentil ot Footmoator Arthur Allow ot this place at th Omni pit about midway between kla- atom and Jay bridge on tha morning of Oat if remains ms eolvad Huy clues have beau ehaaod out fey the since ra of Franklin oonnty who have bemi untiring In thoir jC-tort to her tha troth Ba ter an any- puMln aaaouneeaunt of the ip-eulta ekewi thsiy? heva all some to naught No arfut turn bean nude Ra ports that strange man havo sea seen to various places have loam Mowed up Mom Mao Irons thadyeetseb other plroee have as us ta be diroets toward forward aodaatab-UolMd their Innocexeo Proeao have aooured the woods to- tho vlcialty eadLtbeneb rosult to date la the a counl sf tracka wara found to one sort phro and thei robin of a wood ohoppw yaw locqted Ukawla some of the fret theorla eF what ooeurred at th Oraval on tho nrornlng el Friday Oot- ft havo boaw slim-htatedi with thp-reouM that reaL Wag he attacked by wottthfhBa thaaries are about wwagn ta th sec' ae am actual thet 'i When tha body or Allow woe Arab dleooeerod ovoryow Jumped at tho ooedmtow that be had baas held Pi meiderod and robbed After stuffy if the ease tha hold -op theory woo eliminated- by Sheriff Small ot FYmaUa eswnty to 'Oharge of the the Bhoriff bio ear cud want to BLOOD war thought ta bo thoAllea murder Friday aftornooml who whichMpearod a a loeal ah ease bUl deUverod to him th name of th the bill Th ohoriff aow UL bavw ft MomtomL i uodentaod that ha Uutf th atahe toeoaof ha aey -benriag oa Porimrotor Alloa he teeveriook a hew omaU wl way eeoaeeted "with throw any MgM upe to meet his revolver him and used to tokq ha atari ta ahaet op- ererpowefed him nod awa weapon- gpo Thaee yba accept AUea went to tho field oaa ar divided aa piaatk Same think ha othare that ha started which oadod la hto Todag many nJsef SEEK REMOVAL QF WYMAN MTRUSTEE OF CUSHNQC PAPER CO MHEIHHim tv Se ROY SURRENDERS TO 4 LEWISTON POLICE together wlthftz- -r pornom- mhft tea-ft- ft-dored -'-iiA haoftthe bUl -nod far whlla has httte teBh-'ii blood or Utoq rt -to tha death of tha caae ar taam wa wrested trow tria-HCawr '4 eemeeaa whe taraed Altos's ft th thiaty thrifts ta mead aaero vft ft: ta what took THEYALEBOtfl) Best CSoMfcfantfisBr Is Tsars HsfMa ta Dtfea Blag for First Chsh District Court Rig Con friss TTiU riT Mataly a Sscsad Strtogr Lfoo Of) Set isg Bsgtdffro for Tiger ceniiAikRenuOTtt CLOUDY Mow (foedMUcAAlonldi that some Hvely sod tothar anew upom WA I mddeneo may ba Wymro rad ettor tmmtto th bankrupt Cushnoe Paper Co ofthto a gg pecunu cop city Friday to appear In tha ttottod nt pmtttoaent whlla Loon Sts too dtbtetab eoarh ib Farttond' an ord APIerea- of the Fortland law rww mA SUnm tM they Hntah and Ftoroo np- CAJUMBSA Moan Nev 4-The University ot Florida jlayiap Ito tret footbaR paipa to tha North wilt meet Hkrvmrd In the stadtum thin afternoon Became of the ipnxliaUy- of the the Crimson win present mainly I eeoondretrins the not with meat the-rronlbrion1 terida'HnH WASHINGTON -Nov -Forecast fur northern and poo thorn New England: Portly etoudy tonight end Sunday little chango in tamper-turn: moderate variable wind Nert Week WASHINGTON Nov l-WeathOf outlook for the week beginning Monday for thy 'north and middle Atlantic states: Unsettled mild and shower at beginning followed by generally' fair and cool' thereafter waa aUaehad ft thanuwpna -i doathg tho toaorg that ha'WOnt- ta-noet nog pahau sayfaig ther britev jt to' oaaei afft'ftftft sulelde sad aot