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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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7 f- 4 1 1 '1 ri-vi ri IStfflJBIfl! went -JKs sf-y vvr Jfcv: WSTKTCIlKWEilCI SO AC! I CJ i i r' nmMmMmpmqMttwmaMtoimammraoNemo I mate wmmrn r- 1 SakgaacttUgo Golf BbHf haUti of Hltfe BBt SfaM fokifaitiNr mill ofiar rnem OFPflCfi nulls lag oemposy sere today "Where a salesman would an -''ft'- 1 i i'-f 1 GloucRster (y ti Associate! FOMSFOVEt from It head e( settle te setea the esavsatlen efthe Amerless-T Cewmtoeteaara of Fst-toa Mlsdoma msslso bora EDR'RECWJfllSOF --T r- vbjfo 4 -H'k -w- wmm b0Er9 GEOBiEP1 HEW BEAD OF TBE AMERICAN LEGION BlMMMhafi htd of ibntH Bi tit ted 'Z Z-r-XJ t' But5 tihe Coalition Wat on NEW BRITISH CABINET SWORN IN THIS MORNine ootommwwtowaiUr'' Press Shows Ns Egpscial Ea-thnsiagm for Ua-ioniot Proafi Chhslp Appro-da tiro Must Not Overchiirge Pay Asks TiatBonar PolicyM Handed Figbtm Near Eastabkflli OetJI Mtor am nC bUMkiiiimi mn of tha Hda( fishsnnsttHsnry yard arid Bhisoose mif kwtfkt tofsih-r again tottf for NapafltiHlt-f eontlsurd eratrtmf mid pr PVid for tbs' start of thoir third net ii a aoakldg sou'wester Th vlad moderate aaA on pnstpsr- -(ofoacv vao oomUraod to tuv tho Hrjr ferdi etamee for Mother victory UciriU bo tho eeo-ond of tho oorioa officially and would brief to hat without further qoeutlon tho Intonatlonal fishing vessels championship for tho Bluonbaa the oondltlooi vara mart ar ioso a dioaopointnant tho brisk blow frota-tho aorthwon lariat paaaod la liaht to aiodar-aia wladr tho BObit Fprd has howa hcraalf tho hotter boat' la tMa itlibr folnf ft tho close of lbAidajrs race won by tho Ford tho Blaonoai showed sho was at her bast Ihke Out BaUaat ThO start of tho moo today was sat for iro'eloek 'With tho mla swaoplqg la thru' tho harbur aa-tmaco tho inoa of the Ford la sou'- ttu treaty ef Vbctalttea but Rho: taefaA-'A aa much part Paaoo aa fts Tne-tr et VareaUlaa Thar difference to naagaTbay rmous QLOUCB8TER Ifaaa oat (By tho Asaoehttod Prsos)' Tha Oloucas ter flahlaf ochaoaar Hanry Ford laid tha ifBoskwp achoaoer BIuo-noaa acroaa tlia Has at tho start ot todas fish Orman's race Bitten 01 however had thd hotter poaltloa bo-lay tO'Waathor and -Washothif tho American boat Tho honors were therefore with tha Siaaaoeo Tha eofllcial atartlaf times ware Ford llteM Bluonoae UJ0lt Three minutes after tha start the Bluonoae passed tho Ford to thf weather and' took the load Both bpata wore (fl toward tho first mark a lowly as tho wind had drop pod to knot five minutes before tho start The Ford headed for tho Una sharp oa tha atarboayd tack the Bluonoae being wall to weather The Canadian came down alow- Caatluuad on Faso Twelve I inlt ft was -mat thol1 teatt of Lhqrd Ooorga'H govaransent LONDON Oct II (By tha dated will aapparffehy party and ksf gsunysl that fto a policy of acaaioasy aad steady progress aetther evdatioa-ery nor petlmarE aad dean ft tB ctenUy" Primal Mlalstor Uoyd George told tha OCaftlou liberal aumbara of Parilamant at a meeting today -A another pari Of hfo speech ha tha deda ration: Wruat Bri-must pat America 11- bar LONDON Qst SI (ky the elated Frees J-Censidenble jatoa-aat baa beea arauaed by Ytoebuat Creyg aUtaslo to hla address at Bradford lost alght to rrsneo having beea by heq atfies Slsee ilie nerlfwu Viscount Grey waa Brlttah forelgn socrqtw at tho outbreak of- tha war ratlrtng upon tho fbrmattoa of the Lleyd George ministry La ijC rT "Before we erttletm