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The Lewiston Daily Sun from Lewiston, Maine • 2

The Lewiston Daily Sun from Lewiston, Maine • 2

Lewiston, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I rif -V I I I 'i Y' V7 t-: Mswiaroit eb 1 hjiiKrtH AhV 22 1923' If 8TH KURIL COKCERT No Opposition 6 'The '-i ft AT Aia6um Water 'District BIRTHDAY caiid CARNIVAL DANCE (at -opp-mLows ealz pleasant W'- 4 iiiil MDAY FEB 32ndC -s -ii' To Trot -i- Pox PROPOSE RETIREMENT SYSTEM Annuities to be Paid Ont of Salary Assessment Fnnd Of tho'olty for wator oar jIob Already It had borrowed S10A for thlo purpoasL but It would re quire more monay to 44 it and In to accomplish thla tho water QEORQR BADER TENOR PORTLAND CITY HALL TO NIGHT IN FINE PROGRAM wradn i Portland's eighth municipal eao-aart at Ito city hall thlo araning whan'Mr'laomorawin boVariatod by Oeorgo Meador tho-dlrilngnloliod toner efiTbo' MatropoUtan Oparoi Company Are to glsb tha program la I being locked forward to with much Interest -I Mr lamart win open the program! with tho brilliant aadCircum- of Elgar always favorlto number on recital programs On aac-Md appaamnoa ba wlU play two of bio own eomporitlouL oSd of Concert a now Tte fn Tba fun program to aa Mown Seond Bfll Provides Pension of $300 to Public School BupflrvtMn HOLD PASSENGER UABLE ACCESSORY Fine Eveiyoie: Motor Vehicle Driven by ln-toxlcated Person PoUis Oui ud Miaon Only Ezoeptlaa Undtr Spencer Aet i Anfhata ftk flpaoear ad Vork introduced aa Act la tho Sonata todayNhlhi to paaoinaara la motor vehldM oporatod by poraona nadar tha inflaanoa of tntoxloaUna lleuora Tba Act prorldaa that any para orer year at aao who ahaU ha paanenyer In any motor vahlcla except a motor vehicle lot far blrok duly licenced aa public ear operated upon any highway within tha State by any paraou under tho Influence of Intoxicating liquor shall bo praaum-ad to have knowledge tha Intoxl- Ladlao ft A-' AnguoUb rah tlr-iudgo Harry Miwaar of Auburn praaantod tha ran ona why tha 'people at that town ware asking the creation of a waiar district It would eonaUtuta no changn ho aald forth ordinary eltl non aa tho oyotam of prater supply Aubura was now ebndnetod aa a public fttncUoa Tbare avar aartoud dafacto In opitlon la ISM tie told the abmmitfaaL tha AUburn Water eomknlsaloo was craat-od This wan baforo the present plan of water districts TThlla it was daalgnad tw-eUmlnata Mite contracted br tha commlaalon from the ally debt dadslona by thoauprome eoart bad bald that tbla was pot aa aeeem-flltohod maasura Jt was uaeaaaary ha said for tho cdmmlasloa to make astanalra dovolopmanto to maat tha Lewiston and Auburn prices is Houston Ton trseleae ud long-haul distance from coal and wood according to an ad vwtlaemaut laat weak In a paper aro: Sw ardwwlmlll- woo out randy far rim cord etaoieo lump coal llUltw fehaatfiuL aaaa prtoa:) split 4wot rokTetml $111 nlnTJlJ plaa IT wk-u ft-71 nffdaUrorod -Jr ha fcewlaton Motaro to hold open MM eg evening at M-ll attMt Fattaa gUrterehaatra la to play and all th Sis aMdoa ef Dodg Bwf to ka displayed- Members of and thrir friend who plan jo to fheneraf tklr merntog 1 taka tba IS ear to lilattsa I Ira Vital Olltortof RtoSJFud Mi WlUlam pog: ton of Troy attondad lunaral of thalr IT mood which woo held Start church paatarday moroU I -tt-outo Jr PSMntoaa fcwgjjj Irounf man haa taton orar tho uaao oC tha Baaoon hall room an