ef to ardetTsron -t Arm efCooto why Nor id to shew i Another chapter In the ease of Ronaldo LaMatvo no lolgw Boy (LeblaiuH of Lewlalon oanih late th publw notteo this wee when poUee--discovered the liquor hide on the person of tha tt your old grandmother waa written Saturday when Roy who had escaped at Me time of the- raid walked Into polka headquarter at AM o'clock Saturday morning: In the municipal court he waived- hearing an- tha charge- ot single onto and waa Aped (110 nod cottfamf ftw moo tha In Jail He wn relmwed ea bon da HO liad roma (torn Oordlnsr to which be wont when the poHoa rallied the tenement or MO Llebon street Hie ha If-brother Ronaldo Leblanc wne bald' on charge od Hle-ual poasexelon and nulaanca Tueo-dhy mornlbg One man waa fined lo and coats for Intoxlcntlon should not to imnnvodi from Offloa Yeeeaitttie trustees riienleni kin! of Ms eve fire wUpt Every fast is TawlWrira flttod wtth tbaESf Jtiday wdafOKedfpuWah'alttaAlty'1idaittthri'ths -'Ft' bofore'hndAfter Cuebnno Companywagput tflto tt bankruptcy oourt at attention and than nMmoeouahoortoso-to-ooartnnd fora rafareee before the Baal atop Mi MUdokpt qttoinqy rop recant tog Th Amadean Mutual LtobUitN Cm Tha' Eastern -Pulp Wood Cu ond tbe GWat Paper Co Tha heating Wdt ba before Judge John A Patera sad wound rather toUItatfo dgrigat thlahleftt7S v-t-- T'r bat rinv thyn m'jm oot Ms--ft -ptarihie 1 etni mofnlalaed by pioet-peeft tafffw wjfltamid whero- kla body flrandrtiH: Deeycr Mjmtory ft 'ft' But' this vary aSmtaatiop of the hold-up instead df elesetog th caa it more myeterj Why did Allea go ta the field 7 DM he have aa appointment to moot eeneene there? Iff' a whom was he to meet? Iff so what ooeurred after ha went lato the feld 7 plo whe havo fOilewedthoeaaoilhal -MBMoa hare' to' Rltag hot tome ml which wffl throw Mgbt AHeae mevemsat ea that total tof'ft'-dag and explota why fie eeat to the sravol pit Xhto weald uadaabtodln ft'ft -ft 1 ft 4Ji d(TN I I MOON 1 I Rises I IS Deye old I gets 4JS Pullitoon I ngi i re Sill Length of dey It hr II mine Dsr decrease hre 4 mine infill day of year Mary MacSwmey Arrested DUBLIN Not 4 (Bftfco-Asfftfdfftrt Prsss)MIs Muy MscSwlRey was urobc somal vsou arrestsd fa tks ktUM of Mrs HMmpkrios la Alrsboiy rsad her after pitchsd bstth hotwssB tko eevpaBta aid BBtlsnal'anur troops wio were pre soHublf BoeUif ta Bneet Eumom De Valna reporUd to be Ud lag to etty The search foiled to mol the repobligsa ISli New A fleet ot six schooners believed to bo the liquor-lm den sextet from the Bahamas whose coming wa forces yesterday by austome oilirlnle woe sighted off the New Jersey roast today by dry navy Saturday Sunday NEW HATCH Cano We and Brown otaak thbr afternoon In their annual football game In the Tala bowL taono haa been dceertbed aa one ot tha strong-eat combinations turned out ot Brown in yean and lavadasi the bowf with tba hopw ot defeating tha Nr tanr ever Tela wee hint they won to g- Tha probable line-up: VALE BROWN Eddy la 1 BohatRi Jhm It lb Spalloua Crulkehnnk lg Barrett Love Joy Eckatdfc Oroao rg rg Sprague HHler yt a rt Chilian HUlman re re Johnstone NeldUnfeer qb qh lQreM Wlghb lhb Ihtv Sweet Jordan rhb rhh Faulkner Hnllonr tb fb Adnmi 8 at Waltham BOSTON Nov Two Into tlonal ramee were on New school boy football program today Charles on C- high school met Peabody high in the latter city end the team of Leonard Hall Baltimore academy wee at Haver hill tor game wltn St 1 James High