Frenee's ao-Ubu" ho said "tettte raaliao the tecta When' peace waa ''concluded Franco hoa two aqreaiaanlq oaa with Great Brltato aad America If attaokedta the future by Germany were not taeladed to the nowal of a poet with Ruada ha dadarrd Dealing with -Groat Brltalna foreign relations 4n general Mr Iioyd Goerga Said: Tt la said Groat Britain to ad going to extend her veaponsthUltlea Bat you must pot be aftwM of your reopondhlUtteo Tho policy of Groat Britain must ba poooo loving nnafrald if I stand atone I resist any departure from it What Does New toiler HtenT "I win never let Groat Britain down will not stand' by or for any man who does Whatever man to In power wo xsnri not offer It aar factions opposition There mnst bo no nagging crittetans there must bo fair piny "Wo are told Jhat the now gov-sramsat of trsnquilty in wbat rso-pact dose policy of tranquility differ from ourgf tranquility moans any change from tha existing oos-dlttono of thing then It to had Ws have made penes to Bump ws have mads peace la tha Near Vtaeonnt Gray added -jr however that- axelnriva treaties aouft not sara pomaaaat aoqartty aad would toad to oounterwaotiao sIHancee 77 -Ha coatsadsd tat ths poDcy Ooalltloa govern meat hodj-v-' Jbraaght Gnat Britain iangmtauato7Vv raaar tha aoeaaatty of fighting ota-''f-' la tha gte-haadad war debts" and had imperilled the Indian' pirn' LONDON Oak II (By the Arso-eteted Prear)j-Tba eahtoot of Prime Minister Andrew Boaar tow worn to at Buoklaghato Falaea this morning -As a result of thl taking of tha oath of office tho -meaibera ef tho eablnot began to function aa tha now gowramant Immediately-No where te tha London prase this morning to any especial eatha-claim shewn tor Mr Boaar Law's eholcea aitbo the Ualoniet paper aa might ba expected an calmly appreciative It to araumwr that all of yesterdays appatotee will be mambere of tbe cabtaek except parhapa At-teraoy General Doagtoa MoGlwgS and tha lord advoeate A Wst-i'and tiiare map ba further aab-it AppolntmenH fta Ultlohlit ttttml writers hallava many af the tmdar-aaarataryahlpa and -minor poeta wifi ho filled ontlt otter the election CONTESTED DWOKE New Recordin Maine Oa tha auestlou of German nap-a ratios Hr UoydGeorge asld: ehonld not attempt to hu-poaa upam Garasaay any paymaat which Is beyond her oapadty What to within bar capacity aha oaghtrAo phy" Far Baas Fact Tho formar prumtef expreuied himself with aome deddtaaeea aa rogarda tha questiom of Raaala "I am strongly ta favor of tho ro- force Attorney Geoenl DfiUfkcrtjg roltor witk raapeet qtter on foroiin sUoe caa be drafted eaforenaeat ef tbit wUT-continiH-efi-beretefMBfiidfiUtgBMtttrfietlNffiMd by Secretazy Mcllea What does the -aaw policy Its no uie using wards nnleaa Roamer IL Jumps 110 Miles in 95 Minutes First Plane to Land in Millinocket Major -Alvhk Owriey Tanas la the-uow bead of the Ansericua Imglou dectod at the annual count' New Ottos as Tha srir was a major of lafou-tiy fat thp Sdth BMstom Ho table own haltaltos and a poctlola of tha dMstou hs northern tom After tbs imle tin Owaleg waa appototed dastsfut Attofuay Qaneral of TUxaaaud as thwhMutaWrlagtahMfoaHi il COUHTRY'SIHTEREST -3r WAS B0DY 0F OfFfihgs ef Rsauiro' irl 'S'Ylwieenrw Aral -inkf' with fsvorabla triad This waa tha first plane to toad In XUUnocket Tbs' Jtirndr'Kfsriftrwde aad iwo onow atoms won lered A 1U mile Jump I mtautas la claimed to ha tha fastest record In 1 Ay oust a (SpwaDn foplaior 'ftmih'orJUpUotodhr Jsmau if Harvey and lisnt OforaallaxinC made' a US Valla