iiauHt Anbttrm "LZiSiot iihw bands A Habbo di Managoru district plan ooamod tho moot fmo able Tba bUl ba arid foUowod tha aids Unas aa did other wator district town of tho StatoL-Tha city eounoil of Auburn fhaarod tha MU stated lfanoar and ha mad tha 'record of rots taken by that body on Tuesday night -A Warran of tho eommlmlon SisisA ftbst ills MHMHBnimMBBB ttll favorod tho change and regarded It aa good bualnooo propoaltion Sr tho city Couneilman Ooorga Bciduo of tha alty Connell stated tha position af that body aq baing in fa Thorn waa no opposition to the bUL Plication q( bronchial pi bm Mr 1 -t r- t- jrt -1 I WDUHROP -tA illlUl i FAX Organs i March Pemp wad OveumrianM Btoay 1 Mr Lamars Songs to am tta Messiah BUM RaeitatlvaL Comfort yejny flaoiJo Augnita Fab of Toric Wadneoday Introduced la tha Senate an Act te oatabltah' a taaohara rattaanwnt ayatam to ba coma affactlya July -L 1S1A Tha Act proridao that an aaaoeto tton toa known aa the Maine Taoh-arV BaUramantAmodatlonjornr ha ercaniaad amenk the taaekaraln tho 2wtombSr5 the StaUw The ra-Uramant hoard ohaU ocnalat of flvo i membara tba r8Uto- auparlntandant 3 puMto oehaola tha Stole au rar tha attorney general and two members tram thamthameot elation Tha qaambarm of the rotttw-nmnt bmud 1-0 j-g S2l thK pansatloa riU 1U Arte JNary valley gludl bo Oeorgo Maafar Organ ooloo: BAXTER SUGGESTS BIUL FOR SIMPLE AND UNIFORM MUNICIPAL? ACCOUNTING! Meetumo la minor Ofl tt Lamars Ooncart aavotte1Dfl in XAtnaro gather with tha statistics that so! -Hr fomart oompay lt and nuggaat that thto Simgat i Yx Bartlatt bo referred to an nflflroprinto oom Tha Blind Ploughmah mlttoOL Thto question daoarvN yowl A Droam IL-OevL oauon oC tho paraoa ao operating tho Mr anelwaS whlota The paaaongar ahaU arenna TanmwbwaMia bo prooocutod no on ocoaaaory baforo ingldtn and li warn nto tj mMttog to tot beMar IWlth ha flood 1N and ooato and to default of payment ahaU aarra daya in 2r2tiifanant boord ahaU vrorido Augusta Vbk today sent a lalurr oay' two yaara of hla admlnlotratlou aa earn a massage to the Lagia aylng that' during tho peat Banter nlth who la fa tha -Mawtoa hospital to making good recovery and ax- pacta- to return ham la abrtt twb J-O' Nawton paaaad tow- days rapantly fa Lawlato ro-tunifag home Monday avanlnfc AM5iiflTSUMNE'JS East Bumnar Frt lL-rClrclo din useful artlolea will ba a'ata Ia tha Bwmrvad Monday' tha asms day evening a Bad White and- Bln ball fan 'atora ante brought wlU ba given with music by tha yaafay ard'e arohaatro of Lewlnto to-rathar poorlyv flatarday afunaawth eighth aad Btotaan to- Btriia alath gfadra af tha grammar aetori nooompaalad by-tM prlaolpri Mfc 'gyfpy ri1- Bdblnaon a 1 Jerdu win itfay i ekHUlM tt tki Sff 0 rtT teSr totorood to Mitdow novti Ait MMii win hi ym ftfttr ipiudfuf two XX months- at South Har- -Mamh 1 Gta rinM UiiuJj Lu1 hla hand quit badly Jn-r'' ftritollag logs ttojrttto VL: Uttl Jkalor high tranL i WPttT lTTBTTPW' rTha high achoel bald vary aarif AVUUMf oeaafal toad sale 'Wadaaaday -after-l tothdUInaSa of tha teach-r- at news rtor Tha tfSTS or-" proeeeda wUl fe aaad to help defray f-jy: Briimldthaa gtnto tha dxoaaaea ar the im to her homa la Portland th axpaneea af the high aehaol or-Sheet re The Anti -Cant's met 'Tuesday evening with Kias Bfaor Biehofl wtth Harry BtohBprtMF personal careful 1 conal deration m- Hapfliaanr tho HU rafarrod to to adopted 'Mr Hander by