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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine • 1

Lewiston, Maine
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777: I if 'i -1 The Sluggard Is WUerin HU Own Conceit THaii Seven Men That CanRendera Reason i 8 i- i i rVw 7- ESTABLISHED 1847te-' LEWISTON MAINE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 23 192tl 14 PR1CE THREE CENTS IV Him AffejidAhaiidotttid lift of Imperial -Recent ToOr df WMt Midi taJapBM Story of Pretty Hazel Conant tod: Her Two Allied Husbands Told Friday Morning in theMunicipal Court This Step Follows Report of the' Past vYeallmtthEniperorWasm Very Poor Health WASHINGTON Norn (Op tho amok tod Proas) Tho aonrUnoo-Toklo Of the fogenkr of Crows Prlnco HlrohUo woe expected I bla ro- tuns etrcios here ee hla WiT btoa Conaot had returned to Maino iot Mo wae Hanoi's Mnt hum tho fkther of Mf Hull tlv mui i OIIb ro-1 TOKIO Not df Ot Asm lour te Mum generally wumwMmwi Fyiuee Hlrohito toed have bed the and oteyl ton deoigneted regent Of Japan i court krraimomont to riv hb I court drcnagkaMnt te give Lowtoton municipal court morning on tho charge of tho flrat com the kind kind that there la tho memory of hooted with nadentood In the the ooadcct of the emdre beeeuea of lllneae of the emperor Thie toer wee arranged br eeder that young crown brine night lave tyortnnltjMojtody foreign lends HermeataUve Jeenne today Designation fef drown Mto regent of 3s which love been about foot mat woe la had phrakal mo natch to thsSMaoMla Mar of lash peer angered a ridatai were here -wet up their own In China to handle caoee in Wabhingtcm NoV (By the Aaeoemtea PreM)H-RauminF Its Far ffiant dtoenaaiohd today the Washington ooafereace wee prepared to tekf Up aperiflenuy the raquMt ente mltted In tha Cfhineae ton points for aboUUom of thw system of territoriality" udder whlrii (Me which their renpenftre nnttonnto ere Involved While ett of the eetloae repreoentod here here ladlcetod I the ChineM reqaeet It he boos apparent that even aome of th Chinese dotogetM theaiMiree do not believe th pteeeei eondltlod of Chinese eourle would malt this Immedlataly poeelttta Wthto vblt to 1 i bed meant for ten Countries Japan It wU Nfanad fhnt waen the crown prince returned to Tnklo ho made memoraMd tpedch In which he frankp I ly edmltod that Japan hod much fo rn front western countrlee Tbs regent Who Is years old hi already abandoned the and tat Ideal of bnptrial alefaeoa He bos recently I appeared at various public WouH Lri AngiliMl tdrfere with Arms Agreement SaysHoshmo Cbaadler at tho matter ovtMrith th end tt wae egreed that le Mg thing to do wee Mr the at-Motive young lady to retort to her legal kuehnnd Later the nmtter woo brought to the attention he LewhM ton BoUdb MahT Overmen went te tho tMuee at Ml Main a tract Wednesday night with Mr Chandler Chandler fug the dowa-etalm bell bt one eeme te the door O'Coaoeu thorn rang thd upstair boll: woman came to the door and tho two entered the hone Inelde the flat whore Mre Conant woo wBeged to hava book staying with an auht Captain O' Connell found everythin dark and apparently deafrted A search of the rooms woe made according to tho officer and a woman was found hiding behind a doer She admitted that Mre Conant bod boon In tho houoe but eta led that aha did hot know whom she had gonn When hod th collar Captain O'Connell neorc K-lt ei thee afolef that hd wed ad lU to mMoatedt hie could JWMttwrJ JMWtM theTdlSenlwMSf had perlcneed wethtag aod hriftog ariiee had hoc aagaMM while hie memorr and ee parity fri ettHttow had declined Since hb coronation Is 1H uel weakening to mind and hod been noted Mid the official statomeai Yoehihite became emperor npon thd death of hb father the Emperer Mot-on Inly Xh INS The formal 0- In quit an Informal made num number of MteO Conant who woo ropreeeated by Attorney Morapi pleaded not guilty and Hree hearing Her bonde were furnlehed hy her fkther leoae McDonald of Utehleld and made Allen of Aubar The etory an told by the PoHeO and by tho complainant Chandler of Portland who Id alleged to be hnaband number le very lntereetlng Oa September 1111 the ree pond eat