Other game brought together Haverhill amt Manchester high school elevens la- the latter dty and Portland Me high and Waltham at Waltham CHICAGO Nor 4-The Fltch-burg Moan high school fboMall team plage the Prorim school eleven hero today In am effort to avenge a It to defeat last year at Fitchburg Neither schools has beau denoted in- Bve games ee far this year ieti Ufc L'aeeeellea min 4S min SO mla 4S min Koekland iXWISTON -MAN STRU(X PorUaod IS min Beth SI min emiita UNCONSaOUSBY-HORSE OtaAh'wV trnadoffttha Eouthorw elaveo said to planned1 HAf vard ea his star paatar Dleksoa ta-out-dlstanea the Crin-eon noridab moch SM pound llflii from tackle to wRl have little advantage to weight aver Coach Robert Fisher'S hlnatloa Oaa of the epset store will be President A A Murphro of FIW da who to eotpootod ta st -Into th gam at quarter book Another peninsula representative la baby as llga tor Harvard scared a touchdown at th outset when Churchill raa bach Newtoa kiok off thro th entire Florida team and almost th length of th Sold His raa waa eighty right yard Hammond added the joint after teoehdowq by kick The Crimson played proem! tho Bouthorsea as hard that 1 another touchdown and euoooodloi were gained' by Harvard a few minutes later Pomeroy's fumble of tha Harvard's punt with recovery ter the Crimson gava Harvard the ball an Florida's If yard line XheCrlm-aon took down all tha gautlwn dotenae la a series of rushes that cent Rouil lard a erase ter th touchdown Hammond kicked tha goal Score end first period: Harvard 14 Florida 25000 PEOPLE SEEK TO HEAR LLOYD KORGE Michael MaCaaed lawtotaa wea-v-- standing Mala etreet at tho eor- war at Uneola Aa tooaeaee dashed ft by he swerved etrflda MeCa and ft -r runway meriting to what too? pwetotw thought at first woe a itetal sodden oecarred ehorily to flora 1 Fdoek Satuntog atteraoon on tha North hridg A tone owned by the Ltoa lto eoxnpeey berome hrtohtaaod While eroewdeg the- bridge toward Lewtotoa tha wecea ersahod ogalaot the oM off jthebridgO' oatohlgg to tha rolling- no frightened animal 'dragged tha- shafts aaff frost wheels from tha rot of tha vohteto -i tofoBffWhu(toSVto TC' 'jPi- Maw oath head EX-rmm iiotd GEORGE STILL AN ftLP LONDON Nov: (for the Asao-elated Prose) Former Prime Minister David Lloyd George wao returned unopposed aa member of parliament for Camavot district In today's amoral elections Candidates returned unopposed or seate in parliament on the basis of tho returns received up to throe o'clock this aftarnopM ladudod 17 Conservative 7 National UberaU I Liberals Loborites and 1 Th ambulaae aad MeCOa era removed to tho yow-r lie putlog' whom hd wmotood com' i etawem A towtatoa oaU tho troft-v Juey waa a cower-- ft- i v- i djiM 11-m nia i 1 ft at Kiaiwr' ft Worn aad Hobart at Ahaay- NT-Lo-: high aaA Colgate ot 4vstatoooTCoriffaam WHERE ESBEREHNE2Sft -ft' LONDON Nov A (By tha dated Preee) Former Trims Minister Uoyd Oeorge to delivering to day hie Aral popular address la'Lon-don etnee the fhU off thp qpMnet made a strong defence of tho Into government's policy and pleaded for vigorous middle course five from both revolution and reaction which ho described se equally dangerous to tho Into rests of thio nation Tha ex-premier spoke in motion picture theater to a crowd ot till perrons- all who had boon able to make their way lain tho building out of a throng of some 11000 perrons who hod applied tor admlaotfln If tho attitude of Lloyd