thto Legislators tt will madn that Omni In tha course of a few 'years most! Conowt of tha munldpaUtlas of tba State trtoa In win have modern accounting aya I Jut Iduua Any vogue in tha towns and ritlaa af tha tarn tha form of which will havo: Songs: fantasia on trtoa mm JmthM and tha nnanltlsa Ooraraer ho has bacomo much In 22Tba flridout Of fund to bo tana tad injha question of known aotao annuity fnnd ttUpal aeeountlng survey of tha various af accounting now waU stsssMiiitstdiimiSMi 'Radiograms rHWmUJWMtlMMIMi fl Wldht etathaitt oSSSussss? tTtogtad totaara praata and that ho aat up yMtorday' himTSaotrtoal to guftortMi aura i right foot i fa law daya -Si Hiydria AU7 Chlpfl jMaadlrVWM? Strnum mob who ter 0 years ritaUhava paid hie message iter Mto my mother taught Into tho fund bln regular aasassmeat gtnto auditor reports to mq that will nreuao aa ba axampt from further aaaaaa that tha aeeountlng of many of our Interest in public 'aftotoa In tha Secrecy II wwt muridpalitteo WhoQy Inadequate mlnda of eur ettlaono In ganarnl At thafltoqoL ft Kart Hied Ay ammber tha rotlramant an to meet present day raquirtmanta makaa for hattar govaramant-l be- -Thera haa baan much demand for aectatton who riiall have airvad an a Tha bariUtaaplhg of Staton eoun- Uara wo should do ovarythlng wo thlo concert far ooato by man TOO MbUc school toachar for a period jof tlan citleo and towns should bo In can tp stimulate tha great body- af publta seat sale was at Btrinerl yaara of which yooia tto simpia form do possible ao that our oWlaoano to otudp-nnd under-' yaaterday only no the store to rioaad Saataavw praoadlag olttaano may- understand tha public 1 stand tba Snaarial atammawta Of for Washington's birthday Tha bt uva boon mthU fltria may vattra bualaaaa for unlaaa rittosno do ootonr State county and municipal office at city- ban will bo open nil pubno nohown nndatateadthoy cannot toko an In- rovammanta To -do thin -wo must day tha Boo- oa Han't tha baan Apr A wlll also bjen erdara for thooo oonoortt am roooivad from all over New MONMOUTg Punoral flarvlcea for Richardson and Chariao Plondara after attaining tna pears If A woman and anm is ibar of tha raUramont naao elation who oholl have hawin usd upon tba aocumu- of bis flontributlono and tba equal oonttlbutuna of tho State of ana eommunlty determine whethi elaborate ayatauia at- bookkaaplng ar or not thalr publlo off! aisle are and complicated flgursa often nava doing their vrork satisfactorily 1 bean used for alnlater purpoaea my atiggaatioa the State bring thto matter to your- standi tor ban drafted a bill making tt'taatlon- for I bolteva them- to naod optional with tho munlcl pall ties for reform in -tha accounting Si THURSDAY PCS tt WUY Sohanactady MS aiMarkat raporto new 1M Drama tBoerat by WilUnm CUUattoi WOT tra WQI Modferd Hlllsldq (SSO) MS m-Slarkat report SN nowa Early aporto MS a Waakly shoe and taathMr levlaw MS poltoa Aaund bullaUa board MS m-Code practical laaaon 11 rspaatid is pl A Baakdaar OMmpao of Ooorga WkaMngton11 Oaarge A Suaatoari 1 patriotic ooaemt ouo pioaa Boetoa tala phono opamtoro union' KDKA Boot Rittohiirflli' (MO) I 1 ocaidoat larooffiy JSuSK- attondaato at tho tt hoapUal report oeorgo A specials roiv-X TODAY: pualnoaa rial tor to a eaatara 1 InteraeL -msth-wtthla ear State to adopt a uniform oda of our ooyarat munlcl palltlaa muting tor's report nbovo ithnri to to I Govaraob of NEW SKIRTS