and Albion Cenant were married In Auburn Later they went to Portland and In November ltl Mr Conant left hie wife and went to Akron Ohio to live On May rd Mre Conant married Chandler a young nun who woe a recruiting nicer for the army The marriage Intention were filed In Portland and according to Chandler the reepondent elated that the had never been married before The marriage ceremony wae performed In Lewiston elated Chandler by Archdeacon Robinson AH went well for oom time and then according to Chandler lettere began coming from Ohio They signed Albion Conant the pondent explaining thoee by oaylng Br Ut- that they were from her fkther Lat- jraaria et Table i la May ISIS tha Ulaem ef ffiip ever Taoklhtte hod baMttta Brava that ha rallaqubhad asms et hie dnttoi to Prtoee MM Meat taoatvad forriga a Important state fneotloa the dpring ef 1111 the apsret' brake on anclant Japanese tradHien by ending the Crow Prince oa visit to Burepe It wae reported et that time that Mb proposed tour abroad Woe dee to da Intrigue to annul hb sofeagn-mont to Hurry tho FHkeoto Iag-tko About tbla tint theta Wee a movement to have him declared Prince Regent owing to tho long aontlnuel IHnam of hb father Before he ntled for Birope It waa announced Toklo that hie wadding would take place a (tor he returned from abroad In tho opring of ISIS tho Prince visited Bngland Scotland France Belgium Holland and Iteiy --the grot jnpnncM prlnoe who over toft hb native country He waa accompanied dqr Admiral Togo whe for number Cf year had directed hb education He wit mad nn honorary general in th British army nnd knight of the Order of the Beth by King Georg end woe n-tartnlnod by the royal houses of the ether nation end reeetved In aud-ene by Pope Benedict In nn Interview In London tho Prince said he locked forward to visit to the United Anton at Mm othi Upon hb return to Toklo after von month' abotnoe the Crown Prince towed mm to the no tfon In which he said he sppreciat ed the hoephality And eowtemr accorded him everywhere and that he teUjaMnconte he adSL It the undOratandlng hero JapeiMM that the lnimiedkto for the towoncy the conviction that I the emperor Is Incurably IQ and to quite unable te odrry on the duttoe of the throae DETROIT Nov Cancellation of tho Aoglo-JnpnnoM alliance would bo welcomed by Japan conaerva-Uvm nnd burinam men If ouch no lion would old tho Wnchlngton eon onea In reaching nn agreement on limitation of armaments auconl-log to Ynklnori Hoehlno a moiubof of a group of japancM bnrinmo meo touring thto eountry gad managing dlreetor of bank at Osaka Regardless at tho boaring snob proposal might hare on ths armo X--monf eon fereneo aeld It wourf find hnt Httb oppooUlon la Japan ftSr'J' Ho said th radical ebaroot or Jspa'- WM rasponribte for talk of 41 XW7 eord hot worn tho United Stater and Th delegation planned ts tonight for "V- tiomh-weM not eenr nn-til Nov 10 ISIS He ru horn at Kite Aag SI 1171 and was maiybd In IN tePrineeM hUa daughter of threo other fX If wo conaldered o' poaaJblllty by come or th delagatcw that tho mooting today nloo would see the fimt reference to the coae -of Shantung and South Manchuria which would bring up whnt are conceded to be aome of the moat complicated quea-tlone faced In tho mtuw negotiation In the outside" devtlopmente of the conferonco tho coadicl of view bat wren tho British and ChineM delegation on th application of th four general princlplat already adopted With relation to China remained tho outstanding point of Interest Wbethor thto issue might bo reload formally within tho conference today era uncertain nllbo wm tho opinion generally of del eg lee that la nay Course It would be eo Handled to preclude any paeeibillty of on ImpMtb It wm said that -the continuance of international supervision of Chinese custom Iudcm and ores railroad wa oat viewed by the American delegation la oily sense Inconsistent with the declaration In the Root resolution in favor of tho mslnton-of Chi seas Integrity and tndo- to born to ItOdy friim NsbahlfeV boni to INS Prtoee TtkaUto barm to Deecffll ho found tho reopondnnt In She waa later releoood on ban In tho court thk morning Mid Conant admitted