George's audience of tho throng of people cluot ering about tho doom seeking admission or any criterion tho termer prim minister has by ao moonn loot bio popularity even In London where moot of tho criticism of tha lata Coalition has contend THREE WTERSEC110NAL C0NTESI5KTHEEAST Kaw YORK NOV g-Thro to-Tcreecttooel contests baUbtea iatar-la -thto afternoon's football ecHedrieto th Itat '-Horverd with ay' toward to Maria game a week from todag will ai to second string mm Cheek tavarioa' tha LU Of CoaMli HittlrBoi For Headache Nerroaeaese Dlssl-nese Lose of Sleep 4-- jr TURKEY AND ALL THE AMD THEN CHRISTMAS- Do you realize how short the timeis to Christmas? If you are considering having -some pictures -taken for Christmas giving (and yowcan make no finer gift) wait till the last week I can give you better attention rightnow And I want to make you the very best pictures MreputatiDnand-yoursatis--factich are at stake HARRY LPLUMMER ODESnONIAOTATEG REPORTERS AT D002KE i- Biflirffi Tablets SOlDMf -MCABOCHR DATTON Ohio Nov Major Bartk' commandaet of 'ifo-Oook Field ot l(ll O'clock today received a telegram from Lieut Oakley Kelly raying Che tanka of tha T-L down ucoK India ua poll sprung leak four miles out of San Diego' and that tho tanks ware eomplotly drained of gasoline when tho forced landing was made DOORfo Hoitoad Maa- (By too liaoiilated iwa) Where mtoetThtol PREMIER ADDRESSES 3000 PEOPLE ATLEEDS LEEDS Eng Nor- 4 (By th As-sociated1 ProeoJj Frimie KMd Bonar Law ail dressing an audlsaca offWS peraeas herb today aald the view oM whole Unionist party waa thift the Anglo-Irish treaty ba ghraa a fair trial -Tho-who arc carrying th govorameat la Ireland may think' ho agld "that- th new government and th party that ropporta th new It tsat" A mild- effective' sedstlve taken like a confection toem a small box easy toearry- Ne aglaten cocaine or hloraL Oct Balblrda' i riraaath Fenaayluaal-revived to a hrtUhat vtoteey ever to Navg lari week wilt be hoot to aaotoer ed to aa Umlaariea off ta wrbMt tb w4S IS -ft' Look! Look! VPOSTUM USERS We-hhv a hurt shipment of Fostum to be sold st thi price 1 Csk 404-3 Cans 4141 (The regular price to 45c Nona sold to detlerk) 1 Djail orden filled A1 6e for 2 cana and lc for each Additional cait -W Oar Delicious Cream Caramels 49cllL SsUnrfejr pad Sunday Lewiston Kitchen CC Lisboa SI LowfatoB sloven' hem Dixie Atobama-wkUa thu tbfad sad moat keenly awaited Intareertloaal Btreggie will pit Oh strong Nebroebw team a which ohowed Me mottl a Me hg holding ream uta te A Ala- Imtaeat wRh 'lh Maaal aeotrots via th katlte at too- Trie grouada briwooa Lafayette aodtjEkahtagtaa and Jefferaon eloveaa uadefaaied riara late la tha teU WSk a AV fC -ft Other oatetaadtag- caaMriete seltedele will 'bring together Tala aaff Brawn at New Have Columbia sad Oeraoll at at grtaeotea Holy Cram sad Qeorgetawa 0 tnorw Boston ITnleereitr and (Mb ft William of ot vainly th automobile aad watoMog lg petotnSwf too arrival eft Whlla a repoeV i amhortty la toed Henatoa to at kettaapNA lheto at ax releeei eth- to to to efftat that ah wE arrive ma(ghr rielock tov sight at Amawtaet whenae eha wlB wu tester 4 Daamr Hanm tototo tar tha sight In to kdgawbleh steada betec to aaetlr uadm-tha tuordlaaehlp of th ago! -yaoter VogeL Dr Genoa AeSacbarn (MiofitUe FlQdcU Attlifi (HI Stands 124 Liban St 'K- Lewuton Sanitary Market ftf SB MAIN ST (UEWISSOML ft'.

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