two maatha to la nportod a-- GREEHE a I I Ar Camel Sport Wool 0 Cotton Proaellu ri 84X) to M0 Vfllaflfl 95 bates COLLEaE faculty bn JOVUTI NOAT flASAT TJS pl Nowa Health fcfata Ml nar Tboatrlcala MS fl na- Praamtlmo Lady MS Addroaaao from banquet at Pittaburgh of Soao at Amanoaa JtovoliiUoa MS pl nt-Ooaomt Imperial auto quartet 1 -r 'wJA'MrtpittohihTl) Ml fa MuScal program TN Rabbit MS flL "Old EngUah Bhaafl Sosa" Itjuik Dda idliflL B' Concert' Maatuarlto Ag aaa Walta dollar AN flL Program to bo aaaouaood by radla MS-10N flL Arllagtea Uao elf Urogram waa giro TuTfatOndad aa-laatloas tba pfaycr-ylau with ad-oompenlmeat on tho mandolin by tho end raodiagd by M1m Marjorie Rowell Klee -Mildred- Bra war Mlro Auto Brow KUa Jasolo Thom- a Mien Doris Oodleg Mlao' Alia Wood ud Mine Wlelfrud Oiut Flees-were made tor radio tan to bo gives' next week and Mr Lottl York aad Mr Thalma Godfrey araro appointed ae a committee Thaolaas voted regleter aa'u orgaalaad Blbla alas glth the Malaa Otato- Sunday aahooTaaaoelattoa and thb pradldaat appointed Mlsa raw Mra Thalma Godfrey -'aad MUa ttmfa Bishop ao-a eommlttoe to draw up tha aeaetltetlo Dainty ra ra aarvM by tb hos-Ve 'V Tkt Di flL riab mat Monday aft-' broom with Mr Charles Kllbret Bmlth of Klddletow la la town called here by th of hie mothen- Mr Laura Mr Bvaratt Webb luw boas aaU-ad to goutk Parle br tha death of a Mias Hargaartta Woodbury of Meamauth la -Xaitlage ktr iul Mrai Mead- Meaoiabin Frank -I Falrbaake baa rotaraad from iaqaa trip to- Booto -v: Mr Warren Mast to Monmouth tk first af tba weak by death af bar 1 guritt Bmytha la- tmpravtng from bar raaaat -Mr Arllegtea Trathowey and denghter-A Jaoqnellqs have rotaraad to! their ham! XJv-armors Fqlle iftrr apeqdlngr wart with Mr TrathawaFa parent 'Mtv ad Mr Charlaa Faaaay' Bagar Kaddy haa -guan: to Hew Hem pah tv where ha haa Cariaton nod Mr Walter Richard of Barth Whrno'wert fa Mr Smith of Augaeta la la tow by-tha-Hindoo of haC Uttl Billy' Hoomouth Tab IlTha Amaral of jCharteajnnndara wna held Tuesday at a from tba homa of Trad Vandara The officiating clergyman and was Bor Percy Bldton pastor of hat a eacond would bo the flL riramh-Those from outof halted with malar intoreat and on- town attending worn Hr and Mrs thnslaam Ahuady tho young poo I Mocomhar of IdvarmoraL imd Deoar riTam haSnSog to irnumeobr -Plandera of Uodloou Thobody waa EZt rSnSecS pl la tho tomb to ta taken to of tha affalr waa dua ta tho optan Aptonfa thaapringfor bprlaL bvl hv did support of tho towns people and Vunwol oorvlooo for Melvin -H auttring offortacng tol Rlehmdmmwmu brid -from tha aavaral weeks ago it wm suggested J55? that Winter earnlvnl dar tho aueplooa of tlori Tha auggaatlon WnT foramoat fa-ptamiingtha MrrfariHta BL MteevayofLmv-! carnlvaL Hernia' baas athtonomn leton Mr and Mr IVank Blcbnrd 3 in Guilford the past weak on aO- non of Canaan Conn of jL rnt hi baa Mh'i! and committteaa ware appointod farmulata' and oatry out daflnlte1 wtto plaaa Tba'bnjp wore ancouragad Poranoa Barry who UUal wUtor party wad enjoyed Monday ata wj SSfaat tba head of flnbattuelnlito Tha party eaualatad flf PJ umya HnmdelUrToi Mrs Prof Dr I rr Sp Dm am ioum urMni' Alfred Anthony of HT $500 uCSIOlIW flvmaim-wbaooma jsftt tho ratlrsmant aaaoclxtlon wotttr In thalr aarviea to- pay la ragnlw order at tenet annual JPNmumto bofMU naqhlafl an or years If man may raerivo tba full baaeOte'uf tbs Act