that aha woe married to Albion Conant who Jon her In November Ulf gho Mldttkt oho had vreanon to bollard Conant had dkd am the result of ea accident Then aha married Chandler lit May alx months cr Chandler learned ho said that At- after her 8 ret huebsnd bed left her Valueless Engine Tested Out in Portland Harbor JS- '(a ljaPOeW' JUR I) to Stay Dry Hiasluw Briffin McMg from Pita of Repnblie 6f Aoitria a Ueutonaet-mmewnder to He he always bean a done hiatorv aad negraphy aad assras3gif CHICAOOi Now Sl-A nioeaagn I tho navy to the gMrika poople from th'e Modest ef the ropublla et Austral I ffinee Hod States to stead by ilbitfod was gfvoa ett her te day by Virgil (A HlimAaW ctalraun of thenwhiMtto Belief Gaining Ground That Conference May Adi jonrn First Fortnight Th aab-aommltteo of tho aim in December appointed to study th at the Chlncoc tariff will ho tlon Inventor Smith Whaley Believes It WiBl Revolutionize Engine Operations I on Sea and Land That there are somber of thing! which we JepensM hove yet to Iren from the countries I visited It my erdenf wfoh that the whole nation apply UMlf with redoubled energy to the promotion of notional prosper! ty by adopting whatever that foreign countries poaase' Hantaeh ttontoT Prot president ef tn 11 Borne member af tho debgatlowd have already noenred pamajig board tho AquIUnlo oolllng from Now York on- Doe IS In the latest WASHINGTON Nov (By the Associated Frees) Belief wm gna-Ing ground today among foreign delegations that tha armament npd Far EMtqya conference might odours th first fortnight of-Dream-ter to give time to the delegate to go homo for Chriotmao mock lighter engine than ana ef ony- eaadhUMda- jther cBcbmc nr meehanieal expert boa been abb Is do- thlng like similar power aod foots that he or eey other ml of tho adjournment foe teee and Mib-cemmlttsM of would aaatiuua their work ihsv precis rasolntlona randy on th i- imemMing of the eoafereace 'Mn Irish Peace Parleys together la a few days was announced today Tho disposition of the American delegation aeema to be id favor of Inorenclng tho maximum to which Chten hM bom restricted in bar customs impost Brtaad Drib Rom YORK Nov Aristide at franco wu a a tho cteamchlp Faria tiling today for Havre ox bin trip homo nftqr outlining th position of hla oountiy la regard to limitation of armament before the Washington eonforenMb Ho wm in Washington only a Itttlo more than two crook Ho left expressing htmMlf os "quite aatkflod with th results of th fereneo thno for ecpeclnlly re-npWtd Frencd" Brtaad arrived beta from tho capital yoeteMay nnd npeat a day boforr hb gCfmiturevHrCoeWI of Doctor of laws from Cblumbia and Now York constructive potter Th fori Lari' Cureon with "renthw hto sptooa on an ally" and thereby tavtttng noma dangerous retorts ef Ckeeho-wovnhta and Dr Hanleah hnto both Blared tnameelree at the head of national organisations for prohibition tn their eeuntriea Mr Hlnahaw announced He report- ho had aided in th formation of thorn ergaaUatlono nnd that to onah cant tha chief executive of the nation had accepted th leadenhlp of tta prridMtlo movement Pwridwt Hanlnoh In hb Olgnod fnooikga soldi to" reHn-i to tot-ffitmad hy Prohlbttlou Mnforeo tho haw becaOM la propartioa da you Afore It 'there will be a decrcuu in crlmluUty pauperism huanlty nnd tha ether things that make for 111 hi human aociety "I regard the BightOccth A Inend meat to tha Federal Conelitatlon of tho United Btntcn of America on of the greatest and moat for teaching piece of legislation ever enacted tact It agreed that veaeria of whatever magnitude hare changed from cool to oil so generally aa to hare breed tha nil price op nl-nmst to Prohibitive figure Hb en-gtoo MM producer ja from ail hard or soft coal nod all tea tar vaporised aad added tn tho from the producer rather a deterrent hj reason ef Aaotr ak hthcoolO that in aome degree wremhleo a stack eoriing the- aa to IN from LOOP Mt abe warming the air it goes win tha producer A colorless exhaust tot almost tadbecni-ihl resultant and It pronounced the rieucet apparatm of ite khd in rebteneo Ordeal Bogins to Show on Landru TKBSAlLLES Nov (By meebted 1t) The nrpeccutioi ease