non-atop jump from Harbor to Millinocket la 1M minutes k- 'ifyiApr hospital for i LLOYRvGEORGESTAUD Chiee in Edgecomb FAIR Iwi4 4 vi SI 1 i i i Sr ji XK nt i- faVu" thV d-t-y A '-I I -I -w ia xf1! £-c iv- f' i I National Unity StUl His Unity with Ua Doubts If the Con-servativea Win WISCAfigET Oct II (Special) Tho Lincoln county court vened heto at if o'clock Tutedny aoralng Issoetela Justice Lucre Deary of Bar Harbor to preaid' iqg Tho Juries warf Imann114 oaa lastrustad by the Court Judge 'Decay's historical sketch of the grand Jury iatersetiag Mr Erie Moreteo Rua-ley of Bremau tha first Juror over drawn ta Ltoeolh oeuacy wan mtofjn waa Cuahmau fi Page of Damariaootta Dextsr Msdgdea cf JBootba Har etalmed them dud-i' -if Why dtolw toavo thomt ThO'jmp Y-itf pearauof of" wuaatag -orilalao" paaraues af wuaatag -anteiaa haaV "jy TWO INDICTMENTS FORflDNAPPMC Agalut Bln Locks un4 Cu van Lincoln Grmnd Juy R-pofts at Wiacaaaet WUCAB8ET Cot II (B pedal )r-The grand Jrflr of Uncola county on Tuesday aftomooa returned eight Indictments one of which war baau referred tw in the- learnat -Attarw tho oncerirn of the pOaonty purpose America and Groat Britain must work together" "I am all tor eo-o pars Oaa with tho ilUa bat Groat Briteta has her owa respond Wlitto' Sho I her owa mission la tho world aad aha mast stand by It" la tha course of hla dealing with home attain Mr Uoyd George festered tho flint purpose of any government la Its policy at homo most bo to do everything to laeprore trade FIRSTTR STAMP TO BE GIVEN TO MRS ROOSEVELT Win Bo Placed oa Sale at Oyster Bay Friday No Geaeral Sale Until Present Iaane la Gone a WASHINGTON Oat tlwTho first atamp of tha now flva-eant de-aamlnatlon bsarlag tha llksasaa of Formar Proaldaat Raoaovslt will ha praasnted to lira Thasdors Rocos-vslk an Friday whsa tha iasua wUl ha placed oa eale at Orator Bay horns at Now York city hie blrthplaco and at tha Waahlngtoa FhUatolla agency Except at tha throe offices named tha tarn pa wllf not ba plaoad on sate alaawhara until tha present yupply of fiva-aant stomps la exhausted WA8HDfQTQN Oct SS seat tor northern Hew Englandi Cloudy and aomowhat warmer tonight probably rain In Maine Thursday generally fair cooler In 'Vermont and few Hampshire fresh to strong south shifting to west winds Forecast for southern New Bng land: Generally fair tonight and Thursday cooler Thursday strong south west shifting to west and northwest winds tons Warning NEW TORK bob The local weathorburepu today issued a warnlngMo email craft between Delaware Breakwater and Mastport Me saying a-dlsturbanes of -marked Intensity over Ontario woo moving rapidly aaatward Win bo at-tandod by strong southwest winds this afternoon shifting tor west tonight i first visit to tho Brier pteea hwsf-i went to th and fiawnd' hovel therm "What did Briaw -to ctean out the ham--j With ha askod r' On hla next visit the ham jhaval wna'staadtag ta- proper pliaa'JnXwr-tho tloun-' -vv'- i torso have auggeetsd that the tertnaata msBa body has boon hara-f-: lad In tho ctem fiata Inch a grvq-- -would bo hard to tad Wa tlm A shevol ueed tor that pnrpeaat Win U'-v! asms futon cteas Agger- nucarar T-" 5ruVbTplttj Thau thera ara these who any that -i Briar did have mowiy la tho haueei bor waa ahaaaa fwreowa hi Mvorao fury Oa esoonat of tha hllure at esrtais jaambars at the panel to appear tie aeaaud Jury waa not organised Bets traverse wars evrmaci till Wednesday lug Among tha lawyers present are Frank 8 Miller aad Arthur I LU UeUeMI ef Raehlaad Bssry