by payment of dues nadormnm uadar nuoh provlalooa an tho retirement hoard SpoSSm uf Cumhariand Aot to amend the tow iriating to tonoharri ponaloas providing that a 1 mporvtoor fa tha publlo aehools ahaU upon ru tlramant raerivo ns annual paaatou of IW4 1 'f Cnm bf Ant pravld-Ink that Itr and dtoohnigoa or naslgnmanto of mortgages must have oartifloato of aekaowtodgomont or proof of execution ondoraad on or annaxad to tho same aa provided relative to tha acknowledgment or proof orOxaaatlon' of deads bafpra recording tba dooumonto In tha rag-Intry of daadoL- --t "ln the Heuaa r- Baker af Btubas-Anti to repeal the subtle laws of 111! entitled An Act la arilat fa tha commercial utlta toatlon af thariog WMBIU WILL SB REPORTED "OUGHT TO pass in a new Skelton MAKEflCHANGES aalas waathar forocoot '1 1 Poland Spring thto winter' -father Maid IWl Commlttoaa: Osnarali Kcr Jonaahoaaa TuaadayrMlar Hahrito Barry ciao Brown Blchard HiAnaqTjB daughter Charioa Barry used for Bald Feb At right edoek In Che la K5 UMnd FlntoaMta Parhorand isisrjissaa "Sry3ya WEAR New York CHn (400) IMS a atwnahtaftoarr-Vlraday ssisbtAtioB tt4ir thi lupim aamMaadpatrlotlo aoeiatlaa Mow York City Concert by tba fire da partmaat band1 IMS a 'm- Addraaa1 Robert 01ybh ant fliealdaat Aqua of the Ravolu tlon New Yerk IMS a Addreaa Oar Alfred Smith Udia at-j Cou cart flra dapartmanf on to aHrO hoopttoL Lowlotoii on tha nfteraoon 'frrin Tuesday for an operation nppandlaltta-Arthur Plngraa who na bean apondlngta than Ufa earnhnU was at Ml William Bingham gymnasium BrlM vim tVBr4adbr priai BSanaaom to tho wfawars mwo ii- x'rrrfa' pen various eontoato Thaaa announoa manto wan followed by daaotag and 11 gwesaey rw lomi pmno-oarda Rafroahmanta wars earvad bytha yenagman Mr Park Mr Hansoom MOCF' 5-'': Bodnar XinnaU Writer FhUi brw)k mJSl Ba 1 dash Donald KUUtar Garold Tort TwU pteaghl inara ua MtuWkU Proate Den- Kn- Ss Arthur I iw Mr 'and Mra month with hla family WU carnet Tuesday nb 1 Trm nayJterttott DonaM Kldder wnppMi Vmmsii XhrBMt Samoa DU1 and Sairy MltchaU aad to-1 eio Claire are on tho 2d kSST Kuhort-Wlng aa pent Sunday 1 with iSodal Sawyer has rata Mfli Waato-Mtoto rrancto Auburn wao ln town Suadayto bis fnthar PIM W2jm tZ ulta pjgauyhtw pi pnJAil Bln dance arch aa tra JS-1MS flL Special patriotic Klamat Temple tb' mnliis At 11 o'clock tha party broke up ovary one fasting that Botholk flrat KawaU Mm Bat vv i i- A arsffigs- SABA1TUS Chari aa Papa Dwight HUUa monda leeltatioaa Miriam tteta noted year eld Parktot CaidwaUDr Malar A BCHOOLB BROKEN UP ON AC- COUNT OP BADLY DRIPTED Wkyn Fab Mr and MMl'M Berna will have tba Christian daavor prayer maatlng Tburaday erov ring laadar GoU X-Mr Jt BL Fullar win antarteta tba Friday elnb altoraoo Fab II Two now mambars 1 have Mundt Traddl Fhllbrirt arv VWrflrid McCann atrtar Wal-tr Inman Clayton Foaaattj timer 'Harmon Maaoo Judgao CBowaL Jgon Cheater How Boy mond Chapman Harman Mason Frtoan wan awarded on follows! Ski- JorlHfL-IUddrt aqdJordaaMI yard enowsho dash hoy Pbll bride first Holms rttoadilll yard anowahoa dash glrUL- Hllds Brook flrat lltoaboth Mason mooed lM yard ski dart boyHrimao and Lin nail tied 101 yard rid daaye g'rU Katharin' idUmadaU flrat BUaaboth Mason noeand boyri anow boa obstacl Arnold Ktely flrat Phllbrlok- aaeendt- girls' anoriaboa 'obateefa Marian Brook flrat Bath GUna saoond boyri akl ebstad Rodney Iinneii flrat Oay Tbwytau