of BmpT Landm 1 Aeeoda tod I'rreel-TTieprpeccutlan to tho ease of Heart1 Landm who PORTLAND Me Nov (Special) flrat engine propelled by producer gna that ever won lnatalled In et earner waa given auoceooful demonstration Wednesday and drove the inland Belle over a winding course In the harbor and upper bay to oatlsfnctlon of engineering and to tho delight of Whaley Inventor Ho hao boon Intent upon Ing defect! of enginae that hare objects of experimentation In tbla dL reatlon for ygara and ha evolved an engine that to vnlveieea thereby lai' miben fhanucemii tated frequent ecmplng to free the valVMto furrier designs Boonomy in consumption of fuel ability to reverse In two seconds and utilisation of ui strength of tho power generated are advantages which hk to conn-dent will revolutionise engine operations on land nnd eeo Producer go a has been tried for yearn but valves and seats always beaim faulty from tar deporita Throe engines reversed thrineelve that control wee Impossible one type after another has been only to flel tta way into tho dloeord after frequent dba pointing trikto Mr Whaley of the AsMrieen Whaley engine work ef Beaton came to the Portland company to tMe eity ar-ly four year irt gud brewght the Jileaa moilrlf ana pattern! with him Hampered beeuue of the war to obtaining -capital to back up hb convie-tiona he atadled exiierimriited built and rebuilt until he new bos a engine which he will back to eland any test that can be submitted Ho hod db-paatd of a tractor ranine rights and Lae become eole owner of hia patent which he proposes te leoae tp manufke- Press Comment on Curam Address U)NDONlNlnn 4Cla toter Cursea'A remdrkable nddrse yesterday in which ho tf setarod that If rreaod pursued on isolated and Individual poUey aha would not lu the long nn Injur Germany and would foil to protect hereelL drew charaotertotie eommeai from the morning iMwepapora While Lord addrem wafi directed primarily to tho Washington Af-nn ConferaCc it wo -clearly a intimation to franc of the xf-feet of that country attitude toward rilrarmnmont vetoed at Waehlngton by Premier Brland Th Dully Chronicle which to riora to th government hi ita political editorial nnyn that tho government hM bran obliged to take a wry serious view of tho offset of Briand's Washington op that th tarara Invrired are dr eonridsmtlun by th On th otuar hand tho re which hare oonetoton the preach attltnd are Th Time My th npooeh to re-marksbl lara fov who wm-'mM than whnt wm not arid and ImpllM that wan rather than is not raid and bnpiiM a dofoOM end opotony a riser statement ef LONDON Nov II (By the Amo-nintod PTO) Iioyd Ooorgo nnd Premie Craig of Ubtar met today la a Conference which according to the vie held In official clrelra marks one of the final stages of the negotiation conceded to be I verging on A break Is undci- etoodUint a itotament agreed upon by tho two premier hoa been drown atatemont twobebiy will bo tend In th parliament of northern Ireland naxt TuMlay find 1 lmukaneousty hero Intoxicants of ait klndu tobacco rub of life followed to thb day been tha unreltntlng foe all Its form oa by any nation of tho dvUhed word "Having been taught by good mother rrom my earliest youth to been taught by gwd ipfliji Ctet CHICAGO Church charged with nard 1 Daugherty and' Carl AumuA automoMle Wleomeo gee on tote) oonfetrion te-'eig Donghorty nnd Arawira want la 4- Church' homo here to dottwp aatomobDo whleb'Charoh hsd ranged ta'pirehnoa premtohig pnyfWi'--ment on dollrery When tho moffi '-dl- not return tho eompony nn4 Itoo riortod a search for them Ann 1 muff body wm foand buried -hi 5 -rerare and that of DmM orty in tho DMptalnw rlrer 1 1 CAMOUFLAGE An English 7 oshoelboy: hetnf LONDON Nov (By the AoaO-cUted Aa Premier Craig et Ulster west tew Coafcrenre with Prime Minister Lloyd George today it wu admitted officially that the which Would protect Interest and at tha mum Urn meet tha demand of the Bins FMnare for AU-Ireland parliament It le now definitely known that Contrary to previous report Mr Lloyd Georg at no tint had assurance from th Bln Fein delegatee that they would acknowledge allegiance In return for eoniwnt br Vbter to nn