Mason aad HarolAFL Bmjlh of WaldohaM Wllllnm NTitaS'Of Ate Edward W-Pall brisk -of fiemorvfito Weston M-kllton Hitari Mall -and Oeerae A Onwaa of Dasurbeotta Jbsmo hrkltaCmu Tspsor oad John Braekott ct Bootabay Harbor Qoerga Hsaslua of Gardtaon DAMARISCOITA Ock'll (fipe-cial) Ths appearance ef jpooter offering a reward of fill for 'Tho dlaecvery af John Brier's body if deed or hla location If alive" signed by Frank fiomaa chairman of the board of aateetmou ait Bdgo-comb fcaapa afira tha interest to the rnystery of the disappearance of the 0ll mftMo "Heard anything more about John Brier" 1 in Yha wrord on ever' thto pari of the eennty t- Fred A Flits postmaster at Damartoeette tails a story that may or may not bo connected with the tragedy Tho fiunday following the day of-Mr Bttar'a lut know to-poaranoo to anyone' Mr Pitta wae down river and whoa ho passed the LedfM which arc Just off the Brier place ha haWBluau walktafinfcrosi cue eftho tales ds which eetopeee the Ledgeo end disappear to the bfiehea He gear engugh to rooogutaa the man and hf boat It ta hard to tUak et any buetasae anyone could have ea the "Ledges" '-'s'--- "rJ: The oame day Fraah Webber found bucket of elaa recen tly dug to Brteria Caen Mo quo "fitora oconoaty la aamattal" ha added "and I nek that tha new Five indictments worn against Alfred Barlow two for elngte eale one for eomraoo sailer one tor man-ufaeturlng' intoxicating gqiior and oaa for cammdU uutaaueo Barlow la now aorviug a aautauoa of two months In tho Rockland Jail for search and oetsore The remaining Indictments were Mia AUca Locks sad JohnH Caaa-vaa of oaten kldnappingT Chsrlod French and Herbert Brann aesanlt and battery CHBRBOURO Oct H-Tha Ffeneh eubmariM Bolaad Mortllot abaadoaed by bar crew in tha Bag llsh channel la aato In the harbor of Gueraasy bland Jibs will be lowed herr this aftaraosn Tho erew arrived hero oa hoard a French merchantman -yeutrday I Days Old its Ml am MOOtr Tha aaaa of Everett Flares et ale ve Will to Dana war assigned to Wedueeday Thiq to a esse of trea at times anyway A tow years ago ha bought a yofce of seen for I cud brought out of the houao tho money to pay for them avery i MU wag Newcastle Beak note and toned tor David Ctawaf who 4-! hadat been cashier tor 1 i yeara The Briers away had-a daav Briar rake- of axto vJoha: 1 I Rlsoa All I Seta Ail r- fitlN af daydt bra Mini1 a decrease 4 kra II msle fifth day of year IB Wednesday Tharndsy tag a bigger site dead than hei ever did nfiva Edgeeomh naepto any hn eaves even voted -aad never was at MW meeUnffvv al- 1 cA-'- oX V' pi4- LONDON Oct If (By tho dated Frees) Former Prlmo David Uoyd Georg addressing aa onthuatastto meeting af tha Coalition liberal members of FsrUaasent today declared that la the coming eteoUoaa the tnterosta of tho country mast oomo first Referring to thh Coalition govern moat which ha headed ha add: 1 have stood for aattond far unity of ths mea of all meed parties and aaetloaa "Oar object first waa tha' winning of'tha war aad oftanrasda axtrlcat-toc the country eat at Ua after-wdr difficulties It waa oar poUW than and It to oar policy sow" Referring to tho Coaaarvatlyaa who brake away from the Coalition aad by thalr detest of -Aaatou Ouunhertala an Ooasarvallva leader brought about tha aresarioa of Andrew Boaar (jaw to tho pramtershlp ho said: "I caaahderstend tbs revolt of tho aadar aaaraurlra There wars subalterns who would She to ba captains and captains whs would Ilka to be made eoloweta or fan gsa-arals" FMri Over At another point