aaeond long distance anowaho Ctao Brown flrat-F Fbilbrlck gooo Phllbroo third: long distance Junior Georg flratt n1 aaoondj Cloo Brown slid Hilda Brook mat Katharine D' BamsdoU aaeond ak Jump Bobfaso flmt Bodnar Una lend Edward Croa third 1 won awarded to Dorothy Goodnow I and Franklin Konnlaton tor entering thq moat eontoato though failing to a win In any 0 Tha aoeondin a aerlaa of ooanoa- I1 nlty arvlcao waa held la tba William Bingham gymnarium os Bundoy evening Frt XL PrA EL Marina a wall known educator of Nqw Bag- 1 land waa the speaker 'Hla them Books ttMTaSTi wao t'!" MlSi ii '-I- iV-4 $1000 ud $120 th -club rooaatly 'Tharo ware ao herrieos at' tho Mstluxllat churab loot Bunday -Lam weak wan tho most aarora waathar tor tba winter Borne of tho wood roads warn not span natU day: V-'- WAS 1 i DEPRLfltpuy 1 AND NERVOUS Says WIncarnls6ave ly New Hatlfli to daty bound to write -IfaM vnu far tha waadn tearilt hero marivii from rapkndld For tk 1 had basn depewed narvana and a wmk I hardly walk and 1 fait toted kb always aittlag Woe down- Bat your 'Win flat New Ufa late Im to about mr wort with now vigor that toakaa nr hoaoahoM dattoa fliatawo faetaad of a harden aa oefaro I eannat properly am Mb' haa glean ni It to NlmdldtofaalgagtronggndwaU I have told tefllbawhoia hjj tho wbola acrid what a aplao to your skin with bbatH OR MRS OSCAR- HWNY bj zfrzsu Drink watatL Stk5S 51 'Kjffi wnsa TErucw blilllfMVV -a Wodl jtfttf-sasttres much alckBaaatharewaa ari large attandanet Tha MilJ the todgu yUl oocur la twa Ruaedl Andrawa to eouflnad totha to aloe UtMra Buaaa house If yog am mffering fom acaama fcdlnenA1 or abnilar gkki affecdoq batheiho oraptafadvrllhKarinotSoapaaA hot water theq (aatly apply a Bttle Earinol Ofatmant Yon will nonlihad how fastantlv Bm trrntod to mmtorty aaaaawl A re- krtMandhrtbnte sal solo by Mr Marshall Haatlaga I waa much enjoyed i Vl Augusta Ihk Tha (Joint mlttae on Judlolary nad Interior waters wm raeommaad amudnwualy to paaa In new draft" tha bill incorporating tha BoaarvairCOL Tha Joint committees aa Jndlriary and Interior watara win raeommand unanimously paaa in now draft? upon tha bm incorporating tha Xanaohos Boaarvolr Col The new draft fa addition toam-bodjrlng thsahaasaa eubmltted by William a Skalton oounsal tor to ixunmianta at tha hearing yaotor- day ninfria aavanl chaaga relating 1 to tho ftaaaring of tha corporation -The now droit provides tlmt all bMtey h1 bo mortgngs bonds aa- eared by first mortgages on all tort S5ra atook at not teas that IMOAM tZSS than SMNIN further krw video that bonds ahril Bot bo imurt for aaoro than double the amount of writ actually yafa la toe oapltol I atook -v EVENT ADULT i WOULD 1 -kavn to fat poll taz I Aarost Vhh In tba Houao to day BrSWry irfWaahburn Intro- I SmIu Act to nomad tho law ro- uoU tax Tha amandmaat that a poll tax ahaU aa- gtnte ySST thlawa affi1 year wha- taarariUMn af tha Uritod Stotos to didtoatoand matomtlvo it to aa allaa fa tho nunnor provided by tol Sdtka'iteMT SUNDAY SCHOOL TO OBSERVE STATE SUNDAY PAY MAR A Wales Comer rete tl-Tbo Sun-day school to planning to obaerra Btoto Sunday achoel day Mar as roquoatad bp the gaaarol tary Rrv Bdward Brawata A dramatiaatioa of tba work of tha State Baaday School i tlon Jonas Flnda OnL" wlll rtvaa with tha following aaatiKit Joaa Bvaratt Wabatar: Mr Brewster Boy Hathaway Hop Meredith Miss Hathaway If Grateful Roland Fern Hlaa