all-Ireland parliament Tho Doll Bireann represents Urea are declared to view Ireland'! portion solely an that of an Independent state which however might tanks tree ties with tho other eta tee of th-British empire and Deri My oven acknowledge th king aa tho president of a federation of free states Thin to nothing llko tko settlement plan the Britidh government had in mind and appears that If th firi Fein maintain! Its attitude th negotiation must broken oft with th resumption of warfare aa Immediate to being made by th-moderate element i Ireland to In duce th Han Fain te modify wa to understood but eo for without effect It waa learned later that Arib'ir Griffith wonld not leave on hb trip te Dublin until tonight Tha Ubtar member ef tna Imperial government wh resigned I cauM of th dliferencee between th govern mnt nnd Ulster hare be continuing their duties at tho request Hughes Spends Half Hour With Harding WASHINGTON Nov (By the Associated Pram)fficretnry of State Hnghea spent a half hour with Preaidant Harding today going over armament conference matters Tho secretary wm unablo to attend regular cabinet meeting latr in th day on account of a meeting of tho oonfcrenco committee on Far Eastern matters Says Gold Storage Eggs Are too High CHICAGO Nov FIfty-fivs cent a down for cold storage eggs at retail and II cents wholesale the eaehango quotation Wednesday to loo high RuomU Feela city food dxpert acid today In annoni lag an investigation Into th prle T'It to true there are more i Ik storage than there were hut year" ha told "It a too to true that swing to unemployment sad economic conditions tha aonaamptlon la than tori year" Death List 27 in Belfast Riots Jjjjri whnt mrant oplto4 rirg a man used to writing to make paopla think yon know more thnff abstain from and from which I lore ever la bev-crag and trust that at no distant Austria will follow tha United la th unloading of an incubus destructive of human Ufa property ora tKhnkful to America for bo In giving In the providing of food for starving children thank th World Prohlhitlor With it constituent bodies including tho lfethodbt ChurtL soeloty -find the Prohibition VMndatlon for the help they In tho furnishing ot for the dboemlnatlon of facte nbohoL nsHm more old fibre that one great fkmlly one another whoa help to BMtha went te Burepe Ml th World PTOhtbltlow that dovlopd recently PreMbRIou Party which he Atotrin th prehibUton eom-mlttre et eleven repreeeatlng th Important graaM he reported around the tebte about which tho Auo- turns on a malty He hwtalbil I I tho Island Belie two-cycle that haa -le engine the mom pb-k-up as a attorn engine nose either third the volume intricate and real or oil gae In one-now consumed ba' Irish peace aegotia tiona had reached a 'grave and erlUcal atngr" A preminent member of th Bin Fein bare thb out "Th ritmubm b-tw eerbaa for talk" tewid Griffith Mi-rkiud Coubm nnd George Dufy (the Sinn Fein delegatee) hare goaf te Dublin te take emuwd with Hr DdFakra and tho Dally Etreann cabinet and to receive hetroction an to the attitnde they are te adopt They will return to louden Saturday night to meet Mr Lloyd George -after ha hoe received Sir Jamas -Craig's reply Today conference ft wae Mid Met night mJrirt bo the tost attempt of tha British premier to todoee the Ulster Me te dtoouM altenwttva plana eharged with fho nmrder ef tea women and a boy today ecu tinned to pile op export eridwee In Oil eadcarof to leave no veatin of detobt i th mind of 'tba Jury tbit the fragment! of boars which hare figured prmheatly la tho oridfM of the bat two or three ef kamai brihgn jtb today ealbd a Doe- thoay and fbnvre who wtre no enuihatto no eg petto th-de-ebring that th fragment Wert pim of hnmn shall Th fir expert who hare tcetl-fied re for me among thy most moml-cut of tfcq French awdhml warld Landm annearm extremely wen today after hi ordeal of examiution yesterday He rreo pkle: ind tore-worn ns ha mtrira tie dork Hie Ml- nted tho Jury at Jiintllf ai ewr HUNTSTILLft Ab- Nor Tire rerly today dretwrtd tn retoblbUMnt of tte Boriag City Mfiltof CMipany Bwirt I OoOrfMtnri ghat and the Brifn mereeiitOe eatahfbhntot and damaged aaMning