be laid: "The noon try's Interest Is tha thing that ittora at tha baglaataM at tho and I an the time Tha peril to sat aver Alone the Cowervntim party cannot defend tho great Interest which are oar eaamoa ooncern "Tha CoaaarvaHvtflmay via tha neat vletory ddabt that hat fuppoeing they do that is not the end at tha war between- tho two tract eba dieting Ideas of tha or-ganlmtloa of society Oar business la to sea that this blunder shall act do-harih to oar eoanlry" Vaky With Ufi Unity to aotloa between -Oraot liritata aad tbv UR wu argod by Mr Uoyd George in hie speech "I am for theUaguo of HaUona ho sold "bat until you gat tha and all tha groat nations af Europ as well aa tha small tha league win Iw crippled aad aanaot servo Its fall i i ts mobile Thors a re thirty sew entrleu annaually email asm he of them If susrttiisMVffisYSfra Fbaaett af Bristol: otah aaah releaaa aa tha rmii of toeertlara TMa Is toerlodBg simpler of load Wag-edy whloh hsgeu Nwil rear spa whan Mr Fosaett sued Gaerva One-tea tor alienation of sffootlos it was tha ssasattoa of tho day hr tha SrSrtlVTMjMS Raohland rspresista Mra Fseeiri and WiiUa to HaU of Caribee Give Qeaning a New Meaning NO FURTHER UGHI ON HALLMIS HYSTERY 'NEW BRUNSWICK OoL County ofltetala today raoamag their lavaatlgatloaa tato the HsIL Mina murder Mystery after a day spent to going over 4ha aaaa with Wilbur A Mott the newly appolat-od apaetol proaaaplor bat aa tor aa eoald bo taaraod as new fasti wars brought to fight Mr Mott hag adopted tha policy seed by Mq Strieker and Mr Bookman the two pnaeeaton who have boon handling tho ooao oad boyoad String oat abort proposed statement which throw no fight oa tbs mystery refused ta talk to reporters 5 Two state troopers were dlapatoh-ed oa mystery mtarioaa thto morn-lag bat both felled to expiate what (hey wore to do -V CHOP MF SR OTHERS 1 TO STANUZE TROUBLE? -MOSCOW Oct a (By tho Asm Stated la Sonneotten with nnaozev Shops'AreyThrtptna That hooUcff ahopg-oa vVArioir aU gtoanff mmi miA have Manta HATiffHissimns Rm WORKER FOUND MOSCOW II (By tha Aaw dated The hat warn by Philip Shield missing American tultef worker when ha loft his houaon Hmbirek has beea fauna mi tho bank af the Volga river fivd mites Above the town aoaordiug to a talsgram from JTeaoph Datum district sopsrvteor af tha nltef oa gaalsatioa la SlmMrsk for ua kaowa fihteld haa act baau aaaa by any ana la that tocaH-ty-lnoahldteappoarBaaa morn than a wash ata CoL Wm Haakall dtrador tha Amerloaa Relief work -la Rus-te haagoao to HmMrsk for a per-soaal iavsotlgaUoa The Utaivertal electric suction cleaner imtfint-iy removea without! briuh tad with magic neu the enmeshed htirs tiutfida ahd nvdings to aoH liquor for firing making Ufa miserable tor reapeatelflo peo 3 ato I have toll hnawledga 'of aR AM lo going eg to that ractleu and sm apprafina to you to Mora thrag ii that ding Oitubbornly to 'jour ruga and floorfi cowing np and if that cannot Rm ghal go to the Governor peeaeuMly agd 1 up Kit tay'eendlfiena before bins i Very tulyyrn r- drift (fiMhdto'i fi fj -iv 4 A 1 Vir MORE leather jerkins vri- 5 r'At'tha wme'timo tiifi powerful auction oftho Unlversd mchea deeply latqi the nap of your kfc s- ft rags for every particle of embedded dirt and forv "i yp Vdga matter' 7-'r 'JJ i Vjfy rts 'f wv J- A slMMAtiatomtAii ml 4Iib 1 TTiififBlPatl Kv: 't- Ift demonstratiph of the Universal in a jXJte IIIMIII fMI uw Kcmmuv OotUar Coi Ihbeu Bk Xewlel todlealhoa petal ta a short tank 600 STUDENTS ENTER DRV ESSAY CONTEST CHICAGO Oct More