Larooux Mtaa Irma Robfasoo Char lea and ltarloa Bewail and Thareaa Stront 1 good ritfaan 'Barton Webater vTharo will ba other appropriate axarelaa Jt to hoped that all who fad interacted la Sunday school wort wm bo pres cal Mr and Hr Garold MeABJatar of Auburn ware week and guaoto of Mr McAllister's parent Mr aad Mr Chortoo Wabaten Cariaton Wabatar to working tor tha Rubber I Had Co at Bands 11 and i Prrley Wabatar ar amployad by tba Main Cm teal railroad helping clear away tb Thaaa on tho sick Urt ar all gaining 1 JWIfaWM WINCARNIS tomato 1 10 and HAl LAB8IRI IN0U BtrosL NEW YORK pl the sick shlnqakhly FEYEBURa ACADEMY kitodOhminii irritolai la Oaooaaoooooaaoaaaaaoaaaooo hyebirt Frt Fryaharg Acad-any wa wu represented at tha Auguste snow carnival by Arnold H1U Nor- KvndalL Wnditl WdloB ud Bsrgs IttwtbM'' Polzst Twfl-Pfllllpy jNflift ZffMtfa BomiUilfl'f Niw Tharo wu rory good at tha Baptist ebum Baaday aldaring tha eold pad -drifted rood Tho schools have boon badly broken up on ueount of the drifted roads waking Jmpomlblo tor tho rural teams to get through Chariao Maxim la paltlnfl to loo tor Mr Charlotte Jcrdm tt na boon a vary hard winter te got waathar to work tho pond Tharo ore quite a number yat who are getting ready aa aeon ao pooribio to harvest thalr to Charlaa Gott to baulfag toga to the alto of tho old mitt when a portable mill wffl ba pat up tn-tha spring la bring hsulad in naoai ov-ary day whan tha roads aro paeaabt Than ora seven people from ban who era at BL Fatarabur Fl this winter Mr and Mr Hartart-Muh' ro spending tbt winter with thalr am Orta- at- Water bury Llnooln to quite rick -Norrii Zinao to tM house fir aavaral waaka by lllntn -11- Ze Lincoln haa roaently reorirod flu box of oronguo and grapefruit from bis son Wald at BL Petersburg Mr Gertruda jrtftuy from wlltos to hero called by tho innaqp af Mr brother JX Tlnonln Mrs Carrie Gott fa vlrit-Ing bar eon Gott HILL 1 Byu at Colby Collago waa praaaat Monday morning aad gave 1 vary Interesting talk to tM aebojl athletics a Palmqy is driving tM It JX If for Hr Lea Mr A Winters la vary in with double pnaumonl fttto baa had it twice baforo and bar eondlUon la considered aarleu Luc boa bean 111 far about weak with NdUmUg HarshaadlN Popular PrleM 76 Lbbon St Lawiiton bu MaitiW HEALTH IS VITAL! worth although frot totourtS Bttfld whflt tUfl Kothtf ffaji: HIU ITToro Albuy TI have tomwon from over to compote la tho rainy Iwtto FroewtoSrof final but nnfartunetoly th beya ware obliged to start tor Fryoberg eyactency rtUvn rory brier th hour act far thaaa final Tb aeorea af th baakatball gun noMtlv Bland wftk North Cobvbv mythluMttit Jud to atFryabw 1 I Among thorn spending fh weak riang flu altar that amor having and out ri town won Katharine Onto ne trout 1 I bad pnotlenUy at Interval H- LUMu Bwu at ouffarfag and my child wee vary Browu fluid Martha Heh la Hiram healthy Always nine that axpu-wlth Vara Lombard Lewie MacrlU 1 rieae whenever faal tha lout bit Hiram with Paul Wadawertk run-dowa or tt naad of a tenia 1 Monday eve ring tk mambora af toko a bottle- of Favorite Fteaorip-tha orchestra ware delightfully antofl- tton end tt makaa teal flai-tala ad at tha bom of Bog- Mr a Btollar II BU BL worth All druggist Tablets ar Squid Mr Craig satartalaad th teach-! Write Dr Place Fra Invalids' ere at auetios-bridge Saturday eva- Hotel in Baflalo Y- for fro nlng oonfldaatlel adviru advartlaamanL