atiWehired eitialag I an eetimated loo ef fSOMM Among I fa th damqMl phato wrn that dr-1 hr CoOmosy whan It Bervlk World hnra of alcohol dor States and we tho help and we Federation Temperas are giving mean about "We th world uo help needed" Mr ro presenting NOfindntbn from th heads Xu different formed famous fKV- u- 7'" FAIR h3 -y- V- WASHINGTON Nov ForeMit for eon there Now Etrtam: Fair tonight and probably gntntdnyi uttte change la tempera turti fresh oerirny wind heeomiag mederate and rertoplA Fof northern New Kn gland: Fair tonight and Bataetoyi Httto rimage In temprintawt etorntf wteterly wtofe Is 5 Lot oblast oat 'delirored wfiiih eta -New tha fitartod tha GrMi mr Believe Average Person Will Die at 100 in 2074 Upward Trend of Life Has Been in Evidence for Many Years Red Cross Experts Say S-i AriribUq TfiaOnSHMI MARKED ADVANCE IN BONDS -m a- ab Tfaa pronounced rise In bond prices tbo Ibgica! eqacnevto teadily-ImproviBf money conditions in BqBds-w meanured by price level of ttbt ntanthfi ngoturg nbldlj diaADnearihff 1 BELFAST NOV tt (By th a ted Coniilderabi Iroopeand special police wrtre ed to arrive bar today to amtot In quelling the disorder which bare regad intermittently for the loot fire dCath list fov the ef eet- had mdiid IT tori night after day marked by th bombing et three tram rare and deenltery shoot-la which Mvrrat number "St were seriously In- BAN FRANCUKXh Mow Jeetii wm rtf before of Judge Loadortiack'a th opening mrt wbethor 7i V- V- -ft -r-riN-ij r7v- I stone In 1111 hr Now York person died of ns arerago ago of II and la INI they ahnSlod along into th oxt world at an arerago age of II- Thb apward trend Of Hf they dlnlmad hag boon In orldene many yaoTO nvnlUMa riotWIc the llth century ahawtag tha ap a Ufa td ba IS By tha llth NEW YORK Nov On hua-4 nnd flltF-thre year from now or in tha year MT4 heaKh Mndltten la thb eountry will ba good that tho arerago- pores will lire ltd yaoiw- according to Mvorel Rad oom rial lot lcl export otatlstlcteni baaed their 111 oa what they called post For la- Wb in offering First Mortgage Power Bqjtd Yldding 665 Send for Circular 3 25 Date Hbbter ffipfifpitltit WeV' I-'- 4h erf' A IffitablWM UN t'XT Is DcvonshirpStm Baatgffi STRIKE AT BT LOUH NEW ORLEANS NOV- M-Th Port of Now Orleane wm completely today by strike of be-LIN and 1MB eerpa kxutoro handtoia whe -walked out- la nymlmthy with the crew men whs qnlt work Monday About ahlpa are In port awaiting cargoes Tho public ration warehouse- and nrlvate wnrehouera were closed tury tt 1 laCgthanad to II Itooco (Fatty) ArikuckN would taka the ctaad today In bla CWf ba hlf fn Ms trial ait a abargd cf slaughter growing out af the death of Virginia Rapp motion picture aet-roaai Th defease haa Intimated that Arbuckb will testify cither today Or tomorrow Aitadhk own story ixpfctod te Inclnde eempteta denial jurad Mbs Happ at a party la hla room If tha Hotel BL Bat pwhohly win taatlmony VfctflB BILL BAltRTNO NHGROEfi FROM CHURCHEfi ATLANTA Go- Now MMayar Jamoo Key hoi votoed th ordinance pomed iby council but Mender forbidding tha Joint-warship of white kad Nrerpoo hf churchiii $375i-v 7r: I and Blua ccnnv The cloth ih tt'mrth thl to -1t Skin r'yi St Home Clarion Range GAS COMBINATION EiLl843 -M tv ty 's Don't Wait foi? Business Sheep $975 f- i to DINNER WABE-lCHINA Lobe tiJJ ygf JsPAuto 'a r- jt it Jlakea an Ideal jChnstmaa Gift(or the Yotjinf Fdlow vre kBr fer-Jf ypJ j-s rijn -m TODAY TOMORROW AB NT 40e-45c NaUtb ChicfccffitBbSrid fit35 jtbrPick'-Dp t-J(hreir 1 7 WATCH FOR THE l'- PILGRIM Up Business -i-j-f -y VA 1 SAME FARE CHICAGO CHICAGO Nov durfoaa mr riders bora today paid tho mm old eight font for atthe-th Illinois Com more log ordered tho fnreNdacod to fire cento A restraining order wm signed ytotere hy Federal Judge George A -oh- vmwek ewr Carpenter than temporarily hooping la futon tho old for Th petition et th ourfne Uo toted that so tutored late reduction of originally ordered for 1111 a mould rase it mediate and trrepnrebla lnjury snd loo and damage" v-'v -r 3ZlHnitSTCiica7 YfAlLORDEKM RU PBEMW YEL'SIM gy 407 Mala Stlriwtatea A o- 1.

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