than IN atadeatg at eofiegeo ta tho Unit ed fitatss and Canada havo catered the contest tor prtsea for tha beet ianyu on the "World movement sgatoot otoohol" the' IntereeUeglgte Prohibition Amoctotleu i anaouseod today Wlnnorn will be announced at tho internatlpnal student conference at TDtoatbV'ftov to II Entrants tucluds students I 'nearly a vary ata ta and province ta tha two eountriss tho association enaonnosd7 COAlSHORTAffilNVV ivLTNN DITORGE tiSE I- I 'll SALEM Mean' Oak Slj-Oheaaal fhartogw flgnrao ta divorce proe Inga brought by Mrl WUUam OauMU of Lynn' sgslcst her hoe-badd fibs has made charges of craol and sbuslv treatment names failure to supply eoaldarlbe homo aa one of 'hsr husband's tho efforts being made to tho ruble the fluuuao coaynjartou has proposed anewtosue hf me which would do away with ruualag into Ug denominations of tha millions by tha simple expedient af chopping off tho test six ciphers Thua tha mllUerruMo note now ln oiraulatlou -weald-raproaant aao nt bio of tha Issue proposed tor ItSI- j- 1 1 A UPTON INTENDS TO atraet La'wiatou raided yeantlhf tho LawJatoa fioUawdrorg opofi again far hualuaaq wit hi half hour filter tho -ooMoh- end thaAJtoto abopa era atlfi thririag ta the subject qf oomptato af XAfftatou by Chtof Plaid Wednesday mcrulngi FhUuru on hla part aha aayn te toko action wffl roautt to' poallaff directly to OmiMtFto ten ghe alatma to myq accurate kaewlodgo of Ml that lo gotoff on to that oration -i- i-jj ''Tbg Letter -frt-ii -j The letter received Wednesday pioralng to typewritten on note paF-ar and offer no clue an totlw Identity of tho: writer It ta aa foHaas 4 -fi 1 i ')tt i- -Vi Lwtatoa Ma vi0 Dew Flrir-J'- rl i v- i Aa Chief ef foUra I appral to yra to raid and pat act of bestemi the rum-dlrw oa Water gtreet "which to a pea to tho CMp of (dwlaton ran by Connhtemray'KcBaM end aU lg thg rum hualUMa One-half hour after to raided them before they were to fril wing Tliey ora wmm home iWlijiya "you a new meanlnt to eltrlc no obligation In having a demr -V' f- ft TSfe-- Regarding tha tetter Chief FleVto made the toUoiring statement: "Any person wfio aeama to md -with Information concerning gnal anhm may be emured that tbafi f' lnfermetlen will' ho brat absolute confidonital aad net giera- oat to uywa net even to aay-eAeer 't to hard aad tost tula of aay v- fira not tor divulge the- kl agyeuo making a complaint "Thto tetter aantulra no- torawnaa ttea now to na and there to uothli iaeladod which will help hriugooe -elurivo ovldenoa agnlast thoae ua owed or arapaeteA t- "Heew to peraen who ptalrae' ft MU knewtedge" of aU that 11 -going on jret refuara tw oomo Id talk with Bk --t 1 1 'Thera tattem anoaysMua to rate ye oomo to- him frequently gteteg Chief Fields -Ha urges tha wrif -to take snore direct meaaaef of faring Informs tl aw and soya that if atom dull la furnished hla dP'rW meat wUR lri qcUem 'r CHALLENGE IN 1924 I 4 f- -i f-j jv 5 VL 1 Vi yp-' Androscoggin Llcctnc Lo a 1 4 ji 4 -F 1 A 'V -7 4 f-r BOWDOINiw BATES AT GARCEZjOH Saturday Dct28- 2 Mc: Aatwaubnm Allowed tho Field Mil MATS RESERVED GEHERAIj ADMISSION Frtco IIJI IMO aoy bo obtained at Uw CuBege Book BUir Gawlil tr 1 CHICAGO Oet ILvriUr Thomas Loptou Intqpdo to ehalleaga for the AsMriea'o sup again in llld Hr Thomu riritiag he A mid hla de-Iro to rotrlavo tho yachv cup to as taraug aa star I thlak It would he fitting to Uke tho old mug back to where It can ba aa Uatec toriir paid rs a --'-A Lewiston Main.

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