i wlfa ta tm to yg aloaly Mr Hagens a with pnaumanto jf-j-s srsjw vrig Main straaL tea boon nan wly lb of pneumonia butte new -ported battar-Oaorga Carver of la qulta alck mm John Hvwvttq who Ml of Mra Ju Wsnau aimed to bar-beano In Fumtogtoa Mr CriNJrtnotow toro revering turn Mr teorga Soula and non Junior of riatai are visiting Mr Mar rat Tbompaon todays Lends 11 Tort Jr of Cumlwr mi waa a weak aad gaaat of Miss 'ranoea A Saabom-Mra Mto Mck ary aad Mr Eugana Barter a reported on tha sick Urt-Mm vabal Btaakay who has boon quite i -k to much batter Mr and Mr Sheridan are ib eonflaad to tba house by Mr Della WUaoa to vary riously Mr MaUaaa Winugns 1 tlL Mr Louis Taylor of Bow-M4 to taking can of William ticker son of Mr and Mr Emast ticker broke hla wrist playing nahtiban at Olouaaator raoaartly LIAERY ME BEATRICE fa ru boy tba rwa at nrtn a aa mb et ears hHerteia aaM wiSalli iH Hr their iraie geatlte ptnM r-ll Cm awSe te Steer tiSnt a anwe aeUe alee Clemen rise let I I rmxs aad eteae rtesatef avery on Let iHy Mart JHEV'JH IDNEY AND BUDDED ROUBLES CONQUERED OR MONET BACK par veal aaM Dr eerey I kin tern praaRlMas mv Pnmirliillea TTT thaeau tor roam ttartereet) br kM-W ri kjaSCer etchaem a in that I have retires trmm Min erect le I aiteeawwaia with leerieq Craaalte te Slepeaee tble weaSerfel a a Iliwt erte aa tae -aaw back If SlemltBfled 1 Beware ri bMaey Sleeeee CheeeeeCe lie ri Kemraw eke mu aaw jepteg tha aieeeleai ef We aa bealUu Wateh the oaUme If yea have apeeha Seatiag tefere tki ape putty arm feet a aulek pulmm beehache DIED T77 At Brooklln Maa Frt' I MX Sarah Zmwatto Lothro widow of Aubrey Lothrop Fuaaral sar-rieea win Mid from tM fuaaral home of Pfamaer A Merrill Friday fUianoo at 11 o'clock HBTO1 Pencils 17 1 steal tha Are of s'wdl knpwa lfaa ZVEETVALLT TobH Bats Osa Why Not Now? Just tibs tiling for XMxes -BSrthdiy Behool Boainesd perfect writing lnatrn-menL i s3 Cone la snd inspect our big lino' 1 Berry Paper Co 49 LUbon St to at a kettle Me GOOD NEWS BIG SALE OF ELECTRICAL GOODS 10 to 80 SiMoimt Bdfora Uoriof to Our Now Itoro -j 87 COUNT 8TUEX AODUOII ELECTRICAL CO 57 COUNT ST AUNUEN hneHtei teas ef the-aiecielaa yea aaa at- High Maas ef nqulm win bo aald ri BL Joseph's church at I o'clock Tburaday morning for tM rapoco ef tha aoul of Hr Wm HanfalS whose death cccufrod Monday imteh? eweSkaeille card Df TMAnkE Wa wlrt a extend our rtonko to all (hero wha Mvu offered thalr sympatfly la- our roosot bares vament Thanks to tM dona-taro of fiewdm nad to the pall bearer and Mr Alfred Raymoad Mr and Mr John Raymond Mr Wm Kerr ten Mr faulEaxmepd I hae weaSeriaitr rinoaro' roylea aad la Dr Dulel net telex phrOtlaa for bu graat Frwrrlptlea ItaeasaaSe ut eulferen bladder treeblas net' mie effKtiee eoth luirtt it met aed ai Muitrv errrdava' Ol Harris Tna- Dyers ud Class wa announces tba change fa location af their Lewiston Branch atom Tba stare now local ad at 1M Li ebon gt fa the Judkins Bldg- win new bo located at 1ST Xieton BL Osgood Bldg In the store eocuplrd by Cora BL Smith an a Glove atom He Merclar thinks fa changing big location ho win ba benefiting fcio many end will strive to give all even batter hotter work at reasonable coil O- JUERCC2R Inc meay ream ae Me TTt aiSed irem bMaey aad Hereafter ymt el-wre preeeriMiea la fertn et tnf-f hir-aBie lee -ru-i-u Esb 38F! SgL'SJtUailtoCBUJ.

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